Quick Survey



  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    46 years old colon cancer stage 3 but first breast cancer at 44 years old, then colon cancer metastize to liver at 49. Found out on my Mother side her aunt had it.
  • NWmom
    NWmom Member Posts: 80
    Carl was diagnosed with stage IV rectal cancer with mets to liver at age 36. He had been having symptoms for 3 years but had NO family history so no one thought it could be cancer. Genetic testing was negative too.
  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    At 64 diagnosed with rectal cancer. People my age seem to be under-represented in this survey, but you can take my response as representing the many of us oldsters who are dead, or at least don't know how to post.
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    Age 41, stage IV, yes Dad colon cancer 63 years of age, maternal grand mother died of stomach cancer 50. Took genetic testing negative.
  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Age 47 st 111c no history
  • hoagiemom
    hoagiemom Member Posts: 87 Member
    ron50 said:

    Age 47 st 111c no history

    42 stage 3 with 2 nodes, Grandmother on mom side had it at age 70. She lived to be 89. My mother had polyps removed but no cancer. Now I'm hounding my brother and sister to get a colonoscopy. My brother finally schedule his and the dr told he wouldn't see him if it wasn't for me. I would love to see the age change from 50 to 40. Michelle
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Stage 3 dx 12/19/05. 42 years old the next day. No history of colon cancer but my dad had CLL and prostrate cancer. He died 9/06 from prostrate. I had problems since my early twenties that was put down to IBS. I just thought it was getting more frequent and was in a lot of pain for about 1 year. Was told it was growing for at least 5 years. Made my sister get a colonoscopy (only sibling) and she is squeaky clean. My 19 year old also was having problems and made her get colonoscopy. She is fine too thank goodness. My others will get colonoscopy at 30 yrs old. I agree that we need to change the age to at least as low as 40. Hopefully we can also get people to definately test.

    Lisa F.
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Barb,
    Diagnosed with Low (nearly rectal) adenocarcinoma at age 39 Dukes A or stage 1
    No family history (Maternal Grandmother had breast cancer)
    Had symptoms for 1 year before dx - treated for hemmorhoids(sp?) for 6 months!!!!!
    Docs thought I was too young/with no family history!!!!
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Diagnosed with stage IIIb at age 53, no symptoms, baseline colonoscopy that I had postponed from age 50;
    dad died of metastatic colon cancer at age 85, he was diagnosed at age 82 with multiple symptoms.
    Will your doc recommend and the insurance pay for a scope for hubby if he has no symptoms?
  • LynnN
    LynnN Member Posts: 13
    49....stage 4...mets to liver....Diagnosed Dec.'05....today NED....as far as I know!...

  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3B rectal cancer in September '06 at age 44. There is no family history at all. His parents and siblings are all very healthy and have had no cancer of any kind.
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    64 at diagnosis, but had I done it at 63, I wouldn't be stage IV now..stupid Dr. said I didn't need one 'cause I had no family history.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    I was 39 at dx and was told tumor was 5-10 years old.

    Stage 3 lymph pos.

    Only family history was sister dx'ed at 29 (had been misdiagnosed for years) with cancer in her small intestine (mine was in sigmoid).

    NO PREVIOUS FAMILY HISTORY before the two of us. both young.

    peace, emily who hopes your hubby will get tested
  • gaylee
    gaylee Member Posts: 2

    age 48 stage 2a no family history of colorectal ca but family history of other cancers

    when did you find out you had stage 2 cancer and are you getting any chemo. I just found out i have stage 2 but I decided not to get chemo I hope I am doing the right thing. Ive been to drs. and they all have different views. gail