Life after 1st recurrence

josiemac Member Posts: 27
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone,
Its been a while since my last post. I've been busy battling again. Just to recap; original dx 4/2005. AC/Taxol for 16 weeks (4 cycles of each every 2 weeks) then 7 weeks of radiation. All done by Christmas time 2005. What a celebration! Fast forward exactly 2 years to 4/2007. Dx with recurrence to lung. Avastin/Abraxane was the drug of choice this time. Has anyone had experience with these drugs? How long did you take them? I'm done with my 6th cycle however onc wants to keep me on the Avastin. Avastin cannot be taken alone so I will have an additional drug accompanying it. I have a PET scheduled for 10/16 to determine what other meds I'll be taking. Problem is...I'm so tired now and thinking about refusing further precautionary treatment (I am now NED). Why does she want to keep me on Avastin? I know it sounds like the cowards way out and I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just upset because I thought I'd be finished after the 6th cycle. I need prayers and strength. I'd appreciate any experiences shared. I'm only 43 and I have 2 small children that need me around.

Blessings to you all,


  • deb2001
    deb2001 Member Posts: 23
    Keep your eyes on GOD and your babies!

    The devil is a liar!

    GOD id alive and still on the throne. I'm about to finish radiation and now have mastitis. Going for a mammogran and US this AM.

    Please let's pray for each other.

  • Skybuf
    Skybuf Member Posts: 143
    Dear Josie and Deb, I'm so sorry to hear your both still going thru this. Remember the "Battle" is the LORDS....not yours to fight, He already fought it and we WIN....we need to keep focussed on what's good and what wisdom God has given to the doctors that care for us, the nurses who work on us....we are all different and we are ALL in Gods plan, so carry on and keep on Him and His plan for YOUR life. I do pray God helps you both and strengthens you and allows His peace to flow thru you and bring that joy again....Love and Hugs
  • ladybluepgh
    ladybluepgh Member Posts: 76
    Hi Josie...going thru my first recurrence too...reappeared in my left breast so i had to have a mastectomy...all my prayers are with you and your family...hang in there...keep your faith in god strong..never stop fighting..(((hugs)))