FRANTIC Member Posts: 106
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am so scared at this time. I had an MRI done on Monday. I have this big bump on my head that keeps growing. My oncoligist called me yesterday.
There is a mass in the skull. I have to have a needle guided biopsy done.He said he never heard of colon cancer metasizing to the skull. There are several lesionsbut don't appear in the brain. What else is next. I can share my frustratio with all of you who are going thru this. I also had a MRI of the lower spine. I had compression fractures from osteoporosis. Now this Mri is showing furthur enlarged lymph nodes in the retrperitonal area which was spotted on MRI's and catscans in DEC.2006. They were all negative for cancer in the pet scan 2006. I had surgery to remove therest of the colon in March of 2007 where the surgeon stated he felt the lymph nodes and they were not enlarged. This new Mri aslo shows probable new metastic lesions to the L2-L4
vertebral bodies which were not present in dec.2006. My husband and I are so upset. I am speech less at this time. Your friend Fran


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  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    Oh Fran,

    I am sooo sorry to hear of your news.. hopefully it will turn out to be nothing. I can only imagine how scared you are right now. I wish I could tell you not to worry that everything will be alright. But.. that is the terrible thing about this disease.. it always keeps us worrying. You did just have a PET scan though, and it was good.. so even if they would find something it probably would be in an early stage, I would think. Try to keep the faith, and I will say a prayer for you.

    Your friend in PA
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    I am speechless, too, but that won't stop the prayers from coming your way. You are in my thoughts, with wishes that you and your husband find a way through this. Judy
  • crazylady
    crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
    Hi Fran,
    I am sorry to hear your bad news. I'm sending positive energy your way and hoping that things get better.
    Take care,
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Breathe, remember that your CEA is less than 0.5? This stuff just does not add up. Clearly there is something going on, but they don't know if it is your colon cancer. LIke your doc said, he has never heard of colon cancer going to the skull. So try to wait and see what the biopsy shows before you just let your mind run wild. I know, easier said than done! There are many reasons that lymph nodes can be enlarged. As you know they are part of the immune system and swell up when they are fighting disease and infections. Unfortunately all you can do is wait. I know how awful that can be, but all this time you have been on top of your health problems and very proactive. That is a good thing!
    Perhaps these swollen lymph nodes are related to your osteoperosis and not to cancer.
    I am not convinced, and you shouldn't be either. I am sorry you are so upset and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Let us know as soon as you get any new information.
    -Susan H.
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    Dear Fran,

    My heart ache's for you every time I read about more bad news. I pray so hard for you to finally find some peace. I guess God has another plan. I am so sorry for this recent bout of bad news.

    Just know that I continue to pray for you.

  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    My thoughts are with you in trying to keep your wits about you. Prayers coming your way!


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