alternative treatments

goldfinch Member Posts: 735
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
i've been having a hard time coming to terms with doing alternatives. I've always been interested in them, but the poor science has kept me away.
Scouty, Emilly and others stories I've heard have been heartening.
I've been doing them now for a month and a half. I've been doing a lot of reading and although they sure seem promising, the fact there are few controlled studies out there made me wonder if I should continue to pursue this. I know it doesn't compare to the cost of chemo, but it does cost a lot of money.
Here is what i've finally figured out. Sometimes you have to let go of that scientific mind and just BELIEVE. So that's what I'm going to do. BELIEVE!!!


  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    It is hard getting good medical information about alternative and complementary treatments. I have obtained some articles which I am just starting to read. I recommend going to the website of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (just google NCCAM). It gives some indication of where we are at with respect to different treatments, herbs, etc. It is a government agency under the National Institutes of Health.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    I am so with you. To be really honest I came home from my first appt with my alternative doc thinking she might be a little off and it would never work. I come from a medical family (a brother that is a ENT surgeon and Mom and sister that were/are business and personel directors for orthopedics and brain surgeons) and they wanted me to stay on the chemo big time. I got many lectures back in 2004. BUT, I was desperate and had become more afraid of the chemo then of cancer. I can't explain it but I felt like the way I was going was going to kill me. I HAD TO CHANGE SOMETHING or I was going to die and seemed to know and feel it. I researched each and every thing she recommended and found plenty of science to back up everything she had me doing.

    Over time with my new game plan I began to feel like I was healing very slowly from within, instead of dying from within. My body told me so and then others began to notice it. My skin and hair look better now then they did before I got sick. I have less grey hair then any other 52 old I know. It's all in the cells of our bodies and what and how we feed them.

    I'm not sure it is about science as much as it is in statistical analysis. Science gives much credence to alternatives but stats don't, because of the lack of funding for clinical trials to come up with the "numbers" and guess who funds the majority of them (duh! drug companies) and alternatives aren't as cut and dry and easy to measure as synthetic drugs are. It would take more effort and since we are spending a million dollars a day in Iraq, we have no money for that kind of frivality (makes no sense to me but who the hell am I).

    I like that NIH is finally waking up and smelling the coffee, but I am not very trusting of our government BS this days. Especially since they have protected a pedophile and sexual preditor for 3 years all for politics and money. Not to mention all the other crap going on. Special interest groups and their lobbiest run the US and our government today, democrats and republicans alike. Remember, it is all about money, not us or our health and wellness. And enjoy that gas prices are down now but they WILL go back up as soon as the upcoming elections are over, just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas traveling.

    You are so right about the BELIEVE mentality. I know my story could just be dumb luck, but I truly feel that God has kept me here for some reason and I keep waiting for my phone to ring to tell me why. Until then, I just keep trying to help others that are where I was 2 years ago. Sorry folks, I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Luckily you can ignore/delete my posts if you like.

    Mary, one of my best friends on this board (Kanort) has got me hooked on BELIEVE. I carry a healing bag from her with many things reflecting that as well as wearing a necklace with the word. It's like my Livestrong bracelet, just rolling my finger over the word calms and seems to give me strength. It also prioritizes me and I think that is HUGE. It's part of the mind/body connection Susan has referred to in her post.

    You are in my prayers and let me know if I can do anything to support you on your journey.

    Lisa P.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    vinny3 said:

    It is hard getting good medical information about alternative and complementary treatments. I have obtained some articles which I am just starting to read. I recommend going to the website of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (just google NCCAM). It gives some indication of where we are at with respect to different treatments, herbs, etc. It is a government agency under the National Institutes of Health.


    I looked further at that website. It doesn't have as much information as it should. I am trying to go through these articles to see what seems to consistently have a basis and what may have more risk. Will post when I can complete it.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Regardless of what choices you make in the fight against the beast, the BIGGEST thing that can make or break them is attitude. Yes, you must believe in what you are doing.
    I went with a 4-way attack. Traditional (surgery, chemo, rads), Nutritional (changed to eating MUCH healthier), Spiritual (mind-body healing, prayers), and Laughter!

    Hugs to a pilgrim!
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Mary: What kind of alternative program are you doing?
    (Contained in the word Believe you will find "Live..") Nanuk
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    vinny3 said:

    I looked further at that website. It doesn't have as much information as it should. I am trying to go through these articles to see what seems to consistently have a basis and what may have more risk. Will post when I can complete it.

    Thank you Vinny,
    I have gone to that site myself. It's one of the ones that makes me wonder if I'm doing the right thing, because it always seems to end with "not proven, needs more research." I will continue to go there, because I want the most info I can get. I think I have to read the government info with a more 'why can't it work mind.' and the naturopthic info with a more "yeah, I can see how that can work" mind.
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    scouty said:


    I am so with you. To be really honest I came home from my first appt with my alternative doc thinking she might be a little off and it would never work. I come from a medical family (a brother that is a ENT surgeon and Mom and sister that were/are business and personel directors for orthopedics and brain surgeons) and they wanted me to stay on the chemo big time. I got many lectures back in 2004. BUT, I was desperate and had become more afraid of the chemo then of cancer. I can't explain it but I felt like the way I was going was going to kill me. I HAD TO CHANGE SOMETHING or I was going to die and seemed to know and feel it. I researched each and every thing she recommended and found plenty of science to back up everything she had me doing.

    Over time with my new game plan I began to feel like I was healing very slowly from within, instead of dying from within. My body told me so and then others began to notice it. My skin and hair look better now then they did before I got sick. I have less grey hair then any other 52 old I know. It's all in the cells of our bodies and what and how we feed them.

