arm discomfort

ohilly Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a mastectomy on Feb. 21 along with lat flap reconstruction. My pain has improved 90%, but I just wanted to ask if other people have experienced pain and discomfort under their arms, and if, and how long, this takes to go away? My doctor said it's from when they removed the breast tissue, the nerve endings were disturbed and 'angry'. It bothers me quite a bit and sometimes I find myself getting quite depressed from the pain. I do take pain medication which helps, but I can't be on pain medication the rest of my life, obviously. Ohilly


  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Hi ohilly...Anytime you disturb nerves in any area, they take awhile to settle down. You are fairly recent from has not been even a month yet according to the date you have given. I know you want to get over this and worry about pain meds. The pain will get better in time. There are pain meds such as tylenol that are not addictive and pretty safe to take indefinitely. I don't have the same pain you do, but I do have nerve damage pain. I had spinal cord surgery just over two years ago and am still healing from that. I had much nerve damage. I was never on the "hard" drugs because my system couldn't handle it plus my doctor said I would need something the rest of my life and he did not want me to become addicted to the heavy duty stuff.You are still healing. Give it some time. You had a major surgery, it cannot heal in just a few weeks. Your body needs a chance to recover. Take your time with things. Each day will get just a little better. Look for small changes..say maybe today you had just a little less pain than yesterday or you could stretch just a bit more. Hold onto the little things, they will give you the encouragement you need to get through this. a hug to you, Cindy
  • Patience, sweetie :-) I know it's hard right now, but that underarm pain does go away. For me it was...ohhh, maybe 2 months or so. I carried a small pillow under my elbow which held my arm away from my body slightly and that helped. You won't need the pain meds much longer.
    Hugs...u r doing great!
  • Irish_Girl
    Irish_Girl Member Posts: 9
    Hi Dear, :)
    I had my mastectomy 3/05 I had a lat flap reconstruction as well but I had a tram flap first (took a muscle from my tummy) after the tram flap, I got an infection, it was icky! My body started to reject the muscle & tissue used from my own belly ?!? So, I had to go back under so they could fix that. Then after I healed from that, I had the lat flap because I was very disproportioned. Thank God for my Doctors!! I have had a total of 3 surgeries relating to my reconstruction & 5 total relating to my BC so I here where you are coming from & hope I can offer some relief.

    First of all, how many lymph nodes did you have removed? I had a total of 20. The surgeon that performed my mastectomy said that pain & discomfort will be the norm for quite while due to that & the fact that with a procedure like reconstruction / mastectomy, they have to do allot of cutting, removing, moving around re organizing :)I still have numbness in the upper part of my arm but in the beginning my whole arm was numb & quite painful. I promise you, it will get better. I suffer from Lympadema now but the re precautions of all my surgeries get better with each passing day...

    Hang in there sweetie!
    Big Hug
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    My armpit pain subsided, but has never completely gone away. I notice it when putting on deodorant. My surgery was 2.5 years ago. Give this time. Remember from where you came, and how far you have come...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Yes, that is correct that the nerve endings were totally disturbed and it take a bit for that to get better. It was uncomfortable but not that much for me. Like a dull ache. It does get better. I took Advil and if the pain is really bad, I took 4 which is equivalent to an 800 Tylenol prescription. Check with your pharmacist. It does get bettr. Angela
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I had bilateral mastectomy with 7 nodes removed Dec. 21/07. Major pain eased up gradually, but I would go along for a few days, then suddenly realize that I could raise it an inch further than before without hurting. I went back to work 1st week of Feb. and was able to raise my arms enough to put on a t-shirt (wore only things that open in front before that). I still have occasional twinges, mostly when I do something unusual, like moving furniture around, or wash the car by myself. Now and then it still feels tight, like I have on a sleeveless dress and the armholes are too small. Mostly I do not notice it. Like the others have said, be patient, this too shall pass. Maybe talk to your Dr. about changing to other pain meds.

    Keep on keepin' on! seof
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    unknown said:

    Patience, sweetie :-) I know it's hard right now, but that underarm pain does go away. For me it was...ohhh, maybe 2 months or so. I carried a small pillow under my elbow which held my arm away from my body slightly and that helped. You won't need the pain meds much longer.
    Hugs...u r doing great!

    It was about two months for me too, but I did not have reconstruction. I remember using lots of pillows, including a body pillow, to get comfortable at night. I hated rolling over on my sore side and waking up to pain. One day I rolled over and didn't hurt. It was so striking I woke up all the way anyways! Your day will come. I hope it will be soon!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Sweet Sister!

    I didn't have the same surgery as you, but I do remember the pain! I am a side-sleeper, Fetal Position, and I would fall asleep on my back (grrrrr) and roll over in my sleep to the desired position only to be awakened with a jolt of pain! know how when you bite your tongue and you "play" with it, and it seems HUGE and that it will never go away? And one day you notice it's gone??? So it was with my pain~ I rolled over in my sleep one night, and woke up that way in the morning!!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!!

    Truth be told, I have always been "sensitive" in the breast area~ even before BC a breast exam was worse for me than having the soles of my feet tickled. I have not so much pain per se, but rather an "awareness" of my breast, even 5 years later. Bear hugs and exams cause me discomfort, and my underarm never did regain feeling. But, I am ALIVE and in a great relationship, and yes, tired, and worried...all of the normal things we all are! But none of that is stopping me from being the healthiest, most vibrant woman I can be. And you will surpass me in that, I am sure!!

  • ladybluepgh
    ladybluepgh Member Posts: 76
    hi...I had my first mastectomy in Sept 07 and sometimes I still have arm pain...but alot less than in the beginning...I just had the other removed on wednesday this week and now experiencing the pain in the other arm...ugggh...but making myself move and bear it each day..can't wait for the drains to come out...we just have to be thankful that we are alive and getting better..good luck and God bless you.
  • 3cbrca
    3cbrca Member Posts: 206
    Its been almost a year since my bilateral mastectomy and I haven't had reconstruction yet, but the pain and discomfort from the axillary dissection was around for several months. It's still pretty numb under the arms almost a year later.