Anyone been treated in Mexico?

musiclover Member Posts: 242
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Been doing some research on other treatment options in Mexico. Anyone been/known anyone who's been treated there? Where? What happened? Worth the cost and trouble of travel? Thanks.


  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    I remembered someone posting not long ago about going to Mexico. Found the post by Limey/Mark. Not sure if he has access to boards right now, sounds like not.


    "Hi Gang, just a quick note to let you know I am off to Mexico for some detoxing and alternative treatment. Dr's suggested i start back on chemo right away but I really wanted to get on a major health kick before i make any decisions. I will spend 3 weeks detoxing, changing diet and doing an alternative treatment that has had some level of success with metestatic cancer. I will fill ya in when I get back. This site is such a support system - thanks all for that. see you in 3 weeks.

  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member

    This center isn't in Mexico but Arizona and California. Seems like they treat the whole person. Looks interesting. I figure you are looking for something like this?

    Good Luck. HUGS.

  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member


    This center isn't in Mexico but Arizona and California. Seems like they treat the whole person. Looks interesting. I figure you are looking for something like this?

    Good Luck. HUGS.


    Sigh, should have waited to post. I googled some more and came up with this website. Tell us what you think.
  • stage4mom
    stage4mom Member Posts: 22 Member
    Musiclover.......I e-mailed you as I have a lot of info on this subject. I'm going with my son to Mexico in January for treatment. Please feel free to write or call me anytime.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Limey/Mark is currently in Mexico soon to end his 2nd of 3 weeks there in treatment. He promised to check in when he gets home next weekend.

    I have to say that if my cancer ever comes back, I will look there and at US based alternative treatment centers first. In my opinion there are a few very credible centers in Mexico that were formed back after the "witch hunts" in the 70s here in the states. Apparently there were 2 camps in the medical industry on what actually causes cancer back then. For some reason, the US governing bodies of medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry decided one was better to pursue then the other and then got nasty. They threatened and actually disbarred some researchers and doctors pursing causes that are now coming back into mainstream research (30 plus years and trillions of $$$$$$ later, we still don't know what causes it). Anyway, fearing disbarrment, some of the more successful pioneers moved their pratices to Mexico and are still there.

    I personally have met 2 women that went there for treatment for ovarian cancer (very deadly) and had huge successes but like a dummy (chemo brain), I didn't ask where they went. I also know of people that went "to Mexico" and died (Coretta Scott King recently) but know many more that have died after the traditional western chemo route.

    Lisa P.
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    scouty said:

    Limey/Mark is currently in Mexico soon to end his 2nd of 3 weeks there in treatment. He promised to check in when he gets home next weekend.

    I have to say that if my cancer ever comes back, I will look there and at US based alternative treatment centers first. In my opinion there are a few very credible centers in Mexico that were formed back after the "witch hunts" in the 70s here in the states. Apparently there were 2 camps in the medical industry on what actually causes cancer back then. For some reason, the US governing bodies of medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry decided one was better to pursue then the other and then got nasty. They threatened and actually disbarred some researchers and doctors pursing causes that are now coming back into mainstream research (30 plus years and trillions of $$$$$$ later, we still don't know what causes it). Anyway, fearing disbarrment, some of the more successful pioneers moved their pratices to Mexico and are still there.

    I personally have met 2 women that went there for treatment for ovarian cancer (very deadly) and had huge successes but like a dummy (chemo brain), I didn't ask where they went. I also know of people that went "to Mexico" and died (Coretta Scott King recently) but know many more that have died after the traditional western chemo route.

    Lisa P.

    As I recall Steve McQueen's trip to MX for cancer treatment was quite publicized and sensationalized. Of course that was 30+ years ago, too.
  • midnte0708
    midnte0708 Member Posts: 166
    I have a friend with stage 4 CC & liver mets.
    After unsuccessfully trying many different chemo options with no luck at Mayo Clinic she found a place called "Envita" Natural Medical Center of America. She is there now as we speak getting treated. You may want to check it out.
    It is in Arizona.
    Here's the web address:
    Good Luck,
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    spongebob said:

    As I recall Steve McQueen's trip to MX for cancer treatment was quite publicized and sensationalized. Of course that was 30+ years ago, too.

    Steve McQueen actually was cured. He died after an operation that removed the dead tumor tissue. His death was suspicious, but due to the times and his celebrity, the media sensationalized it and insinuated he died at the hands of quacks.

    I wonder if I could say the same thing about my sister dying at the hands of quacks. Hmmmm. Funny how things turn around.

    you can do a search on for Steve McQueen.

    My friend Tracy was treated for breast cancer by one of the blacklisted doctors treatment plans-- Dr. Kelley's Nutritional-Metabolic therapy. He is the doctor who treated Steve McQueen (while not riding his Triumph Bonneville).

    peace, emily who is so curious to hear how limey's treatment is going.
  • stage4mom
    stage4mom Member Posts: 22 Member

    I have a friend with stage 4 CC & liver mets.
    After unsuccessfully trying many different chemo options with no luck at Mayo Clinic she found a place called "Envita" Natural Medical Center of America. She is there now as we speak getting treated. You may want to check it out.
    It is in Arizona.
    Here's the web address:
    Good Luck,

    And also -- Coretta King did not receive any treatments at the Mexico clinic; she was near death when she arrived, but of course the press did not emphasize this at all.

