changing diet and adding suppliments.

Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I know I have asked in the past and feel foolish asking again but any suggestions on attacking this beast through diet would be appreciated. I had a bunch of stuff saved from Emily and Scouty and have lost all when I upgraded my pc. I do have Quillians book and we are using it again. I am a bit of a mess right now trying to get a game plan on once again. I am trying to find on that will become a life plan that will involve food, supplements, attitude, and, exercise.
Thanks for any thoughts.


  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have seen this type of post for over four years, and although our alternative semi-colons have gone out of thier way to help and share, it's time for a cyber co-op/forum on alternatives and diet. The forum could easily be sub-titled into catagories; diet, supplements, etc. Even if some of ACS's money comes from the Big Drug Companies, the focus should be on every alternative that might show promise. How 'bout it Jose, Et-Al.? Bud
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Hi Mark,
    I presume you are in England, based on your user name? If that is the case, I would highly recommend going to a N.D. who specializes in cancer patients. I know there is alot more in the way of alternative medicine over there and that it is alot more accepted. Otherwise, I would recommend starting with a low glycemic diet, like the diabetics do. This will eliminate much added sugar from your diet. That is a good first step. There many diets based on this concept out there. I essentially went on the South Beach Diet with a more holistic slant (I figured that on my own). Personally I would go to the website and check out their supplements. They are the ones I have been using for a while now. They have a "green multi" and a "berry/Omega-3" that I use.
    I have also been using IP-6 daily, the more the better. If you can find Cell Forte w/ Inositol that is a good brand. I also take citrus pectin every day.
    There is so much to learn and you just have to mold a plan that works for you. You can take this and that from me, Emily, Scouty, etc. and fit it to your lifestyle...
    As for exercise, I am a firm believer in it. I hike all summer 10-15 miles 4x/week, climb, ride bike, etc. I know that not eveyone is that crazed, but it has been scientifically proven that exercise decreases your chances of recurrrence, even moderate exercise.
    I would join a gym and start lifting if I were you. It is a great way to meet new people and get out all that pent up frustration, the elliptical machine is great too. Try to work up to staying on there for 30 minutes. Likewise the "stairmaster" and the "rock climbing wall" (if there is one).
    As for attitude, you have to believe you will get better. Not "I hope one day....", One healer here in my area told me change "I hope" to "I AM". He told me that until I got rid of the "yucky thinking" I would not be healed.
    You can also buy those pH strips and test your acidity. Of course somewhere around 7 is ideal. IMO the saliva test is better than urine, because urine is waste....
    Anyway, now I'm rambling. I hope that helps you get started though. Oh, and go get a massage! Massage has helped me tremendously through all the mental BS associated with this disease, plus, it feels great!

    Bud, I think there is an alternative section on the homepage of ACS, but it basically says everying has not been proven, blah blah. It does have an extensive list of alternatives however, so that is at least a place to get ideas.

    Good luck,
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    nanuk said:

    I have seen this type of post for over four years, and although our alternative semi-colons have gone out of thier way to help and share, it's time for a cyber co-op/forum on alternatives and diet. The forum could easily be sub-titled into catagories; diet, supplements, etc. Even if some of ACS's money comes from the Big Drug Companies, the focus should be on every alternative that might show promise. How 'bout it Jose, Et-Al.? Bud

    HEAR HEAR!!!!


    Please don't feel foolish. there are a lot of new faces on here and there may be someone who has not read this info before and could benefit from it. I think bud's suggestion is right on tho'. I really think this website would benefit more than just the semi-colons. I have no idea if other forums are having these discussions and what we're missing by not having their info and experiences.

    One of the BEST books on colon health that I have read to date is by Dr. Jordan Rubin--The Makers Diet. Even if you do not follow the diet per se, I think he explains the importance of colon health to overall health in the most easy to understand way. It gives you the ah-ha moment. I have used many of his supplements (Garden of Life) over the past 5 years. And he personally has a fascinating testimony of healing a deadly intestinal disease after seeking treatment all over the world.

