mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I hope you're getting some good responses to your 'natural and wholistic' request. I sent you a lengthy e-mail through this website, but you may have not received it. Sometimes there's problems with the e-mail. If you haven't received it, please let me know. And if you e-mail me (just click on the envelope), send me a different address and I will resend the info to you.

Hope you are doing well. Luv & Hugs!


  • curlee8661
    curlee8661 Member Posts: 56
    I've been wondering if I should post this, but I guess I'll take Monika'spost as a sign. I came across this web site recently, that has some specific suggestions from an herbalist for someone who asked about natural treatment for advanced cancer. I have not tried this, nor do I have any knowledge of success rates, but I thought it's worth sharing with you all. It sounds harmless enough, but run it by your oncologyst (particularily if you're in treatment) just to be on the safe side!
