Heading up on the roller coaster

survivor51 Member Posts: 276
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I wanted to thank so many of you for responding to my other message. I know that even though you might not have written, I have felt everyones caring and understanding, and....support. Thank you so much for thinking of me and writing. To be honest, I have been so exhausted and down but I have been feeling so many hugs from the message board responses. I was on chat last night and that helped but I still couldn't get back heading up hill on that constant roller coaster ride. Something happened this morning that has helped me and with all the "sisterhood", I feel I can get back up. This morning an 8th grade boy that is really a pistol and a half...attitude, wears pants wayyyy below his bottom, attitude unbelievable. I worked with him last week and he found me in the hall this morning, waited, and asked to speak to me. Over to the side, he told me, "Hey, I made a 93 on that math test, an 88 last week, and this friday, I'm gonna try for a 100." "Thanks for being there for me" Well, I just about started to cry....he even gave me a hug. Sometimes I think, wouldn't it have been just easier to have died...and yet I would not have been here for that boy. thanks so much. Angela


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, "ANGELA, you ARE an inspiration." Hugs, Marilynn
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Yup, as I said, we don't know what we are here to do, but we do it....

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    How wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing, you are one special gal!

  • jackiemanz
    jackiemanz Member Posts: 85
    That sounds wonderful Angela. Thanks for sharing

  • babs49242
    babs49242 Member Posts: 193
    A gentle touch speaks volumes. What a reward for you!
  • I liked your story of the teenage boy helping you. You know, as sisters, we share so much MORE than bc. I am also a teacher of troubled kids and can relate. You deserve that hug, and hugs from all of us, and so much more! Here's wishing you the best.
    Of course your roller coaster image is true, but, as a teacher, you know the concept of spiralling. Aside from up and down and around, your ride is also taking you somewhere, not just in circles.
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Wow Angela what a beautiful experience. I'm sure I wasn't the only one sniffling and teary eyed at the computer. Such a heart warming event. And I am soooo glad you are feeling better.

    You know, I wonder how he would feel if he knew how he had helped you and how that made you feel.

    Thanks for sharing I think it uplifted all of us.
  • juststarting
    juststarting Member Posts: 3
    Hey sis,
    You know deep down you touch people every day. I've seen you look for people to touch when I'm with you. You definately touch me each day. You don't realize what a work of God you are. I know it's been rough. I know things aren't ever going to be the same, because God will make them better, if we let Him. Trust me your "older" sister knows it. This boy was sent to you by God to let you know you are needed by us all. I love you more than the breath I take. Touch your heart and feel me. Clare