Gross and embarrassing, but help

Starleen Member Posts: 40 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Diagnosed Feb of 2007 Stage III, colon resection in June 2007, 5fu and radiation pre-op, folfox post op (1 lymph node positive out of 24). So now I'm waiting for the end of all this fun. I have four more chemo treatments left.

Anyway, now to the yuck. My butthole hurts! I go to the bathroom between 6-20 times a day and it's fine when the stool is harder. Problem is, most of the time it is soft and sticky, so I must wipe and wipe and wipe. The skin "right there" is bleeding and it is excruciating. And my poo seems caustic-it burns all day long if I don't get it all off of my skin! Baby wipes hurt like salt on a cut. I'm in pain hours every day. Has anyone had this soft caustic poop/bleeding anus skin prob? Is the radiation still affecting the skin? I told my colon surgeon and he didn't seem to care. What can I do? Sorry to have had to be so...descriptive. I know we're all jaded here about our butts, but ew.


  • NWGirl
    NWGirl Member Posts: 122 Member
    I have an ileostomy so all that burning poo comes out pain free, thank heavens (I'm going through chemo now). My husband has found relief for a similar problem by using Tucks Wipes (for hemmerhoids I think). He had a reaction to the drug Chantix (to stop smoking) that did the same thing to his poop/bottom. The Tucks wipes helped. This obviously doesn't alleviate the problem itself, but it gave him a little relief from the pain. Another thing I've used for diaper rash and all sorts of other burned skin issues is "A&D Ointment". Its been around forever and for good reason - you may try that just like you'd apply it to a baby's bottom with diaper rash. It may also soften up any residue that is stuck to your bottom to help get it off.
  • cjf2006
    cjf2006 Member Posts: 83
    I agree with NWgirl. I have the same problem when I am on chemo. The soothing ingredient in tucks, or generic hygienic wipes, is witch hazel. I also have used the A/D ointment or even antibacterial ointment to create a soothing barrier. Maybe also watch if you are eating something that irritates your bowels along with the chemo.
  • rmap59
    rmap59 Member Posts: 266
    Since my dx in April 07 nothing grosses me out. I have had poop in every conceivable place you can imagine. The creams that helped me most are calmseptine(hard to find I had my drugest order it) and dibucaine which is a prescription used after hemorrhoid surgery. Wipes with witch hazel worked best for me. Metimucil helped my poop from being so sticky but check with your dr cause sometimes to much fiber can hurt instead of help. Also I take amodiam AD and it usually stops me from having a BM for at least 24 hours and that helps get things healed up a little, but dont take too much cause you dont want to get constipated either. It took some experimenting before I got some control and still have bad days but getting better. Good Luck and keep posting.
  • cheryltaco
    cheryltaco Member Posts: 39
    rmap59 said:

    Since my dx in April 07 nothing grosses me out. I have had poop in every conceivable place you can imagine. The creams that helped me most are calmseptine(hard to find I had my drugest order it) and dibucaine which is a prescription used after hemorrhoid surgery. Wipes with witch hazel worked best for me. Metimucil helped my poop from being so sticky but check with your dr cause sometimes to much fiber can hurt instead of help. Also I take amodiam AD and it usually stops me from having a BM for at least 24 hours and that helps get things healed up a little, but dont take too much cause you dont want to get constipated either. It took some experimenting before I got some control and still have bad days but getting better. Good Luck and keep posting.

    Oh boy can I relate!Like Robin, I have had poop in every imaginable place, so nasty! It was real bad for awhile, especially after surgery. It has gotten better, however I still have bad days. I'm currently having a bad day. My bum is chapped from wiping so much and I have a burning inside that doesn't seem to go away. I practically live on immodium or Lomatil! I'm still experimenting with diet, creams etc to find what does and doesn't help. Let me know if you find something that works and I will do the same. Good luck. Cheryl
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Hi Starleen,
    Sorry you are having this unpleasantness! Maybe part of the reason is the radiation. I would talk to your radiation oncologist about that. The only thing I can think of to do is take/eat more fiber. Make sure to drink lots of water though cause it could plug you up like Robin said...Poor butt!
    Take care and I hope that helps,
    Susan H.
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    I found that Immodium AD (the old form that was 1 small pill and not the immodium + gas relief and 2 pill dose) is often required to get things under control on bad days. Usually, this will get things under control and your bum can heal.

    You need to find a good barrier that will work for you. When my daughter was a baby she would sometimes get the worst diaper rash. Her doc suggested Aquaphor (not sure if I spelled it right).

