need advice for sis from all the experts

fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
hello all.
sis just got back her pathology report. out of 12 nodes 2 were positive. okay family what exactly does this mean, she asked me and i didn't want to scare her more than she is. any and all advice is welcome.
be well
never,ever give up


  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Hi Bruce,
    I'm afraid I've forgotten the details of your sister's situation. Perhaps you can remind us. But -- let me take a stab anyway. Obviously it is nice if no nodes are positive. But just 2 nodes out of 12 isn't so bad and it is good they were able to 'harvest' 12 --I understand the more the better. If one is using the TNM cancer staging system, this would mean she is now T(something), N1-2 (depends how they classify), and ?MO (she has no distant metastises?). I think this would put her at Stage III (but it depends what staging system her doctors are using). Since the cancer has spread out of the tumour itself into the lymph nodes, I would guess (and I'm only guessing here) that her doctors will now be recommending chemotherapy (if they weren't before). Of course that is something for you to decide and discuss with them. I don't know if this is the kind of information you were wanting. I am thinking of you and of your sister and sending best wishes your way. Be well! Never give up!
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hi tara,
    sis had rectal cancer, chemo and rad before surgery. tumor was just about gone. had surgery just to clear scar tissue 2/5/07. she got report today. dr has said back to chemo. dr said it has not spread. thanks for info.
    be well
    never,ever give up
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    hi Bruce,

    If the cancer has moved into her lymph then there is a chance for cancer cells to have traveled to other sites to set up camp. This is where the oncologist will most likely advise adjuvant chemo.

    I had 2 out of 19 lymph test positive so that was the course of action prescribed for me, which you know I declined and have never regretted it.

    Does your sis have a CEA? I did not so the onc would have no gauge to see if the chemo was working or not and it was a crap shoot that i was not willing to take. So as you know I took a different tactic.

    Cancer will thrive in an acid environment so please advise your sis to cease and desist acidic producing foods that will feed the cancer.....sugar, all whites (flours and grains), conventional meats, dairy that is not fermented, and alcohol.

    Doctors will most likely not tell her this since they (in my personal experience) do not advise on diets that are healing.

    Veggies and fruits, (lentils are very alkalizing), almonds, seeds, flax oil, etc are all good alkalizing foods to focus on for healing your body of cancer. And fo course a wonderful way to accomplish this alkalizing your body protocol is by juicing fresh organic veggies.

    Live enzymes heal tissues among many important factors, and you can only get LIVE enzymes from raw foods. When your body is compromised with cancer your enzymes are doing double time trying to keep up and most of us are depleted and then disease sets in. Juicing is a wonderful way to obtain optimal nutrition in a fast and easily assimilable way. It's like mainlining nutrients.

    Thanks Bruce for never giving up!

    peace, emily who will never give up juicing--still juicing strong after 5 1/2 years!!
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Bruce, I'm a long way from being an expert, but I can tell you I had 10 of 36 nodes positive. I did have liver involment and they removed about 50% of the liver. This was in Aug. of '05 and after surgery and chemo, I have been NED. It has been a year since chemo stopped and I am feeling much more energetic all the time. Jo Ann
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    fedester said:

    hi tara,
    sis had rectal cancer, chemo and rad before surgery. tumor was just about gone. had surgery just to clear scar tissue 2/5/07. she got report today. dr has said back to chemo. dr said it has not spread. thanks for info.
    be well
    never,ever give up

    You sister has a similar history to me. I had rectal cancer. Chemo + radiation. My tumor shrank a lot but didn't totally disappear. I had surgery. I had one positive lymph node. I did 4 mos of chemo after that. The theory was to wipe out any micrometastesis which might be lurking around. Best wishes to you and your sis. I hope she makes the best possible decision for her.