Where are all the oldies?

foxy Member Posts: 188 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I check most days if I am home, but no posts from the golden oldies, where are you?

Foxy, from down under NZ.


  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    I check this board almost daily, and the same question came to my mine,my first post was in august 2006,and I miss them too.
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    It may be something good happening. Could be that they feel so good this year that they are all wrapped up in tinsel having a busy and healthy Christmas for a change. I hope the new year proves I'm right about that.
    Jo Ann
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    My dad, SpongeBob, is a newlywed and is involved with his kids...YEA!

    Kangatoo, when last heard, was just gettin on with life....after the scare with Jen that turned out to be ok....

    BetsyDogLover still posts.

    Kerry, Suzannchili, and Scouty are ok, as far as I know. Saw them in September in Nashville.

    Limey still posts. Sladich too.

    I guess I'm not that much of a golden oldie, but boy, do I feel like it!

    I'm certain I've miss some...but you know chemo brain!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Kay, here! I am the primary caretaker for my mother who lives with me and has Parkinsons. Need I say more??? Anyway, I also am working 30 hours a week as well so I have little spare time. I do read often and pray daily for those of you who are in the fight and those of you just beginning.

    For the newbies...I was diagnosed as stage 3c in Sept. of 03. My doctor administered Folfox, even though it wasn't approved at that time for stage 3. I just had my scans last week and found out that I remain NED. I have some lung spots that are suspicious and are actually noted as mets, but they have stayed the same for over three years.

    I wish each of you a very blessed Christmas and a healthy New Year. Always BELIEVE!!!


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    I am not considered an oldie as I have not posted as much as others. Sometimes it is hard to come here to see that others lost their battle with the monster. i do enjoy reading good news from newbies and others. There are many who have given me so much hope. My hubby was dx'd stage 4 in 6/05. He has been on and off chemo since that time. Had all the usual stuff including Avastin and Xeloda. Xeloda is no longer working and he will start a new chemo soon. The doc is recommending eributux(sp) or a new oral chemo that has just been approved. The doc has not used the new med any of his patients yet.

    My hubby continues to work (even overtime) and is overall healthy. Primary doc said that all blood work are fine and other than the inoperable liver meds, he is very healthy. We know that prayer is the reason for that.

    Although I do not post often, I pop in on a regular basis. Will let you know how things go with the new meds.
  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550

    I was wondering the same thing. I do sometimes see postings from some of the people that were on when I first joined two years ago. Hope everyone is doing okay.
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    Not sure if I'm an "oldie" been on this board since 2003 (however, I did just turn (gulp) 40 at the beginning of this month....

    Still NED, still happy, 6 yrs clear now from Stage 4.

    Happy Holidays,

  • nancys
    nancys Member Posts: 323

    Not sure if I'm an "oldie" been on this board since 2003 (however, I did just turn (gulp) 40 at the beginning of this month....

    Still NED, still happy, 6 yrs clear now from Stage 4.

    Happy Holidays,


    stacy, Just had to reply to your post. You are a walking talking inspiration !! I have just posted to this group after seven years of friendships on the BC site. I am not yet sure that I am in trouble and am waiting for the results from a colonostopy. The BC friendships got me through all the chemo and fear of learning I had breast cancer, just as this site helps the people who post here. It is always so encouraging to hear of someone"s success in batteling this beast. Wish you good things, Nan
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    Not a true oldie here, but really excited to turn 46 next month. I have had a hard time with this irenoteacan chemo but still hanging in there. thanks for checking in on us
    Mark (Limey).
  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    OK, I'm old. Ahh, not really "that" old. I have to tell you that I am loving every minute of getting old. 46 here. 3.5 years NED stage 3 rectal CA.

    I hop on this site when I get the chance. I am back to working 33 hours a week, have a 9year old little girl and a 16 yr. old young lady with multiple disabilities, as well as a 2nd year college student. I have no computer at work anymore :(
    So, needles to say, there isn't much time for relaxing and surfing.

    This site was/is a Godsend. I think we cycle in and out of our needs and wants of the boards. I would venture a guess that most of the "oldies" are lurkers.

    I urge you to support one another in this fight of your lives. We are here. If anyone needs the "oldies" advice, let us know.

    Wishing everyone a Happy Healthy New Year and a Peaceful,Calm Christmas.

    Barb (aka - Loofa Girl :) )
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    hi foxy!!

    Well, December 12, 2001 was the first time I posted on here after my dx in August of that year. It's been over 6 long years of LIFE!! WOOHOO! So I definitely consider myself an "oldie" in all sense of the word......

    I don't post here much anymore:

    A) I seem to get into trouble
    B) I have 5 kids -- 2 in college, 1 in highschool (and sports) and 2 homeschooled.
    C) I work 1/day week
    D) I am training for a triathlon
    E) I have to fight for on line time (son has gf)
    F) There are so many new people that I don't know and who don't know me
    G) I feel like an old windbag espousing healthy alternatives to healing cancer (and then get into trouble) haha
    H) somedays I just need a break--I have lost too many friends on here :-(

    but it's good to see your post!

    (hi barb! hey girlfriend! wassup?)

