from femara to arimidex and nothing

toninasky Member Posts: 102
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone. Well it will be 2 years in July, and I am hoping for a great mamo reading in July. Daughter will be married in September and it would be great to have joy in our life.

I stopped Femara because of horrid side effects, and let my oncologist talk me into trying Arimidex. Well, I am on day 5 and the pain in my shoulder is horrific. I know it is the drug, and I am not going any further. Has anyone else ever stopped and opted for quality in life? I can't take Tamoxifen because of stroke risk. I just think that I am 65 years old and whatever life I have left I would prefer to have quality and not drug induced side effects. They can't guarantee that the Cancer won't come back with these drugs.
Any responses would be appreciated.

Peace and prayers to all


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    To quote my first oncologist: "The things we do to prolong your life shouldn't end it!" I have been on Tamoxifen for almost 2 years now. No real side effects, occasional 'personal summers' as was just shared by someone (LOVE that..!). There is talk of switching to arimidex, but I will not do it-too many side effects. I have this theory (I'm not a doctor...just wash one's that when your body has had enough, it lets you know under no uncertain terms.

    BTW, how wonderful about your daughter's wedding...what a blessed event!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Hi Toni! I was on Tamoxifen for the full 5 years with a few minor side effects but nothing terrible. I then switched to femara and WOW! Joint pain( 2 triggerfingers that had to be released), increased Hot flashes, dry eyes, high cholesterol etc.. I lasted for 8 mos on that then switched to Aromasin and had all the same side effects along with weight gain and hair thinning. After 1 1/2 years on that, I stopped everything. The hot flashes persist. Pretty uncomfortable. I still have some joint pain mainly in my thumbs and feet . I've been off everything for 6 mos. and I guess I'm somewhat better. My cholesterol is good but I'm taking simvastatin. I'm going to stop it for 1 month and see if I stay good. I've also cut down from 2 eyedrops 2 x/day to 1 drop 1 x a day. I guess I'm beginning to return to normal(whatever that may be).I'm hoping for less joint pain so I guess it's just time. I am 56 so maybe it's a matter of arthritis. Good luck. Hope you're feeling better soon. HUGS!! Cathy
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    \I have been taking Arimidex and yes there are some side effects but it does work. I don't think you can judge the effects until you give it several weeks. It might be a side effect of something else. It is a good drug even though I don't like taking any drug, this is one I will take. Talk to the doctor and see if you can wait it out. Angela
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    How about a compromise. Take an aspirin with the tamoxifen to reduce your risk of stroke. Check with your onc. about that. It's really too bad you are having such a hard time with the aromatase inhibitors as they appear at this time to be superior to tamoxifen but horrific pain on a daily basis is no way to live. Let us know how it works out. Peace and prayers to you too.
  • Skybuf
    Skybuf Member Posts: 143
    Hi there, I too take Arimidex, don't find the side effects are that bad on it, I take cholesterol pills too (Crestor) now but was on Lipitor and that did me in, bone and joint pain wasn't tollerable so went off that and swithced to the Crestor, no side effects.
    I asked my Oncol dr if I could go off Arimidex, she explained quite nicely that the little round pill "blocks" the nasties from entering our reseptors where ca cells can grow. She said it STOPS them from growing and they die....that was good enough for me! we all have our own decisions to make, talk to your Oncologist before doing anything and may God guide and direct you hon.
    :) Buffy
  • babs49242
    babs49242 Member Posts: 193
    Hello! I have been on Arimidex for 3 yrs with some side effects. At first I had some yucky ones , then my body got 'use' to the drug and I do not notice the ones I started with..some hot flashes, some pain = IT BEATS BEING 6' UNDER!
    I had trigger thumbs...they are gone now I think it was a passing
  • toninasky
    toninasky Member Posts: 102
    KathiM said:

    To quote my first oncologist: "The things we do to prolong your life shouldn't end it!" I have been on Tamoxifen for almost 2 years now. No real side effects, occasional 'personal summers' as was just shared by someone (LOVE that..!). There is talk of switching to arimidex, but I will not do it-too many side effects. I have this theory (I'm not a doctor...just wash one's that when your body has had enough, it lets you know under no uncertain terms.

    BTW, how wonderful about your daughter's wedding...what a blessed event!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Thanks for those words. It is what I believe also. I don't want my life to end because of a little pill that may or may not prevent the beast from returning. I have had so many problems with side effects from so many drugs. My body just does not like them.
    I pray for God's will to be in my life. Our doctors are to be respected for their knowlege and because they are there for us, but they surely can't put everyone in the same capsule. I am probably one of the very unfortunate who cannot take many drugs. I took and drug call Naproxen 9 years ago for what they said was arthritis, it was in fact a pinched nerve. Took the drug for 4 days, and developed Tinnitus and to this day 9 years later my ears still sound like a screeching microphone.
    Bless you
  • toninasky
    toninasky Member Posts: 102

    How about a compromise. Take an aspirin with the tamoxifen to reduce your risk of stroke. Check with your onc. about that. It's really too bad you are having such a hard time with the aromatase inhibitors as they appear at this time to be superior to tamoxifen but horrific pain on a daily basis is no way to live. Let us know how it works out. Peace and prayers to you too.