    I was also going to suggest the baby wipes as this has helped me. Maybe find one that is unscented or doesn't irritate.

    I hope you find some relief soon. Shame on your doctor, when it hurts this bad it is too hard to just go on with life.
    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    The effects of radiation should be going away except for the impact on your blood cells and plateletts although that varies with the location where the radiation was applied. I take Immodium every other day. My doc said this was fine for me. It works and "my poo" ;) slows down to about 2-3 times a day. The "sticky" is lilkey a diet adjustment. Remember you don't have the length of colon/rectum to absorb or store. So fatty food and cholestrol don't get absorbed to the same degree and they are well...sticky. Once I slowed down the need to go, my anus improved and it not an issue. It sounds like a high fiber diet with the Immodium will cause some welcome constipation (not severe constipation). In other words heel time for the anus. Use any of the creams suggested to heel and relieve pain. Once heeled sufficiently apply any of the creams especially helpful if just before a bowel movement. Sowly turn the tap back on so-to-speak but help keep the "stoole flow" in larger proportions thus eliminating the need to go so often. Doctor wise wouldn't a gastro guy be more valuable? It worked for me. Jaded about butts....certainly not I.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    The radiation at this point shouldn't be causing the problem. It likely relates to the frequency of your stools and, of course, the looseness. That may just take time for your body to adjust and is affected by the chemo. You likely would benefit from taking Lomotil or Immodium on a regular basis to try to slow things down. When I had a rectum and it burned I got some relief from A+D ointment and also sometimes just used vaseline as a barrier. You may also benefit from talking to a radiation oncology nurse as that is a problem they are used to dealing with.

  • funnyguy
    funnyguy Member Posts: 89
    Here's is my contribution for you all.

    I recently had an ileostomy reversal and started use of my "new" parts. Much like you describe - very raw an iritated butt!

    This is what worked for me (and yes it was 10 plus times a day going).

    Find flushable wipes without scents - i found that Scotts worked best.
    Than I was able to find a product better than A&D and others: It's called Calmoseptine - and in NY you have to ask the pharmacist for it. They keep it behind the counter. But it was wonderful and I could actually sit down after a day or so.

    Cheers to you and keep the faith.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    hi Starleen,

    Aloe Vera gel is very soothing. After your burning poops you could use the wipes and then apply some of the aloe. It's great healing for burns too.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily
  • kirsten1
    kirsten1 Member Posts: 23
    I am actually envious of the people having 20 bowels movements a day during chemo. I stopped counting at 80(no lie)!!! So I can say ditto to the pain and suffering...I also had recently developed a fissure from all the going to the bathroom...I currently use a compound called Diltiazem 2% and must have been sent from god!!! Relief after a day!!! Since I can only use it three times a day, I also use non scented wipes, and have tried a zillion creams, the most helpful during chemo and radation was Boudreaux's Butt paste(got it on line) and good old vasoline, I literally put it on BEFORE every bowel movement( recommended by my radiation onc.) that way when the yuk comes out, the skin is protected, you can even put it inside a tiny bit. I am also writing a book with ratings of all public bathrooms in Rhode Island....God knows i've used them all....good luck, I feel your pain, it's a long road and does continue to get gradually better with time.
  • dolphinsfly
    dolphinsfly Member Posts: 16
    OK...Here is the best bet for you. Have your Dr prescribe Anusol HC. It will help you so much you won't believe it.
    Another problem to solve...Skip the wipes..after time they really are terrible. Here's what I did. I went to the beauty supply store and bought a bottle that is used for hair dye, get the one with the slanted tip. Then go buy Cetaphil Soap. Mix a little soap and very warm water and clean your self that way, then wet some tissue with the solution and gently dry yourself.
    You can also have your Dr prescribe Bacitracin with Zinc. It's an ointment that gives you lots of relief.
    Good Bless and know this to shall pass....
  • dolphinsfly
    dolphinsfly Member Posts: 16
    OK...Here is the best bet for you. Have your Dr prescribe Anusol HC. It will help you so much you won't believe it.

    Another problem to solve...Skip the wipes..after time they really are terrible. Here's what I did. I went to the beauty supply store and bought a bottle that is used for hair dye, get the one with the slanted tip. Then go buy Cetaphil Soap. Mix a little soap and very warm water and clean your self that way, then wet some tissue with the solution and gently dry yourself.

    You can also have your Dr prescribe Bacitracin with Zinc. It's an ointment that gives you lots of relief.