Moving and New Doctors

ireneingeorgia Member Posts: 73
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I don't know how many of you have actually moved through or after fighting the beast, but I was new in Memphis when it occurred. Then afterwards, we were relocated to Georgia. I have now started going to new doctors and have found it very emotional having to share the scars over and over both physically and mentally. I was doing ok, until I got to the first visit and fell apart. I guess it's natural for a while,....


  • jackiemanz
    jackiemanz Member Posts: 85
    I think that is understandable I would probably feel the same way. Where in Georgia are you? I live just outside of Savannah.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Oh "cousin"! A BIG ((((((HUG))))) to you! Just when we push cancer back into the far recesses of our minds, along comes some new doctor who wants us to undress~how rude!! LOL
    To fall apart shows that you are normal, and that you are alive and vibrant! Gosh, what if you didn't care? What if none of it mattered?
    I am glad to see you are in Georgia..I see that Jackiemanz posted that she is outside of Savannah. And Newboobs is also in Georgia, as well as another CSN member I am not sure you know, but would be thrilled to meet you I'm sure! I can give you her name at another time, if you'd like. And one more Plus about being in Georgia~ Gwinnett County ( I hope that's correct!) has the BEST supported Relay for Life on the entire planet! I think Newboobs said they raised something like 3 MILLION dollars this year! So, cousin, it seems to me, you are exactly where you need to be~loved and nurtured and surrounded by your chat family. Oh...and the ACS headquarters is in Georgia as well. You have struck gold!!
  • babs49242
    babs49242 Member Posts: 193
    Hi Irene! I moved when I was going thru treatments,from Michigan to GEORGIA! just south of Atlanta.
    I had met a dear lady at the church we were going to and she also was going thru treatments,She gave me the name of her doctors then I had my Michigan group get in contact to make the transition. Yes, it was hard to 'trust' someone else with ALL the details ,in the end.I really love my doctor here.
    Where in Georgia are you may email me if you like.
    bunches of ((((hugs))))
    cindie(spalding county)
    P.s. we have a great BC support group if you are close by
  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    Hey Irene,

    I am sure having to deal with new Doc has got to be just one more emotional hill to climb. I wish you the best of luck.... Like many others where in Ga do you live... I live on the S.C. side close to Augusta Ga... so looks like we have the state fairly well covered. Augusta to Atlanta to Savannah... If I can help drop me an email..

    Take Care... God Bless..

  • newboobs
    newboobs Member Posts: 121
    Hugs Ireneyyy. We have to have lunch soon! Let me know if you need help with finding doctors, etc. And yes, we WILL get you involved in the biggest Relay in the universe!! ;-)
  • ireneingeorgia
    ireneingeorgia Member Posts: 73
    Love to you all for your answers.
    I am in Gwinnett County, NE of Atlanta. I'd like to meet anyone in the area who wants to meet. My private e-mail is for those that want to write or "meet".
  • cookiewookie
    cookiewookie Member Posts: 11
    I'm going through the same situation. I've had the same onc for 5 years and now I'm moving to Arizona in Oct. I do have a lead on a new onc, a woman this time, and will be giving her name and phone no to my doctor. he found some other oncologists but none are contracted with the insurance. he'll check on this for me. My one problem is finding doc/facilities that are contract with my health insurance, United Health Care. there are plenty in the Phoenix area, but not where Im moving . I hate like hell to leave my onc but have no choice.