reversal question

jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My onc is aginst me getting my reversal done. He said he is afraid of "blockage". I was upset in his office today so he said after chemo we'll do some scans if all looks good we'll talk about the reversal. I'm on number 10 of 12 for the second time around. I've been wanting this since I got the bag in April 2005. Anyone had blockage after the reversal?


  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hey jersey girl,
    i had reversal approx 4 months after tumor removal but i didn't have a blockage. is the onc also the surgeon??
    i would ask alot of questions and maybe get another opinion. so this is a temp bag??
    be well
    never,ever give up !!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hey Sue,

    Hugs to you!!!!! You know my story about doing everything bassackwards.....but I finally had my bag reversed 2 1/2 years later and have had no problems with any kind of blockage. I had a rectal tumor so I had the lowest foot possible removed/resected.

    I woke up during my last colonoscopy in late October and got a real time "tour" of my resection and the scarring was minimal and there was no sign of blockage. Maybe it can increase over time, I am not sure.

    I'm also not sure what his rationale is why it could cause more blockage....I would press to ask him specifically why he feels that way.

    I would wait at least 6-12 months after chemo to have it done so you will heal quicker and possible have less scarring, etc. Mine was done 15 months after I stopped chemo and I can not imagine doing it any sooner.

    Hope this helps.

    Lisa P.
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    scouty said:

    Hey Sue,

    Hugs to you!!!!! You know my story about doing everything bassackwards.....but I finally had my bag reversed 2 1/2 years later and have had no problems with any kind of blockage. I had a rectal tumor so I had the lowest foot possible removed/resected.

    I woke up during my last colonoscopy in late October and got a real time "tour" of my resection and the scarring was minimal and there was no sign of blockage. Maybe it can increase over time, I am not sure.

    I'm also not sure what his rationale is why it could cause more blockage....I would press to ask him specifically why he feels that way.

    I would wait at least 6-12 months after chemo to have it done so you will heal quicker and possible have less scarring, etc. Mine was done 15 months after I stopped chemo and I can not imagine doing it any sooner.

    Hope this helps.

    Lisa P.

    Hi Sue,

    I never had to have a bag, but I do have blockages from time to time if I don't watch what I eat. For example, if I am not getting enough fiber and fruit/veggies I will have a blockage. I have never been forced to be hospitalized as I have been able to fix all of mine through diet and excercise and water alone. The blockages tend to be very painful so I keep a careful eye on what I eat. I also asked my gastro about scarring and he indicated and showed me picturs of my scars and they are pretty minimal.

    I agree with the others, I would ask a lot of questions beginning with why he thinks you are at risk for blockages and whether you might be albe to control these blockages through the above mentioned.

    I hope this helps,

  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    my husband had his ileostomy reversal 6wks after his resecton and before starting chemo..ufortunaltely he ran into problems with both ileus and a blockage caused by baruim which they stupidly used to see if he was healed after the resecton..good luck and "don't let them use barium"..otherwise I'm sure everything will be just fine.
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    Hi Sue,

    I had my reversal done 9 months after surgery. During that time, 6 months was dedicated to "clean up chemo" with a 3 month window of rebuilding strength for the surgery. I had absolutely no complications as all. Except for the souvenir scar, no proof that I had it in the first place! My surgeon told me to expect bowel changes for up to 3 years after the reversal. I had and maintained no problems at all from day one. The purpose of the ileostomy as you know is to let the surgery site hear better by re-routing wasted in the colon. I think there would be a greater chance of problems if the reversal is done too close to the surgery date. Not a medical opinion, just common sense.

    I guess I would question what he's basing that blockage fear on? His not being familiar with the procedure or your personal history? Maybe a second opinion?

    Let me know how things work out.


  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    sue: you've had the colostomy long enough to know that you want the reversal. Go to the head teaching dude at the hospital and ask for a 2nd opinion. If you get blockages, I woud assume that it would be due to scar tissue from a sloppy surgeon (?) and, if you do have post reversal problems/blockages, you'll be in the hospital anyway, so you can reverse the reversal if needed. KISS method...
  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    I had my reversal 18 mos. after I had my surgery.. I have had no problems whatsoever. It was a great decision.. and I am happy with it. My surgeon said it was difficult due to scar tissue that I had.. but it works fine, I have had 2 colonoscopies since then and never had any problems.. It will be 4 years since my original dx and surgery this July, I was a Stage IV. I have been NED now since May 2004. Good luck to you!

    Gail in PA
  • 66Rose
    66Rose Member Posts: 58
    I have an ileostomy that I received in May 2006 during exploratory surgery.

    Then my re-section was October 2006.

    Well I was told, IF I did post-surgery Chemo and we all know now I did not, they wanted to wait til after Chemo to do the reversal in case there was complications. Also if you are in Chemo, you normally have to wait 4 weeks after a cycle to have surgery, then another few weeks after to re-coop. So you would be off cycle about 4-6 weeks.

    In my case because of radiation I am still not healed in my rectal area and I am now developing lots of scar tissue, already had to have a kidney stint placed. I had a scope and CT last week which came back fine/clear, Yahoo! But my colorectal surgeon called me yesterday and he sees lots of scar tisse in the rectum and wants a Petscan before he will schedule the reversal. At this rate I will have my temp ile for about a year.

    So I can completely feel for you, I can't wait to get a reversal! But we have to remember this is elective surgery, so they say, and we do want to be sure everything is "ok" before proceeding!

    I get lots of good feed back from the uoaa website, do you ever go there? Since they are all ostomates you can get great information!

    God Bless,

  • suepooh
    suepooh Member Posts: 1
    nanuk said:

    sue: you've had the colostomy long enough to know that you want the reversal. Go to the head teaching dude at the hospital and ask for a 2nd opinion. If you get blockages, I woud assume that it would be due to scar tissue from a sloppy surgeon (?) and, if you do have post reversal problems/blockages, you'll be in the hospital anyway, so you can reverse the reversal if needed. KISS method...

    sue, This is my first time on this site or any site for that matter. I saw the name sue and started reading . I wish you much luck with your reversal. I have had my colostomy for 1 year now .I never new there were so many others out there like me.I went in once for a reversal and blockage removed. still have the bag.Hope next time is the charm for me. I have been reading some of the letters you are receiving and you seem very lucky to have so many friends to suport you. I too am with them DUMP THE BAG