New here...just diagnosed about 1 month ago

butterfly44 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello everyone

I was just diagnosed with stage IV about a month ago after my gastro md found a tumor the size of a tennis ball in my lower colon. Resectioning was done on the 18th-nothing spread to the lymph nodes in the colon-but I have a huge lesion my liver and small lesions on my right lung. Chemo to start within the next couple of weeks. Just reading some of these posts on here made me feel at home..gave me permission to cry a bit..because..I am really scared..any positive words of encouragement would be great


  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member

    I'm sorry that you are here but you'll find the sight very helpful and supportive. Are the lesions in your liver and lungs colon cancer? Since you are a Stage IV I'm assuming they know the lesions in your liver and lungs are colon cancer. I also have no lymph node involvement but I'm a Stage IV. I've had my lower left-lung removed. At the time of surgery they didn't know if it was colon cancer or lung cancer but the pathology report showed colon. A year later I had a recurrence in the liver and have had a liver resection. Are you on FOLFOX? I did the FOLFOX. This is not a death sentence. We have many on this board that have been cancer free for many years. I was diagnosed at age 48 and its been 3 years since my diagnosis. Hang in there and keep us posted. Best of luck with your treatments.

  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi "Butterfly" -

    Welcome. This diagnosis pretty much "sucks", but there are many here with it who are doing well. I was diagnosed in May 2005 and have been NED ("no evidence of disease") since late August 2005 and off chemo since early December 2005. I have never had a liver resection.

    I know how scared you are, but you have come to the right place. Information is power. As a first step, let us know what chemo your doc has planned for you. Lots of us can share experiences.

    Also, try not to pay attention to Internet statistics - they only depress. Firstly, we are individuals, not statistics. And secondly, much of the "data" comes from clinical trials, and many (not all) clinical trials include only teh sickest of patients.

    Take care and keep us posted,
  • rmap59
    rmap59 Member Posts: 266
    Hi butterfly44,
    You are in the right place at the right time. This forum is great and people here are knowledgable and willing to share. I am kinda new, dx in april 07, surgery in may, chemo in June with radiation and am in my second round of chemo presently. I was really scared too but now that the chemo is kicking butt I am not as scared. We have come a long way baby with cancer survival so just hang with us here on CSN and you will get through and pray, pray, pray. Cry when you need to and get it out so you can push forward with no cobwebs in your head. You will be in my prayers. Your friend, Robin
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Hi there,
    I hope it makes you feel better to know that there are quite a few of us Stage IV survivors on here who are now NED. I was diagnosed in 2001 and then subsequently had a tumor show up on my liver followed by 2 on my right lung. At least they found all of yours at once! LOL. No, seriously, I had a colon resection, liver resection, and lung wedge resection. There are others on here that have had chemo sucessfully shrink their tumors and were then able to have surgery and are now NED. Still others have had chemo alone and now have "no evidence of disease". So, don't despair. I know the prognosis is not the greatest, but at least it sounds like you only have one lung involved and just one tumor on your liver, so that is good news. Hopefully soon you will be rid of all of it and can get on with your life again.
    Best wishes,
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I was 'only' a stage III, rectal cancer, but then I followed it with stage II breast cancer. It IS a scary thing...But, like others have said...there are plenty of us here to listen and to lend support whenever it is needed.

    One thing to keep in mind....statistics are for betting the horses...NOT for surviving colon cancer...there are many here that will tell you their stories...mine, well, I was supposed to die after 6 months (63% chance). That was 3 years ago. I am No Evidence of Disease (NED) on both cancers, and have been for over a year...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Hi and welcome. Everyone has said it so well. Keep away from the stats and focus on the goal of getting well. Your attitude can make the journey a bit smoother. Many advances have been made. Be sure you discuss all options with your ONC and ask a lot of questions and be sure to come here often for support. Live one day at a time and take it one step at a time. Hubby is having liver resection thursday , after being told 8 mos ago, not possible. Never lose faith. God Bless
  • alta29
    alta29 Member Posts: 435 Member
    Please go as far back as you can and read more will see how many stage IV survivors are here. I am one of them... Suergery after chemo and now NED
    God bless and Believe
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    Hello, glad you found us. although I am not NED I am FDB - fighting the dang beast. I have found more hope and help here than i ever would have inagined. I think the most hopeful thing I learned is that just when I think there is little hope, my semicolons bring me through and I find an answer that helps me to stay on track and keep on fighting. This is a journey, very individual but not at all lonely if you dont want it to be.

