so very sorry

oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
regarding my post of the other day- I re-read it and cringed...when I said stage 3 would re-appear I of course meant stage 4 and I in no way meant bad karma to Emily- who at stage 3 has been very sucessful in refusing chemo..
for has been a hellish roller coaster ride that brought by husband from stage 3 with just a few nodes affected to full liver/lung involvement..we have tried most alternative remedies to no avail and sadly have had to continue on the chemo route- how I wish there was a different path..for stage 4's..please ignore my rant..I hope and pray that at least some of you will beat the odds no matter what treatment you are husband has been blessed with almost 3 years of fairly good health beyond diagnosis and I am sure it is a large part due to the regimine that scouty shared with us,,,it is just that now that things are progressing I feel so helpless...and wish that there was a miracle cure...I hate that he has to continue to poison his body,,but it is strange,,he seems to feel so much better when he is on chemo...but it has been 5 weeks now while we wait for out of country approval for erbitux and I can see him getting worse while we wait despite all the juicing, chinese meds and alternative herbals our naturopath comes up with.
so again- both to Emily and other members of this board- i am sorry for MY negativity..and absolutely- a delete button would be very much appreciated for those times you re-read a post and wish it had never been sent


  • stage4mom
    stage4mom Member Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for posting this, and I wish the best for you and your husband as you continue to fight this disease. Just don't ever give up hope, because hope is a wonderful and powerful ally for each and every one of us whose lives have been affected by cancer.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    your apology is accepted, of course.

    My response to explain my passion for health is meant to shed light on the WHY I am so passionate about health no matter what course of action one takes.

    Can you imagine for a minute the ultimate horror, knowing what you know from my personal thread regarding my sister, the day I was dx'ed with the same disease as she had (different location)? Knowing what my potential fate can be ? Can you imagine the Deja Vu moment as I sat in my doctor's office at Mayo? Do you think for a time the tape of the gory details I shared here publically were running through my mind privately? And everyone else's in my family. Not to mention that I was still nursing a baby--my fifth child.

    Can you understand now, why I do what I do and refuse to stop being a cheerleader for health and wellness and cancer prevention? We all have our reasons that propell us to take action.

    I did not take your Negative Nellie to heart b/c I know the emotions that run high when we are watching our loved ones suffering or sick. But I do want you to understand where I am coming from regardless what you think of me personally or anyone on here for that matter.

    I am very sorry about your husband's progression. I truly am. Because I know the fear and frustration that can come with that.

    peace, emily who is thankful for every living day