Visit to Surgeon

Kaye2003 Member Posts: 86 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
We went to see my husbands surgeon today to setup his 6 month colonoscopy (should have had it in Dec. but we were in a head on collision and were not able at the time to make the trip.) Anyway, we saw the doctor and then went in to see his nurse to set a date for the colonoscopy. She told her some very sad news. The doctors wife has been dx with a rare form of cancer and it is terminal. She is an oncologist at a major teaching hospital here. I find this so sad because these two people have spent so many years saving cancer patients and now this terrible disease will take hers. Please put them in your prayers.
God bless,


  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    I hate to hear that! You know so many times we think of death as such a terrible thing. Maybe this is her reward after helping so many. I'd like to think so. However, I do not like facing the unknown ever and will do my best to stay out of a dark room, even when I know there is nothing in there. Its so sad to have such a long list to pray for. jams
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Kaye,

    It is so terribly sad to hear of a couple who have devoted their lives to keeping others alive being faced with an incurable cancer. I can't imagine how helpless her husband feels. I will keep their family in my prayers.

    Thanks for sharing.