    Does that answer your question?

    peace, emily who is and always will be the juice chick!
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    i am here, i have been lurking daily.
    ned since 5/04. it was a rough year, had hernia surgery last dec. it was 9 hours, hospital overdosed me on morphine, kidneys shut down, than heart was dancing. i finally went back to work in july after 9 months on disability. i truly miss hearing from my family here. i found this forum while in the hospital after colon cancer diag. i would not be here today without all of the support from all of you.
    never,ever give up!
    be well
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    I first posted here in Dec of 03, stage III. I recently posted that I am 4 years NED and realized that many responders to that thread are people who are new to the boards. When I first was diagnosed and in treatment, this board was my lifeline. I knew no one else with colon cancer, and felt the folks here were my support group, cheerleaders and a source of inspiration and great medical advice. There are some older folks who stay in touch off-board, but, I think for many of us, time and other life issues intervene and there is a natural attrition and turnover at the site.
    Some of us keep the updates coming for years, as a way of reassuring others; it seems that others no longer have that need. I hope that many are not here for good reasons, but that is, sadly, not always the case. I continue to read, but can't keep up with the posting. I recommend this site to anyone I know who is dealing with cancer.
    Wishing us all continued strength in the New Year. Judy
  • foxy
    foxy Member Posts: 188 Member
    jsabol said:

    I first posted here in Dec of 03, stage III. I recently posted that I am 4 years NED and realized that many responders to that thread are people who are new to the boards. When I first was diagnosed and in treatment, this board was my lifeline. I knew no one else with colon cancer, and felt the folks here were my support group, cheerleaders and a source of inspiration and great medical advice. There are some older folks who stay in touch off-board, but, I think for many of us, time and other life issues intervene and there is a natural attrition and turnover at the site.
    Some of us keep the updates coming for years, as a way of reassuring others; it seems that others no longer have that need. I hope that many are not here for good reasons, but that is, sadly, not always the case. I continue to read, but can't keep up with the posting. I recommend this site to anyone I know who is dealing with cancer.
    Wishing us all continued strength in the New Year. Judy

    Hello all of you,yes I do mainly just lurk in the background, but today is special for me, 14 years since my resection and liver wedge resection for stage 4 colon cancer. Had my 3 monthly CEA yesterday, 2 months too late. When all feels good, I seem to forget about it, it has been up and down during the last few years and they have made my average at 7. I will not know what this result is for a week. But I would just like to say to all the stage 4's I have gone 14 years with a few little problems along the way, but I am NED!!!!!! Please keep your spirits up you can be cured.

    Love Foxy.
  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I have been posting on here since 2003. Like Judy, when I was first diagnosed I did not know anyone with colon cancer. It seemed like everyone I knew had breast cancer. I wanted to hear from someone who had made it with colon cancer. I was soooooooo scared. Well, I found many survivors on this board. This board helped me out so much.

    While I am glad that I am 4 1/2 years out since my initial surgery for stage 3 rectal cancer I realize that there are many that have not been as lucky. I am sometimes hesitant to post that I am doing well, because I feel so bad for those that have had not done as well. And then I remember how much I wanted to hear from someone who had been in my shoes and was doing well. That is why I continue to post. I do not post as much as before, because I am busy, but I read all the posts.

    So to all of you still in the fight you remain in my prayers.

    To all the newbies, it is a tough rough but hang in there it does get better.

  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Wow it has been a long time since my first post and my last! I didn't post as much as the other 'oldies' as bscurlock says, and it was very difficult to lose friends. If not for the friendship and support of the people on this board I think fear would have pushed me right over the edge. I thank each and every one of you who held my hand through Dr visits, check-ups, colonoscopies and everything else that came down the pike. Last year I was in grad school and since I have been job hunting (no luck yet) and subbing in public schools. I have a 12 year-old (13 in two weeks!) and a 10 year-old who keep me busy. I heard the word cure and I like to come over every so often and share it. Judiths said it best, if anyone needs me, I will be there.
    Be well, you awesome survivors!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    foxy said:

    Hello all of you,yes I do mainly just lurk in the background, but today is special for me, 14 years since my resection and liver wedge resection for stage 4 colon cancer. Had my 3 monthly CEA yesterday, 2 months too late. When all feels good, I seem to forget about it, it has been up and down during the last few years and they have made my average at 7. I will not know what this result is for a week. But I would just like to say to all the stage 4's I have gone 14 years with a few little problems along the way, but I am NED!!!!!! Please keep your spirits up you can be cured.

    Love Foxy.

    that is so AWESOME!!!! 14 years! WOOHOO!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Merry Christmas!

    peace, emily who looks forward to being able to say 14 years NED!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    I'm around (first posted March of 2004), it's just been a really tough last few months of the year. I lost my very best friend from growing up to breast cancer the day after Thanksgiving. She never told me how bad it was so I didn't get to say goodbye or help in any way. Can you say survivor guilt, I was the one that was supposed to die first according to the docs and their stats. Goes to show you how much they really know.

    I have an idea for a business and have been trying to concentrate on that. We will see what 2008 brings.

    FYI, I am a stage IV survivor who just passed my 3 year NED mark!

    Have a wonderful holiday season Foxy and thanks for checking up on everyone.

    Lisa P.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    Not sure if I'm an "oldie" been on this board since 2003 (however, I did just turn (gulp) 40 at the beginning of this month....

    Still NED, still happy, 6 yrs clear now from Stage 4.

    Happy Holidays,


    Happy belated birthday and like Nan says you and Foxy were true inspirations to me that I could fight and win against the beast. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2008.

    Lisa P.
  • HowardJ
    HowardJ Member Posts: 474

    I've been around for 3 years now. Just had follow-up with onc. and so far so good.
