Catherine258, how's life w/o chemo going?

cahalstead Member Posts: 118
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I hope you are enjoying your "new life" or least the one without chemo & side effect? I have one treatment to go and very excited about it but realize the anxiety of its reccurence is the downside.
My doc told me I would have a CT & colonoscopy in Feb. so I'm going to do my best to enjoy the few months I have in between!


  • cahalstead
    cahalstead Member Posts: 118
    I'm sorry, I think I goofed on your sign on name, Catherine58?
  • catherine58
    catherine58 Member Posts: 92
    Hello Char - how nice to hear from you. I've been busy with my children (who finally go back to school next week) so haven't had much time to post. Well done for getting within sight of the finishing post - I think you had more cycles than me too.

    I found my energy started to come back very quickly, more or less by the time I should have started the next cycle. I still have a few nagging health problems - all of them minor, but having been a stoic all my life I think I'm now going to be the world's worst hypochondriac! Oddly enough, I'm suffering more from neuropathy now I've finished chemo than I did during the treatment - although it's still fairly mild. I also have some slight breathlessness and lower back pain which of course I'm panicking about - I am having CT scans next week (chest and abdomen) so hope that will reassure me.

    On the whole, life post chemo is great! We're getting a puppy at the end of the month so I'll be needing all my energy!

    Good luck with the last cycle and all the best

  • cahalstead
    cahalstead Member Posts: 118

    Hello Char - how nice to hear from you. I've been busy with my children (who finally go back to school next week) so haven't had much time to post. Well done for getting within sight of the finishing post - I think you had more cycles than me too.

    I found my energy started to come back very quickly, more or less by the time I should have started the next cycle. I still have a few nagging health problems - all of them minor, but having been a stoic all my life I think I'm now going to be the world's worst hypochondriac! Oddly enough, I'm suffering more from neuropathy now I've finished chemo than I did during the treatment - although it's still fairly mild. I also have some slight breathlessness and lower back pain which of course I'm panicking about - I am having CT scans next week (chest and abdomen) so hope that will reassure me.

    On the whole, life post chemo is great! We're getting a puppy at the end of the month so I'll be needing all my energy!

    Good luck with the last cycle and all the best


    Glad to hear things are going well and I, too, am apprehensive about the Oxy. I have low back problems and weakness in my legs from the Oxy. Distance walking is hard for me and I had a spinal fusion in December and was doing so well. I did ask my surgeon if this could possibly be a result of my back surgery, he said "no" neuropathy and, of course, I have osteoarthitis. I am sure alot of it is getting old!

    By the way, I mentioned to my oncologist about your oncologist eliminating the 3 last treatments and he said he had never seen a study on that at all. He was going to do the 50% reduced dosage Oxy my last 2 treatments but after studying the "protocol" (his Bible) and talking with the pharmacist, they decided it was too risky due to the leg problems, I had level 4 toxicity he said.

    By the way, my husband and I got a puppy 3 wks ago and he is a handful. I'd forgotten how much work they are and the "play biting" is my biggest proglem. Best of luck, maybe your increase in energy will be just what you need to get through. Sure wish I had it.

    Good to hear from you and your continued success. I'm so looking forward to it!

  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member

    Glad to hear things are going well and I, too, am apprehensive about the Oxy. I have low back problems and weakness in my legs from the Oxy. Distance walking is hard for me and I had a spinal fusion in December and was doing so well. I did ask my surgeon if this could possibly be a result of my back surgery, he said "no" neuropathy and, of course, I have osteoarthitis. I am sure alot of it is getting old!

    By the way, I mentioned to my oncologist about your oncologist eliminating the 3 last treatments and he said he had never seen a study on that at all. He was going to do the 50% reduced dosage Oxy my last 2 treatments but after studying the "protocol" (his Bible) and talking with the pharmacist, they decided it was too risky due to the leg problems, I had level 4 toxicity he said.

    By the way, my husband and I got a puppy 3 wks ago and he is a handful. I'd forgotten how much work they are and the "play biting" is my biggest proglem. Best of luck, maybe your increase in energy will be just what you need to get through. Sure wish I had it.

    Good to hear from you and your continued success. I'm so looking forward to it!


    Not meaning to butt in on the conversation but I had some similar experiences. I stopped the Folfox treatments after 9 cycles last November due to the neuropathy. When I told my oncologist I was stopping she said she had just been at a lecture by an oncologist from Sloan-Ketterling and that they had gone to 9 cycles instead of 12. My neuropathy definitely got worse after stopping. It subsequently got better but actually has bothered me a little more lately, not sure why. However, it is still manageable and I decided that it is just a little reminder of what I have been through. But it is nice to be done with the chemo- congratulations to both of you.

  • cahalstead
    cahalstead Member Posts: 118
    vinny3 said:

    Not meaning to butt in on the conversation but I had some similar experiences. I stopped the Folfox treatments after 9 cycles last November due to the neuropathy. When I told my oncologist I was stopping she said she had just been at a lecture by an oncologist from Sloan-Ketterling and that they had gone to 9 cycles instead of 12. My neuropathy definitely got worse after stopping. It subsequently got better but actually has bothered me a little more lately, not sure why. However, it is still manageable and I decided that it is just a little reminder of what I have been through. But it is nice to be done with the chemo- congratulations to both of you.



    Thanks so much for your comments and thoughts! I always enjoy your view.

    Interestingly, there is a change at Sloan-Ketterling, is it on their website?

    I have a real feeing I will have residuals from the Oxy but it also was so very necessary for my treatment. I'm thankful for the progression of cancer medicines. Harsh and brutal drugs they are, but so necessary for us!

    ****, thanks, again for sharing your thoughts and comments with us. I look forward to your input.

  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Hello Char - how nice to hear from you. I've been busy with my children (who finally go back to school next week) so haven't had much time to post. Well done for getting within sight of the finishing post - I think you had more cycles than me too.

    I found my energy started to come back very quickly, more or less by the time I should have started the next cycle. I still have a few nagging health problems - all of them minor, but having been a stoic all my life I think I'm now going to be the world's worst hypochondriac! Oddly enough, I'm suffering more from neuropathy now I've finished chemo than I did during the treatment - although it's still fairly mild. I also have some slight breathlessness and lower back pain which of course I'm panicking about - I am having CT scans next week (chest and abdomen) so hope that will reassure me.

    On the whole, life post chemo is great! We're getting a puppy at the end of the month so I'll be needing all my energy!

    Good luck with the last cycle and all the best



    We are still coming to London, but the date has changed. We will be there arriving on Sept. 29 and depart Oct. 2. Only 3 days - so I don't know if we'll get up to York. We'll be staying at the Dorchester Hotel. Somehow, I hope we can get together.

    Take care and good luck on the CAT scan.

  • Coloradian
    Coloradian Member Posts: 8


    Thanks so much for your comments and thoughts! I always enjoy your view.

    Interestingly, there is a change at Sloan-Ketterling, is it on their website?

    I have a real feeing I will have residuals from the Oxy but it also was so very necessary for my treatment. I'm thankful for the progression of cancer medicines. Harsh and brutal drugs they are, but so necessary for us!

    ****, thanks, again for sharing your thoughts and comments with us. I look forward to your input.


    Well I will butt in the conversation also - I had surgery at Sloan Kettering in early August for rectal cancer. My surgeon said that as my cancer was localized I could do 8 treatments of Folfox instead of the 12. He mentioned that the neuropathy after 8 treatments outweighs the benefits of the extra treatments.