Help celebrate Lisa Rose's 5 year CANCERFREE mark!

scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

Lisa Rose (aka Baby Lisa) celebrates her 5th year cancer free anniversary in a few hours and I welcome you all to join her, her loving husband Andy, and handsome son Andrew in this wonderous celebration.

Baby Lisa, you know I love you and thank you for helping me to get to where I am today. I'm not sure I would be here today if it were not for you my dear friend and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I smile and my heart warms big time for you and your lovely family. Thank you for the hope and will that you have given me the last 3 years and I love that we will continue to help each other live longer every day going forward.

Have a grand and absolutely wonderful day, year, and rest of your life. You so deserve it.

Do I need to say PARTY ON AND SEE YOU IN NASHVILLE!!!!!!! I love it.

I love you,

Lisa P. (Elder Lisa)


  • Monicaemilia
    Monicaemilia Member Posts: 455 Member
    Lisa Rose: CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a wonderful milestone! Monica
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Five years is quite a milestone!
    Hope more and more of us can be in your shoes in a few years.
    Go ahead, take your clothes off, show your scars, and dance like no one is watching. Celebrate Good Times!
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Happy anniversary are so very special in my heart for being the first person to respond to my posts on your Canadian web site and then to steer me in the direction of this board and make me feel welcome(close to 2 years ago I think)"celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music"..:) God bless you Lisa Rose.
  • littlejulie
    littlejulie Member Posts: 311

    Happy anniversary are so very special in my heart for being the first person to respond to my posts on your Canadian web site and then to steer me in the direction of this board and make me feel welcome(close to 2 years ago I think)"celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music"..:) God bless you Lisa Rose.

    HaPPy 5 YeAr AnNivErSArY LISA!!! Its normally you who handles the bday wishes and anniversary reminders but today is YOUR day - Your 5 year anniversary since surgery! Does it feel that long?! Happy FIVE year anniversary Lisa!!!! Go out and CeLeBrAte!!!!!


    Julie :)

    The words "This too shall pass" has come true for you! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Dear Lisa,

    You always are remembering others and making them feel special. Today is your day to shine. Congratulations on this most important milestone. Enjoy your wellness with your wonderful family.


  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Congratulations -- I write with a heart filled with joy. Celebrations are going on for you across the world (certainly here in Hong Kong). You are always a source of joy and strength for this community -- but particularly today!!!!!
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! Party the whole week! See you in Nashville!
  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and Scouty ( Lisa ) for this post. I'm not much of a typer as most of you know ~ but I sure can talk on the telephone. When I look back over the last 5 years I want to say how much I appreciate this wonderful forum ( so Thank You to the ACS ~ CSN and Jose, Greta and Dana for all that you do). When I was first diagnosed this board was my life line and through it and all of you it gave me the strength and direction I needed to fight my own battle. Five years ago my young son was just having his 11th birthday and I have been blessed to see him grow into a wonderful young man soon to be 16 years old ~ how AWESOME is that.

    So tonight when I open my champagne we will toast you all.

    So from Andy, Andrew and myself we just want to say THANK YOU

    With Love,
    The Perrin Family
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    Lisa Rose said:

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and Scouty ( Lisa ) for this post. I'm not much of a typer as most of you know ~ but I sure can talk on the telephone. When I look back over the last 5 years I want to say how much I appreciate this wonderful forum ( so Thank You to the ACS ~ CSN and Jose, Greta and Dana for all that you do). When I was first diagnosed this board was my life line and through it and all of you it gave me the strength and direction I needed to fight my own battle. Five years ago my young son was just having his 11th birthday and I have been blessed to see him grow into a wonderful young man soon to be 16 years old ~ how AWESOME is that.

    So tonight when I open my champagne we will toast you all.

    So from Andy, Andrew and myself we just want to say THANK YOU

    With Love,
    The Perrin Family

    Dearest Lisa Rose,

    I can say without a doubt that you are one of the sweetest and most thoughtful Semi-Colons on this forum!!!

    You are SO loved and I hope you will feel the LOVE VIBE coming your way today!!

    You and Andy and Andrew mean a lot to a whole lot of folks on here and our lives are the better for you all.

    How does one put into words the emotions felt for someone one has never "met" face to face.......but your spirit comes through so loudly in your actions, and I feel honored to call you friend.

    This is a BIG DAY and one to be remembered and honored so I hope you enjoy your surprises today!! ;-)


    peace, emily who tips her carrot juice in CELEBRATION of your MOMENTOUS OCCASION! and to many many more!
  • jenalynet
    jenalynet Member Posts: 361 Member
    I am happy for you, and wishing you many, many more years..Audrey
  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    Congratulations Lisa Rose, I am so happy for you.
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Lisa Rose -

    HUGE congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Enjoy the champagne!
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Lisa Rose said:

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and Scouty ( Lisa ) for this post. I'm not much of a typer as most of you know ~ but I sure can talk on the telephone. When I look back over the last 5 years I want to say how much I appreciate this wonderful forum ( so Thank You to the ACS ~ CSN and Jose, Greta and Dana for all that you do). When I was first diagnosed this board was my life line and through it and all of you it gave me the strength and direction I needed to fight my own battle. Five years ago my young son was just having his 11th birthday and I have been blessed to see him grow into a wonderful young man soon to be 16 years old ~ how AWESOME is that.

    So tonight when I open my champagne we will toast you all.

    So from Andy, Andrew and myself we just want to say THANK YOU

    With Love,
    The Perrin Family

    Lisa Rose,

    Many, many more years of health and happiness. Wishing you the very best of everything. You are one special gal. Can't wait to see you in Nashville!!!

    Give Andy and Andrew a big hug for me. And to you my dear friend, you have the biggest hug coming in September!!!


  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Nashville ~ You Bet

    Memorable Moments is a short clip that highlights special times with semi-colon friends that will last a life time.

    Copy paste and enjoy . .
  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    hip hip hurray!!!!!!! Such a marvelous milestone! you are amazing. Enjoy every moment, but a little extra this week! :)

    Can't wait to see you again! jana
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hi lisa,
    congrats on the 5 years ned!!!!!!
    celebrate with family and friends.
    be well
    never,ever give up!!!!!
  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Congratulations Lisa Rose! Wonderful news and it's so encouraging for everyone. Enjoy your champagne and enjoy your life! God Bless
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member

    Great talking to you today, on your GREAT MILESTONE!!! You have become one of my dearest friends, and I am honored to regard you as one of my sisters. I swear that you and I are cut from the same cloth! lol (did you know you HAD colon cancer?!?!?)

    I wish you nothing but blue skies, restful waters, and endless happiness...YOU DESERVE IT!!!



  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    What a great milestone; enjoy, celebrate, hug your family! Raising a toast to you, Judy