    A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook by David Frahm has also been very helpful in my protocol. His wife's book was inspirational but David's is the "how-to" of the program and is very solid info. She healed her cancer after being sent home to die, but ended up dying years later from fall out of her chemo treatments. Isn't that a travesty? she HEALS her cancer but dies from the treatments. We need to know this as cancer patients. Frahm runs a program in Colorado where you can go to detox and learn the program hands-on.

    The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson is another very informative book focusing on juicing but with many testimonies of people healing their "terminal" cancers.

    The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi is the macrobiotic diet approach to curing cancer. I combined this diet with juicing, supplements, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, massage, Essiac Tea, detoxing, medicinal mushrooms etc. I FEEL better when I eat this way.

    Cancer Options by Richard Walters is another very good resource. It explains many alternative cancer treatments.

    Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Balch and Balch. A MUST HAVE for anyone. It covers many diseases and ailments in easy to understand format.

    This is just a start. I have an entire library of resources that I have collected over these past 5 years and these are just a few of my favorites that I refer to often.

    Mark, the juicing is so key because of LIVE ENZYMES. when health is compromised juicing is so important because it gets immediate nutrition into the system with the smallest amount of work. The live enzymes from the juice goes right to work balancing out the body. In digestion there is a lot of energy expended in breaking down the food in order to extract the nutrients. The juicer has done this work for you. I actually "chew" my juice b/c digestion starts in the mouth and the saliva mixing with the juice gets the whole system working and ready. And when you add things like green powder you are boosting the nutrient factor up even more. It is also alkalizing. Cancer cells like an acid environment. The SAD way most of us eat (Standard American Diet) is acid producing (just look at all the antiacid commercials) and disease promoting. Alkalizing the blood is healing. Juicing greens does this. Quickly.


    Exercise is vital because it gets circulation happening. That is key to get wastes moving OUT of the system and oxygen moving IN to the system. Lymphatic drainage (a type of light massage) is important to help the lymph moves these wastes out too. This can be done by dry brushing with a special body brush using strokes that move toward the heart. Also you can go to a massage therapist to do this. Make sure you find someone who is knowledgeable about cancer. You need to be careful if there is active cancer in the system. But bodywork is very important in my protocol. Besides alleviating stress, it gets blood flowing to those areas that are tense and pinched off. Acupuncture helps this in amazing ways too opening blockages in one's meridians. I have some very cool stories about what acupuncture has done to release old emotions!! Look out!

    YOGA is an AWESOME member of my protocol. It gets blood flowing to areas of my body, to vital organs, it's a stress reliever, it keeps me nimble and flexible, it's a core strengthener and it's a form of worship for me (i'm actually a Jesus Freak and not a hare krishna or anything--haha). I also bike, hike, ski, walk etc for stress relief.

    My supplements list is long and I can send those out snail mail if wanted.

    I am not a professional, nor am I licensed nor do I sell anything (tho' I DO put on juicing workshops at my local coop now) so I gain nothing monetarily by sharing any of this. I only get the satisfaction that information and knowledge is being passed along for anyone who would like OPTIONS that his/her oncologist is not sharing (for obvious reasons). I am just a chick who got stage 3 colon cancer and decided after watching her sister die of intestinal cancer that there had to be another way than poisoning one's body, obliterating one's immune system and making oneself so sick with cytotoxic drugs. Many many hours of research and experimentation have given me 5 cancer free years and a life I am thrilled to live. :-)

    I love my fellow semi-colon compatriots and want optimal health available to all. It's up to US to desire it, seek it and work it! From experience I find that our doctors do NOT promote anything that I have shared here. They would rather hand out donuts (see my webpage testimony for that one) during your chemo sessions than discuss juicing or macrobiotics.

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily who has to go make her carrot juice now!!! :-)

    GREEN = LIFE begin there!!
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    This is great information. I am saving this on my desktop an will keep adding to it as new questions or suggestions arise. I will be glad to post it when the questions arise in the future.