  • musiclover
    musiclover Member Posts: 242

    I have a friend with stage 4 CC & liver mets.
    After unsuccessfully trying many different chemo options with no luck at Mayo Clinic she found a place called "Envita" Natural Medical Center of America. She is there now as we speak getting treated. You may want to check it out.
    It is in Arizona.
    Here's the web address:
    Good Luck,

    How is she doing??? I called them, they are in Arizona. It costs $50,000. They say they do autohemotherapy (IV ozone). Last I heard that was illegal in the U.S. Whoever answered told me it was legal in Arizona. Just sounded fishy but I hope your friend does well. PLease keep us posted.
  • musiclover
    musiclover Member Posts: 242

    How is she doing??? I called them, they are in Arizona. It costs $50,000. They say they do autohemotherapy (IV ozone). Last I heard that was illegal in the U.S. Whoever answered told me it was legal in Arizona. Just sounded fishy but I hope your friend does well. PLease keep us posted.

    I'm referring to Envita, by the way.
  • musiclover
    musiclover Member Posts: 242
    scouty said:

    Limey/Mark is currently in Mexico soon to end his 2nd of 3 weeks there in treatment. He promised to check in when he gets home next weekend.

    I have to say that if my cancer ever comes back, I will look there and at US based alternative treatment centers first. In my opinion there are a few very credible centers in Mexico that were formed back after the "witch hunts" in the 70s here in the states. Apparently there were 2 camps in the medical industry on what actually causes cancer back then. For some reason, the US governing bodies of medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry decided one was better to pursue then the other and then got nasty. They threatened and actually disbarred some researchers and doctors pursing causes that are now coming back into mainstream research (30 plus years and trillions of $$$$$$ later, we still don't know what causes it). Anyway, fearing disbarrment, some of the more successful pioneers moved their pratices to Mexico and are still there.

    I personally have met 2 women that went there for treatment for ovarian cancer (very deadly) and had huge successes but like a dummy (chemo brain), I didn't ask where they went. I also know of people that went "to Mexico" and died (Coretta Scott King recently) but know many more that have died after the traditional western chemo route.

    Lisa P.

    Where is Limey being treated???
  • midnte0708
    midnte0708 Member Posts: 166

    I'm referring to Envita, by the way.

    Well she has been there since early October and her treatment plan will be done on December 9th. I heard she is doing quite a few of there treatments including one she was really exited about which takes her blood and then it is sent to Atlanta to culture "cancer killing cells" and reinjected into her body by the billions. Of course I am probably not explaining it very well but she and her parents went to the facility and seemed very impressed and she was very excited about this procedure in particular about the "cancer killing cells"
    I will also add she had done her research. She had started into Macrobiotics, Vit C IV therapy, visited and talked to many doctors and went to cancer seminars, I know she researched this place well.
    I will post when she returns when I see how she is doing.

  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Can anyone answer this one? (w/o prejudice..)
    If there is a measureable alternative treatment out there, why isn't someone screaming it from the rooftops..? Bud
  • musiclover
    musiclover Member Posts: 242
    nanuk said:

    Can anyone answer this one? (w/o prejudice..)
    If there is a measureable alternative treatment out there, why isn't someone screaming it from the rooftops..? Bud

    Someone asked that very thing when I posted the Mexico question on Here's part of what I answered (this is LONG):

    I find it very odd that when my cholesterol was through the ceiling (236), the doctor didn't seem alarmed (now that "normal" cholesterol is around 200) but said he'd be happy to give me statins. First I asked why he wasn't concerned - people on both sides of my family have had heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, etc. "You don't have any other health issues." Not yet!!

    Fast foward eight weeks after eliminating all dairy, fries (developed a habit of snacking on In And Out fries) and chocolates. I was already a vegetarian so my cholesteral was high without eating animal products. Cholesteral now 144. Next visit to the doctor he is blase about the drop. "Would you like to know how I did that?" I ask. "I guess" he replies. "I read this book ("12 Days to Dynamic Health", Dr. John McDougall), went on a vegan diet and cut all the crap out. It works!" "Well, keep doing what you're doing".

    That's it?? That's all he had to say when half his patients are on blood pressure meds and statins with multiple side effects on the verge of heart attacks? "Most people wouldn't change their diet" he says. Well maybe if they knew how dramatically their life's would change, how they could avoid these expensive and dangerous drugs and how much better they would feel they would choose that route. Instead, the doctor prescribes drugs they will most likely be on for life.

    I have a beef with the Arthritis Association that barely has info on their site about diet. Many kinds of arthritis can be avoided and turned around simply by diet alone. Why don't they mention that on their site? Drug companies are making billions and people are in agonizing pain but this small bit of helpful information is under wraps.

    What about the American Heart Association with their crappy, fatty diet for heart patients to follow that will barely make a dent in their condition? They were finally forced (by McDougall's persistance) to admit that a plant based diet is essential in lowering cholesetrol and, NEWSFLASH, that the protein in vegetables is as good as that in animal products (actually it is absorbed much more efficiently but this is an improvement) "You don't need to eat foods from animals to have enough protein in your diet. Plant proteins alone can provide enough of the essential and non-essential amino acids." This can be done without combining foods which they mistakenly suggest.

    The Diabetes Association - eliminating fat would basically cure type II diabetes. A plant based diet would help type I's feel much better.

    Seems interesting that folks like Magic Johnson whose HIV never got worse but rumored to have Ozone Therapy, Eddie Van Halen who smoked and drank his way to tounge cancer, and who still smokes by the way, was treated outside the country with "an illegal treatment that I'd be arrested for if I talk about it" and Keith Richards with his notorius lifestlye is still around after having blood cleaning treatments in Europe.

    Medicine is big business. Doctors who have tried to help patients with treatments that work have been threatened, had thier licenses ripped away and run out of the country. Read John Robbin's book "Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Sources of True Healing" for a taste of what is happening behind the scenes. I have a feeling there is a better way and I really hope I can find it before it is too late for Mark.

    I will always be suspicious of an industry that throws drugs at people in lieu of talking them into a change of lifestyle.