    Many of us will walk with you and you will come out on the other end a winner.

    stay strong
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    Hello I was dx with Stage IV April of 2005 I'm still here and I'm still FDB (fighting the dang beast, loved that one Limey). Sending positive vibes your way for a fast uneventful chemo time.
  • vman1300
    vman1300 Member Posts: 80
    So sorry for your DX, but welcome to the site. There are some really great people here. Like you I was recently DX with Stage IV colon cancer w/mets to my liver.

    My resection was done 8-20-07 and my chemo started this past Friday. Folfox with advastin for 12 rounds.

    Stay positive and keep ypur spirts high and we are here to help in any way possible.


  • mrsriderman
    mrsriderman Member Posts: 48

    first of all -- my heart goes out to you and you will get thru this. you have to beleive!!!

    second i am stage 4 also and i just received my first ct scans after my first round of chemo and my tumors are shrinking.

    so there is hope and the drugs do work, and here alot of stage 4 suvivors out there.

    dont look at the suvivor rates out there on the medical pages. it will scare you and we are beating those numbers everyday

    good luck lisa r
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ahoy, Butterfly44 -

    Welcome to the SemiColons. You have found an amazing group of fun, funny, smart, witty, upbeat and extremely compassionate and caring people. I consider them among my dearest friends.

    It's a good sign that you had no lymph node involvement. I am guessing that the lesions on your lung and liver are due to contact with the tennis ball? Is there any discussion of resectioning the liver? The amazing thing about the liver is that it grows back (good thing considering the damage I probably did to mine as a young sailor...!)

    Your best weapon against the dragon is your attitude. Know that we're all here to help you keep that attitude blade sharp.

    Be well...

    - SpongeBob
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member

    I am so glad you found us so early in your journey. Reading others' stories will give you the boost you need to know others have paved your path to a successful recovery.

    Keep us posted on your progress.


  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I am sending hugs to you. It is ok to be scared. There a many long term stage 4 survivors out there

  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    Hi there,
    This is the scary part..not knowing what happens next. And's okay to cry! My goodness, I can weep very easy but I don't dwell on it. Can't do that for sure!

    I am stage III (I did have 2 lymph nodes) and I only have one chemo treatment left (out of 12).

    We all have gone what you are going through. Hope you have a great support group? Also, the people on here have help me so much. Just reading the discussions I'd say to myself,,yes..that's how I feel.

    Let us know what chemo you will be taking and we can help you with that as well. We are all different in the way the side effects will be but can give you some advise.

    My thoughts are with you and the important thing (for me anyway) is to use your energy going forward and not backward!

    I'll be thinking of you
  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    So sorry for your reasons of being here....but you've come to the right place for support and understanding. You will be encouraged by all of the survivors here. There is so much wisdom here---ask anything and you will see. As you educate yourself on this, the scary feelings will lessen. Of course it's okay to cry, but then pick yourself up and think positive and believe!! You are in my prayers for strength and healing.

  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    Being diagnosed with cancer that you know people die from is very frightening. I walked around my house in tears that first day thinking that I had been given a death sentence. When there has been a change in status or test results that fear returns. However, the support of the people here is so outstanding. You make your plan of treatment along with your doctor, ask plenty of questions (and if not sure what to ask there are plenty of survivors here with information) and go for it. Treatment like chemo is not the only thing. Lifestyle changes, getting plenty of sleep, enjoying each day, dietary changes, and, especially during chemo, drinking plenty of water are essential as well. We will all pray along with you.
