Advanced Prostate Cancer

mandirav Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Hi, my father has just been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer which has spread to the pelive bones and lymph.. gleason score 8 and his PSA was 2800 before we started hormone therapy and after one month of therapy came down to 16. Is there anyone else who has had a similar situation and got better with treatment. Please post positive responses only. thanks!


  • rogermoore
    rogermoore Member Posts: 264 Member
    Hi Mandi,

    My Father was diagnosed in his 70s I think. His PSA also was abnormally high. Because of his age the Dr.s elected to treat with drugs rather than surgery.

    Don't know the type of drug, but it is implanted under the skin of this abdomen monthly or bi-monthly.

    He celebrated his 95th Birthday on November 13, 2007. So, don't give up hope. If you want, I will ask Mom if she know the exact type of drug being administered.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your Father's progress.


    P.S. I am a 7 yr survivor of a prostatectomy.
  • 2ndBase
    2ndBase Member Posts: 220
    I had a very similar case at the age of 52 with a Gleason of 9. Age is very important as to what treatment is better. I had one shot of Lupron followed by 40 radiation treatments and that was 4.5 years ago. My psa went to .16 and is now 2.6 but I am waiting until it doubles within one year to do anything else. If your father is in his 50's I would say to use radiation and since it has already spread surgery should not be used under any circumstances. Your urologist will tell you the same thing. Best wishes on a long life. It can be rough but attitude is everything and stress is death.
  • desesperada
    desesperada Member Posts: 2
    As I mentioned in another of my replys, my husband has been on hormones intermittently since Jan 2005. It has some side effects but he feels and looks great. He started out on 2 different hormones together to shock the illness and then stayed on the injections only. So far so good. If and when the PSA moves again, he will start both for a while. It never goes away but it stays still for a while, hopefully forever! I noticed you say "we" for the treatments. So do I and that is a sign of loving and caring.I will keep you posted at any sign of change.
  • sby
    sby Member Posts: 1 Member

    Can you please tell us what drug was used? I’m searching information for my spouse. I’m desperate.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,554 Member

    This thread is 15 years old...

    Anyway, aggressive treatment will be needed. You (and your husband) need a medical oncologist who specializes in prostate cancer. I hope you can find someone qualified ASAP.