    Hi Jan,

    I'm sorry to say that I have a bad reaction to any aspirin product, so that is a no go for me. My mother had 4 strokes, and since I am her daughter and have high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, tamoxifen is not a chance I want to take. I so wish that drugs did not affect me the way they do, but such is life some of us are luckier than others, and some of us think the pain and problems are worth it. I don't I'm 65 still working full time and I plan on staying that way. I take lots of vitamins and antioxidants, and hopefully I will be blessed with health for as long as I am to be here on this life plain.

    Love and blessings
  • toninasky said:

    Hi Jan,

    I'm sorry to say that I have a bad reaction to any aspirin product, so that is a no go for me. My mother had 4 strokes, and since I am her daughter and have high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, tamoxifen is not a chance I want to take. I so wish that drugs did not affect me the way they do, but such is life some of us are luckier than others, and some of us think the pain and problems are worth it. I don't I'm 65 still working full time and I plan on staying that way. I take lots of vitamins and antioxidants, and hopefully I will be blessed with health for as long as I am to be here on this life plain.

    Love and blessings

    This may be nothing, but I did read on Chemo Care to be careful about taking antioxidant supplements while on chemo. Of course, Arimdex is something different, but I hope you have told your doctor about all supplements you may be taking. I may not know what I am talking about, just thought I would suggest this lightly.
    I do know that at first with the chemo I ran temperatures that went away with subsequent treatment until a new chemo cocktail came along, so I have seen that sometimes the body (over?)reacts at first and you may want to give it a little more time. But again, I haven't had experience with Arimidex. Yet.
    love and congrats on the upcoming joy of a wedding!
  • toninasky
    toninasky Member Posts: 102
    unknown said:

    This may be nothing, but I did read on Chemo Care to be careful about taking antioxidant supplements while on chemo. Of course, Arimdex is something different, but I hope you have told your doctor about all supplements you may be taking. I may not know what I am talking about, just thought I would suggest this lightly.
    I do know that at first with the chemo I ran temperatures that went away with subsequent treatment until a new chemo cocktail came along, so I have seen that sometimes the body (over?)reacts at first and you may want to give it a little more time. But again, I haven't had experience with Arimidex. Yet.
    love and congrats on the upcoming joy of a wedding!

    Thanks Joyce,

    I was aware of the antioxidants that I should not take during chemo and radiation. The oncologists and radiation doctor advised nothing that was excessive. Some I did not take at all. I have been out of chemo and radiation since March of 2007, so I think I am safe with the antioxidants. i had no problems with Adriamycin Cytoxin, but when I was on Taxol, it shut down my liver, irritated my gall bladder and caused severe pancreatitis. I was in hospital for 10 days. That was after 5 treatments of Taxol. It is supposed to be the easier of the 2, but for me it was worst. They stopped the treatment immediately. Also had a severe reaction to Neulasta. I had no trouble with white blood cell cts even though they could not give me the Neulasta.
    Thanks for the congrats,and for your response.
    Blessings and Love to you
  • 3cbrca
    3cbrca Member Posts: 206
    Hi Toni
    Did you try Aromasin - I haven't had any noticible side effects and I've been on it almost a year now.
    Joints are stiff when I don't get enough excercise, but that was true before the cancer. I'm too scared not to take anything.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    cruf said:

    Hi Toni! I was on Tamoxifen for the full 5 years with a few minor side effects but nothing terrible. I then switched to femara and WOW! Joint pain( 2 triggerfingers that had to be released), increased Hot flashes, dry eyes, high cholesterol etc.. I lasted for 8 mos on that then switched to Aromasin and had all the same side effects along with weight gain and hair thinning. After 1 1/2 years on that, I stopped everything. The hot flashes persist. Pretty uncomfortable. I still have some joint pain mainly in my thumbs and feet . I've been off everything for 6 mos. and I guess I'm somewhat better. My cholesterol is good but I'm taking simvastatin. I'm going to stop it for 1 month and see if I stay good. I've also cut down from 2 eyedrops 2 x/day to 1 drop 1 x a day. I guess I'm beginning to return to normal(whatever that may be).I'm hoping for less joint pain so I guess it's just time. I am 56 so maybe it's a matter of arthritis. Good luck. Hope you're feeling better soon. HUGS!! Cathy

    I have 2 trigger fingers. I did not connect the Tamoxifen or the Aromasin with it until I read your reply. I Thought I was doing great as far as side effects. I have pain in my big toes also. Can this also be from the meds?

    Toni enjoy every minute of your daughters wedding. My only daughter got married last month.
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Jadie said:

    I have 2 trigger fingers. I did not connect the Tamoxifen or the Aromasin with it until I read your reply. I Thought I was doing great as far as side effects. I have pain in my big toes also. Can this also be from the meds?

    Toni enjoy every minute of your daughters wedding. My only daughter got married last month.

    I didn't have any problems with my joints while on Tamoxifen but almost immediately started on the Femara then on the Aromasin. Joint, bone and muscle pain is a side effect. My trigger fingers were definitely associated with the meds as well as my feet. I had a real bad time with my feet in total while I was taking the meds. I've been off them now since end of Sept. and my heels are still uncomfortable when I first get up and my Rt big toe is my major problem not seeming to go away. I would think that after almost 6 mos. off the meds, it should be better. Maybe it's something else but it did start when I was on the meds. Good luck to you. HUGS!! Cathy