Pain after 8 years

jamesrich Member Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello everyone,
I had my rectum and anus removed along with other things due to a rectal tumor back in 2000.The pain was intense enough back then and gradually improved over a couple months.But it never stopped hurting,it's the same now as it was 2 months after surgery and radiation.I've gone everywhere and done everything suggested but still must live around it.Does anyone have a suggestion for something other than drugs,nerve blocks,therapy,tens,acupuncture or other conventional treatments?
Thank you


  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    Try yoga if you can. I had similar surgery and my surgeon was amazed at how little discomfort I had. It did hurt for quite some time, but improved... and now I don't have any problems. I had my original surgery 2002. Good luck with everything. jana
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear you are experiencing this pain. I'm afraid I don't have much advise. I had rectum/anus removed for rectal cancer in 2003 but, after recovering from radiation then surgery, I have not had any pain. There must be individual variation in terms of nerve involvement, etc. It sounds like you have already tried many many things. You've probably consulted with a pain specialist. Hypnosis? But I'm just brainstorming here....Good luck to you.
  • drmrgirl47
    drmrgirl47 Member Posts: 129
    So sorry you are experiencing pain. Have you tried a pain management clinic? I hope you find some relief soon.