Contoversial Book re: cancer treatments

musiclover Member Posts: 242
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Anyone read "Flood Your Body With Oxygen"? A visit to shows 35 five-star testimonials. The information in this book is underwraps, controversial, hidden from the public and is/has been fought by the medical establishment. Would like to hear your thoughts...


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    I haven't heard of the book, but it sounds like it discusses hyperbaric O2 drenching. This has been a standard protocol for a number of diseases for many years. Once you get past the whole Michael Jackson thing, it has a number of serious, amazing results. Does the book broach using hyperbaric O2 drenching to treat cancer?
  • midnte0708
    midnte0708 Member Posts: 166
    I just read something about this recently and I wish I could remember more of what I read but it was not in favor of the "Oxygen" therapy (or whatever it is called)...I think it was something about it could be dangerous ..but I'm not sure.
    I think I read it in the newspaper.
    I just glanced at Amazon's reviews though and I will look into this again and curious if anyone else has any info.
    I'm always looking for something that may help my fathers liver mets.



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