This is for everyone!

edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I just wanted to say that all of you wonderful women are in my thoughts and prayers. today is 2 months since i have been cancer free. Im extremely happy and excited yet its bittersweet because i know there are so many more people suffering. I hope this is the year for a cure!! I just want everyone to know that if i can help or if anyone needs to vent or anything i am always here!

Love Always


  • curlyq1971
    curlyq1971 Member Posts: 56
    Congratulations Jenna!!!! That is wonderful news, I feel the same way you do about it being bittersweet, and that is why I decided to join this website to offer support to all of the wonderful, courageous women on here!!!! I hope this is the year for a cure too, and I hope that there is more awareness on OvaCa via TV, Media, etc....

    Thank-you for your response to my post, and if you ever need to chat, vent, or anything I am here to help.

    Sending Prayers and Hugs your way!!!

  • Steph65723
    Steph65723 Member Posts: 12
    Congrats on you 2 months!!!! I've been cancer free for almost 2 years. I also share your hope for a cure this year. I wish you well and am extremely happy for you.

  • curlee8661
    curlee8661 Member Posts: 56
    That's wonderful, Jenna! May you have another 1,020 of these milestones (that's 85 years worth, if I'm not mistaken) to look forward to!!!

    Love & Hugs
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    I'm so happy for you and all the other girls great news...amy you all dance forever with NED!! big cyber ((((hugz))) to all..Joanne
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    Praise God and thank you! Enjoy every moment!