Survivors....KEEP On KEEPING On :o)

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all! It's Monika and her hubby "no type" Bert here. It's been a while since I've posted but I'm always "lurking" and checking up on how things are going. Just wanted to share that it has now been almost 4 1/2 years since Bert was diagnosed stage 3, 4 nodes, and tremendous feeling of doom and gloom lurked over our heads along with utter dispair. Actually, I not so much Bert, was so scared and so lost....perhaps because I was dealing with cancer on two fronts (mom and hubby) or just because I had always been a glass half empty kind of person. And then we found this group, got into high gear, read and researched until my eyes fell shut and decided statistics are for sports bets and we were going to do anything and everything to fight the Beast. Now, latest scans (August) continue to be NED!!!! Rah rah sis bum bah (naked happy dance and not a pretty sight). Side effects of the year long stage 4 chemo treatment that Bert took to be as aggressive as possible have long been gone and we LIVE and enjoy every single day to the fullest...good or bad...if bad, we look for something good. After my mom passed two years ago from lung cancer, we decided that if it would be within our means to do so we'd retire early and I do mean early. And guess what, we a matter of fact, early this year and it feels wonderful. Bert is now 55 and I'm 53 and life is beautiful and wonderful. Not that it wasn't before but somehow after being touched by cancer, all the good things are much more magnified and the bad things don't seem so bad at all. Take heart everyone who is fighting this disease...please don't ever give up. It's always a fight but with a positive attitude, faith, and support of great folks like the ones here on this board, you can just keep on winning. And one more tip to the new comers, don't let the "gasps" and the "I'm sorries" get to you. Most folks who haven't been exposed to cancer know only that the big C kills or associate it with being a deadly killer. Oh it is, but it can be fought and it can be managed, many times even beaten!!!! Much like any other chronic illness. Hugs to you all from Monika and Bert who are still in California but will definitely (good LORD willing) be in Colorado by November 23.


  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    So glad things are going well! Thanks for the encouragement. God Bless and good luck on your move to Colorado!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm so glad this part of your life is 'behind' you!!!!

    I'll send good vibes to get you to Colorado...although Fall in California isn't too bad either!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • mrsriderman
    mrsriderman Member Posts: 48

    i am so glad to hear good news. it gives all of us still fighting great hope. enjoy yur retirement

    lisa r
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ahoy, Monika and Bert!! GREAT to hear from you.

    UGH... 41/2 years - and you'd think the man would take at least one typing class.

    You guys be well and enjoy Colorado! Keep in touch!

    - SpongeBob