Status on my wife Linda

lindachris Member Posts: 173
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I haven't posted in a bit but the news on my wife Linda after four rounds of cisplatin/Gemzar is that her CA-125 has dropped to 4 from a high of 500. She has two more cycles of 2 rounds, then a CAT scan to inspect the area in her lower abdomen where the cancer had gotten a foothold. They called it a "frosting" at the time, which was kicking out quite a lot of ascites--10 liters removed over a 2-week period before the surgery. Fortunately the chemo knocked that process out right away. Linda has been increasingly tired between sessions but we've only missed one round due to low counts (RBC/WBC). And her hair is pretty thin. She pretty much does her best and shrugs that off, God Bless her. And I'm working at getting employed again after the new job that I started last July only to have this hit us...blew up and put me out of work. But there have been blessings that override the adversity and much learned from this experience. Really a unique window into life, fighting cancer is.


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I'm always blessed by your spirit and strength, and by your love and dedication to Linda. I am so happy to hear of her low CA125 levels! That is tremendous! And she is nearing the end of treatments, which is always a bright light at the end of any tunnel.

    Sorry you are struggling with employment issues. I'm sure it puts an additional strain on the both of you. Of course, as you say, this is a 'unique window'. As with any challenge put before us, we learn much - only if we choose to learn. And it sounds as though you have chosen to find much positive in all of this. That's the best any of us can do. To do otherwise would only bring us down more, and defeat our spirit.

    Please give our best to Linda. I hope someday she will find courage and strength to share her journey with us, or even just seek out some comrades who have and are still dealing with this thorn in our side.

    Hugs and prayers to you both!
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Good to hear from you!! Linda's ca-125 numbers are wondeful, I myself have never seen a 4!!! Yes this disease is a definite life changer isn't it?? You have a great attitude and I know you'll find some employment soon, as I know that Linda's ct scan will come back clear and she'll be dancing with NED. Sending prayers and (((hugz))) both of your ways...(((hugz)))..Joanne
  • curlee8661
    curlee8661 Member Posts: 56
    It's so great to hear how well Linda is doing. No doubt, this is largely do to your unwavering support. I remember reading your first post about how frightened she was. None of us think that we can do this until we're faced with it and have no other choice. You're a wonderful man and husband to be by her side and support her through this miserable journey. I whish every woman here had someone like you to lean on. I'm fortunate to have the love and support of my husband, but I know many don't have that. Best of luck to you with your job search and a happy and healthy new year to you both!

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Chris, what good news you bring us. My CA-125 is five so Linda beat me!!! Whopee. I also have increasing fatigue on this maintenance dose of Taxol every four weeks. I have ten more to go if I can go that far to increase my remission time, hopefully.
    I find that exercise even if I don't feel like it, helps with the tired feeling and I also rest often. Timing things helps too. Your are a good support system for Linda. I too, hope she will join us soon and give you a rest. Caregivers need to rest too!.
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    Chris: I am so happy that we have heard from you. I always check to see the names I "know" and hope that we've had an update from you and how things have been going. Linda's numbers rock! I am so happy for her and glad that you guys kept pushing forward to see what was going on when she was in so much pain not so long ago. Keep up the good fight. We will all be saying extra prayers so that you may find employment soon - today was my first day back since July 17th and it was a little overwhelming to say the least. Hang in there,give Linda a hug and know you are being thought of. Take good care.
  • lindachris
    lindachris Member Posts: 173
    kris43 said:

    Chris: I am so happy that we have heard from you. I always check to see the names I "know" and hope that we've had an update from you and how things have been going. Linda's numbers rock! I am so happy for her and glad that you guys kept pushing forward to see what was going on when she was in so much pain not so long ago. Keep up the good fight. We will all be saying extra prayers so that you may find employment soon - today was my first day back since July 17th and it was a little overwhelming to say the least. Hang in there,give Linda a hug and know you are being thought of. Take good care.

    Consider this a big, enveloping hug to all of you. Your support and encouragement has helped Linda and I so much. Even though she's not the online type (I'm working on that) you can be sure I share your ideas, solutions and care. Wish I had more to offer in return. I'm impressed always by how helpful and succinct you all can be, especially when someone new shows up here...usually scared or confused, and you say the right things. So thanks. My son accompanied Linda to chemo today and that was really good. He got to see what it's all about as he's been away on study abroad in Spain. And I had a job interview today and another call today for another Wednesday. I'm praying a good situation comes forth because there were some disappointments in the second half of the year. Anyway, God Bless everyone!