Stage 4 Success Story to share

2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
hey you awesome semi-colons!

I was talking to my old neighbor tonight and he told me of his friend's wife who was dx'ed with Stage 4 cancer (the female kind he said). They didn't do any surgery cuz she was too far advanced. Her cancer marker was in the 1000's! She was started on something but fell and broker her hip so they had to quit any tx until she healed. Well....her hubby didn't sit tight, he started her on a "cocktail" of carrot juice and flax oil and seeds and other stuff that he didn't remember and her markers fell down to 65!!!!

I will get her name and # so I can get the full story to share with all my buds on here, but I was so excited I had to come and tell you right away!

This was a neighbor who begged me to do the chemo (along with every other single person I talked to for crying out loud!) HA!

He's the one who could smell me down the road when I was detoxing! haha!

Anyway, there is ALWAYS hope!!

peace, emily who will never give up getting the message out!


  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Durn Honey,

    I sure have missed your wonderful lectures!!!!!!

    I try, but there is no way I could ever be as good as my phenomenial mentor.

    Share more as you get the specifics. You know I want to know.

    My love and respect for you,

    Lisa P.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Even tho I did the chemo and rads, I have STILL been inspired by your lectures to change my dietary habits. FYI, a lecture I attended had an oncologist who now specializes in nutrition before, during, and after 'traditional' cancer treatment....hummmmm, said SO MUCH that was familiar, thanks to you!!!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Thanks, Em for the story and for continuing to carry the non-traditional torch. Your passion for health and mentoring have made such a difference in so many lives.

    Are you back up on line or did you steal a couple of minutes at Art's office computer?

    How are the fall colors up your way? AMAZING I am sure!

    - SB
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    EM: Great to hear the "voice" of reason. There are a lot of success stories, and they need to be shared right here in CSN city..all you colons should check out the Rave Diet-(should be called the Emily diet) A number of MD's who have done it give their testimonials.
    Love & Peace, Bud
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    It's good to hear from you again, Emily. Thanks for reminding us that there is ALWAYS hope.


  • musiclover
    musiclover Member Posts: 242
    nanuk said:

    EM: Great to hear the "voice" of reason. There are a lot of success stories, and they need to be shared right here in CSN city..all you colons should check out the Rave Diet-(should be called the Emily diet) A number of MD's who have done it give their testimonials.
    Love & Peace, Bud

    I was so happy to see Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Ruth Heidrich in the video on the that site, two people I've befriended and respect so much. I following a vegan diet, sounds like that is what the Rave diet it since Ruth and Caldwell are both vegans.
  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550

    That is an amazing story. I would love to hear more about it. It's so good to hear that nutrition and supplements have cured so many people.

    Thanks for sharing!!!
