A simple question

lizper Member Posts: 199
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi all, I hope all are well this week. I wanted to know if yellow skin and dark circles around the eye is common among cancer patients. My Mom's liver has just been checked and found to be o.k. but I see pronounced dark circles and I was just wondering if this has to do anything with this condition. Liz


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  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Yes, the yellow skin usually doesn't indicate a liver situation. But if your mom has been checked (CT or bloodwork? billirubin?) then I would rest right now with what the doctor says, unless something else comes up.

    As for the dark circles, I would say that is very common with cancer/chemo patients. It's funny, the first time I had cancer I thought I looked okay, not too pale or anything like that. But when I saw photos of me I was surprised at the dark circles I had under my eyes. I never had that before, so it was very pronounced. Of course, that all diminished a while after I was done with chemo. I'm not really sure I had that this time. I didn't notice it, so I don't know if it was noticeable to anyone else.

    Well, glad your Mom's liver is okay. That's always a major concern. So rest in the good news!

    Joy and blessings and hugs!
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Liz, I ditto Monika and add that sometimes my skin has the color of a cheap tan. Glad your mom's tests were okay. Bonnie
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    I echo the answers from Mopar and Bonnie R, especially the one that I thought I looked good and then saw a pic of me with my grand-daugther, and I looked terrible!!!!With my yellow skin and dark racoon eyes. Rest in the good news that your Mom's liver is ok..and she'll be looking like her old self again soon!!!! ((((hugz)))..Joanne
  • kathie687
    kathie687 Member Posts: 41
    i am so glad that you asked that question because my skin has gotten darker since taking chemo and that was not listed on my symptons to look for list. i'm also having to use more concealer under my eyes. glad to know that this is common

  • jawamom
    jawamom Member Posts: 2
    It's funny how many of us had yellowed skin and dark circles, but yet in all the info I received or read about chemo treatments nothing was said about it. I didn't realize I had yellow skin untill one day my daughters boyfriend asked me if I had been tanning. (haha I wished) As for the circles I just assumed it was from my poor sleep patterns during treatment. Thank goodness for good makeup.


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