
josiemac Member Posts: 27
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone, its me again, Josie. I have been reading the boards lately and have found so much support and comfort in you ladies, I can't even tell you how much you all have helped me in my 3 year road trip with BC. I completed my chemo treatment for my recurrence in Oct and low and behold, I feel like its back already. I don't know if its in my mind or if its side effects from the Avastin I've been on for about a year. My recurrence was in the lung and my pains are back in the lung again. O brother!! Sometimes I wish this would just be done already, living or dying...either one! I'm writing to ask all of you to think of me as I go for my barage of tests which will start 3/10. I will keep you posted. You are all in my thoughts at all times. This is the only board I've joined. There's so much positive here compared to other boards. I love you all and God Bless!!!

Blessings to all,


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Josie, I'm sending you all my positive energy and my prayers. Just remember, we're all here for you. And, you're right. This group on this board consists of some of the greatest people on the face of the earth. Hang in there our sister. Hugs, Marilynn
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hey Josie:
    I'll be praying that everything goes well for you Josie. Just remember we are all here for you and you're right everyone on this site is wonderful. Keep us posted. Hugs to you, Lili
  • jackiemanz
    jackiemanz Member Posts: 85
    Keep us posted on how your doing. You'll be in my prayers.

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    We are here for you Josie and sending all good things your way.
    Big Hug
  • Putting you on my calendar josie...
    Got it!
  • There is that mixture of sad and glad each time I meet a new (to me) person on this board. Sad that you must be a part of all this, and glad to meet you! I have been learning more spirituality since coming on...so I will try and join the others in exercising a sprititual wish for you. And I definitely have good wishes for you from Joyce, your sister, your friend. There is a Jewish phrase that goes like this "I wish you a complete and speedy recovery!" A recovery from the beast, surely, but also a recovery from worry.
    I am here, at your side,
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Thank you so much for sharing with us on the board and chat. You are such a strong woman and we will always be here. I know how you feel when you say get on with living or dying. Remember that this is a roller coaster ride and we will help you up those horrible downs and will grab your hand to reach up hill. My thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day. Keep talking with us and no matter what, there are no dumb questions or feelings. All feelings are real and sometimes, it helps just to let it out. You are more than welcome to email me and just put it out on the table. Nothing surprises me and I'm sure nothing will shock me when describing how this all just plain sucks. We are here, I am here. I hold you in my center of angels. Take care, Angela
  • babs49242
    babs49242 Member Posts: 193
    Josie, you are in my daily prayers.
  • 3cbrca
    3cbrca Member Posts: 206
    O Brother is right! I wish you well in this next round - I know how you feel. Maybe if you think about the relief you've felt before when the tests were okay, it will get you through.
    You're in my thoughts.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    We are with you every step of your journey...the Happy steps, the Scary ones, the Good, Bad, and Ugly. We rejoice and cry with each other, don't we? Amazingly so.

    This is the only chat/discussion board I am a part of. I am continually amazed at the insight, camaraderie, and yes, brilliance of we ( or is it us?) women who find ourselves in the fight of and for our lives.

    On the day of your tests, and every day , you are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone who knows and loves you. Especially us!!!!!!

  • seeknpeace
    seeknpeace Member Posts: 259
    Oh Josie, it sucks. I, too, am dealing with the a similar issue. Had a mammo last week for the bilateral tram and they found microcalcifications in the scars. So I have to go in for biopsies on Monday. But, the thing that is scary to me is that where they are I have been having rib pain for about a year. I was dx and had the bilat mast and tram in Jan of 2004, so it has been four years.

    Just almost there....almost. I have an MRI already scheduled and I am going to ask for a total body PET scan, I see my onc. next week.

    Found out that I have MS and maybe a brain tumor at the top of my brain stem, inoperable, a year ago. I am ready to pack it in or run away and do everything I ever wanted to..haha
