My Father is home finally

jemy91 Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello all.
Well exactly one week after his colon re-section my Father was released from the hospital. What a nightmare week it has been. It all started the evening of his surgery at about 8:00pm when he developed what he calls un-describeable pain and the nurse told him that he should use his PCA pump. He did (6 doses in 4 hours). No relief. He then begged the nurse to call his doctor which she said she did (we later found out that was not the case.) Long story short No relief from the pain at all. The day nurse came on and my Father could see them whispering out of the corner of his eye and pointing to him (never a good sign) and he was basically ignored that entire shift (OH and I forgot this is in a constant care room). Finally at 3:00 when my Mother almost lost it with this nurse she went to get the Floor nurse who decided to turn my Father on his side and guess what the epidural had become dislodged which is why he was in so much pain. His back was taped up so he could not feel the wetness that had accumilated on his matress pad. Also the night nurse had disconnected his PCA pump and not remember to re connect it. So by 4:00 pm he was finally resting comfortably. All went well until Monday when he developed an infection (which they were quite on top of). So needless to say not a walk in the park for him but it is over and now its on to the results. His dr has agreed to remove the staples on Tuesday and told him he will call if the results are good before then if not he will go over them in office Tuesday. I wish he had not done that.
I want to let anyone who maybe in the process of having to go for a colon resection know that I did not want to tell this story as it may scare some. However I did because I want you all to be made aware that we were told in there should be minimal pain after surgery. If there is there is something that needs to be checked and corrected.


  • Unknown
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  • JoyceCanada
    JoyceCanada Member Posts: 134
    You are not going to believe it. I had a similar experience. I buzzed the night nurse and she noticed that I was in extreme distress. In the hospital where I was operated on they have a Pain Management Team. The technician came almost immediately (felt like hours to me) and hooked me up to the pump and it was almost instant relief.
    The hospital is terribly understaffed and I was very lucky that I happened to get a very caring nurse.
    Needless to say when I left the hospital my hubby presented the nurse with a very large box of chocolates :-)
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member

    Sorry your dad had to suffer....I, too, had a semi-bad experience in the hospital. Which is why I actually am going to stay in the hospital with a friend when she has her resection....I am VERY good at being a watchdog!!! AND, since this was the hospital I was in, I know some of the ropes!!!

    It is a shame that we must demand care that we should be given without question. I know the hospitals are understaffed, but still....

    My beau goes in for a proceedure in September...I am already speaking with patient care regarding the bed FOR ME that will be in the!

    Yea that he is home....

    Hugs, kathi
  • kathleenss
    kathleenss Member Posts: 49
    I'm so sorry your father had to go through such a bad experience. The whole thing is awful enough without any complications. At least you have him home at last.

    After a similar terrible night the first night after my surgery, my husband, who was staying in the room with me, would stand up and take notes while the nurse dealt with me. It must have been very intimidating, but we didn't have any more troubles, and the nurse who thoroughly mistreated me the first night didn't show up again until the end of the week when I was much stronger.

    Sometimes you just have to be pushy.

    Hope things go better now.