Breast Mets

Texylin Member Posts: 43
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was recently diagnosed with BC mets to my lung. My lung filled up with fluid and they found malignant cells in the fluid. They drained 3 litres from my right lung. They started me on Taxotere this past Monday. I had been clean for the past 4 years and this really has me scared. If anyone has experienced this kind of mets, I would like to talk.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, Linda...wish I could sending my thoughts along...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • LesleyH
    LesleyH Member Posts: 370
    Linda - I am so very sorry. I'm sure you can beat this back into submission for a very long time. Thinking of you.


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    After 4 yrs. clean I can imagine how disappointing this is for you. Taxotere is a powerful drug and is used for mets. We have hope and that is important. This is scary and my heart goes out to you. Know that there are many people who are thinking of you and sending you good cosmic energy :)
  • debi425
    debi425 Member Posts: 4
    Oh Linda I'm so sorry to hear this. I have found that I have really had to dig deeply in my soul for my Faith..I have to Lean on God and his healing hands all the time..I also have BC I had my breast removed 3 weeks ago. I'm heading for chem in a few weeks. I have a heart problem so they are going to get me to take some test before they know what kind of chemo drug to give me. Some cause CHS...So I pray daily..I will pray for you too...God Bless you and I'll pray that they will find the perfect meds for you...too....take care...One BC survior to another BC Survivor
  • prayerangel
    prayerangel Member Posts: 147
    Hi, I just finished 4 rounds of Taxotere a month ago. Since 2000, I have had 2 mastectomies and after that my cancer started growing in the middle of my chest, had it surgically removed and radiation. It just came back again in the middle of my chest AND is my bones now (ribs on both sides, bottom of spine and top of femur, near the hip). I had a bone scan after finishing the Taxotere, and the severe pain in my femur kept getting worse. The Taxotere didn't work for me, just had 2 weeks of radiation and that took away all the pain, and I begin Xeloda, pill form of chemo, tomorrow. I hope Taxotere works for you. Just research it online. I had some side effects, but they were minimal. Let us all know how you do. Karen
  • josiemac
    josiemac Member Posts: 27
    Hi Linda, we must be living parallel lives because I was also diagnosed with BC mets to the right lung in April. I also had a plurel (sp?) effusion which was drained (1 ltr). I had trouble breathing so they didnt take it all out. Doc says chemo will handle the rest. I was just shy of 2 years cancer free then this. I'm just as scared as you. I don't know what the future holds but I keep hold of my faith. My Onc is wonderful and she has nothing but positive things to say to me. Contact me if you want to chat some more. I'm currently taking Abraxane and Avastin as my treatment for 6 months. Thankfully its not AC/Taxol (my first treatment). I'm able to still work and take care of my family.

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 9
    Hello sweetie my prayers are with U and with US ALL,in the year following my mastectomy andchemo and radiation i often thought of RECURRENCE, but i stopped and prayed and keep POSITIVE thoughts and most of all i stay in prayer to GOD and so far I have been 13yrs cancer free, so i really believe GOD is keeping me so I can help OTHERS get through, God Bless sweetie, I also have heart problems from my meds, but again God is sustaining me. Come back here for questions and we will share . msphil
  • glo2000
    glo2000 Member Posts: 3
    Hi Linda,
    My name is Gloria, This is the first time I have posted here, I come to read a bit.
    I was diagnosed in Sept. with BC mets to my spine, hips and lungs. I had radiation wich helped the pain a great deal, and am now taking Xeloda and Avastin/placebo(trial meds). It had been 7 1/2 years since my masectomy. My primary DR. told me I had arthritus.
    Hope all is going well so far.