    I'm not sure it is about science as much as it is in statistical analysis. Science gives much credence to alternatives but stats don't, because of the lack of funding for clinical trials to come up with the "numbers" and guess who funds the majority of them (duh! drug companies) and alternatives aren't as cut and dry and easy to measure as synthetic drugs are. It would take more effort and since we are spending a million dollars a day in Iraq, we have no money for that kind of frivality (makes no sense to me but who the hell am I).

    I like that NIH is finally waking up and smelling the coffee, but I am not very trusting of our government BS this days. Especially since they have protected a pedophile and sexual preditor for 3 years all for politics and money. Not to mention all the other crap going on. Special interest groups and their lobbiest run the US and our government today, democrats and republicans alike. Remember, it is all about money, not us or our health and wellness. And enjoy that gas prices are down now but they WILL go back up as soon as the upcoming elections are over, just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas traveling.

    You are so right about the BELIEVE mentality. I know my story could just be dumb luck, but I truly feel that God has kept me here for some reason and I keep waiting for my phone to ring to tell me why. Until then, I just keep trying to help others that are where I was 2 years ago. Sorry folks, I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Luckily you can ignore/delete my posts if you like.

    Mary, one of my best friends on this board (Kanort) has got me hooked on BELIEVE. I carry a healing bag from her with many things reflecting that as well as wearing a necklace with the word. It's like my Livestrong bracelet, just rolling my finger over the word calms and seems to give me strength. It also prioritizes me and I think that is HUGE. It's part of the mind/body connection Susan has referred to in her post.

    You are in my prayers and let me know if I can do anything to support you on your journey.

    Lisa P.

    Thank you Scouty,
    I know what you mean about the clear skin thing. I was just commenting to myself this week about how good my skin looks. I was attributing it to the fact that I've been without chemo for so long, but maybe the naturopath stuff is contributing too. I have noticed however that I can't say the same thing about my hair. It's finally growing back and it looks like for the first time I've got a bit of gray in it, maybe even more than a bit;-).
    And I know what you mean about walking away from the naturopath thinking they might be a bit kooky. But who says kooky can't work. Lord knows science hasn't worked for me yet!
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    nanuk said:

    Mary: What kind of alternative program are you doing?
    (Contained in the word Believe you will find "Live..") Nanuk

    Well, I've been doing the meditating, visualization, yoga thing on and off on my own for a while. I also added juicing and that green stuff on my own. I've contacted 2 naturopaths recently. One made sense, but was amazingly overpriced ($284 if you call with a question or 2 and she calls back with an answer!). Now I'm seeing another one. I've only had one appt with her so far. She seems a bit kooky, but we'll see. (it's funny, i saw her give a presentation a couple of years ago and she seeemed so down to earth there.) I'm using things like curcumin, gingko, hi dose vit C, Cellular Forte, Modified citrus pectin, calcium glucarate, vit d3, wobenzyme, and some others that don't come to mind right now. I have eliminated beef, but continue with chicken, fish and turkey, with occasional pork too. Lots of vegies. I try to make sure that, at least the vegies I juice are organic. I have eliminated sugar and refined flour.
    And I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude. Sometimes I think I'm working too hard on that.
    Thank you for that parenthetical remark. I think I'll write that out and decorate it with pretty pictures and hang it somewhere in my meditation room (aren't I lucky to have a whole room I can devote to meditation?).
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    goldfinch said:

    Well, I've been doing the meditating, visualization, yoga thing on and off on my own for a while. I also added juicing and that green stuff on my own. I've contacted 2 naturopaths recently. One made sense, but was amazingly overpriced ($284 if you call with a question or 2 and she calls back with an answer!). Now I'm seeing another one. I've only had one appt with her so far. She seems a bit kooky, but we'll see. (it's funny, i saw her give a presentation a couple of years ago and she seeemed so down to earth there.) I'm using things like curcumin, gingko, hi dose vit C, Cellular Forte, Modified citrus pectin, calcium glucarate, vit d3, wobenzyme, and some others that don't come to mind right now. I have eliminated beef, but continue with chicken, fish and turkey, with occasional pork too. Lots of vegies. I try to make sure that, at least the vegies I juice are organic. I have eliminated sugar and refined flour.
    And I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude. Sometimes I think I'm working too hard on that.
    Thank you for that parenthetical remark. I think I'll write that out and decorate it with pretty pictures and hang it somewhere in my meditation room (aren't I lucky to have a whole room I can devote to meditation?).

    Hey Mary...
    This might sound pretty corny...But, what do youhave to lose? Seriously, how can eating really well, taking super care of the body that you hope will be healthy, be wrong? Here is what I think mught be happening...Your intuition mightb e kicking in about whether a naturapath is really worth the $$$ - or $$$$. I called one and the person would not take any of my current bloodwork, wanted it done by their labs and stillw as going to charge me a huge office fee on top...DING DONG.
    The botton line is that you have been doing a ton. Keep it up!!! I know that there might be a person out there who might be able to tell you more things, but to be honest, you are pretty darn clued in. you are doing A LOT. I say read, read, read; Google a variety of word-strings to keep your attitude up and to motivate...Have you tried 'Alkaline diet and cancer;'. Also, I would throw Folic acid into your mix if you have not already -- info about that was in plain, old Western literature about colon cancer prevention. I sincerely think that you are just having healthy thoughts about who you should listen to; I am not doubting your new Naturapath, but you seem to be pretty heads-up and able to search on your own as well...
    Take care and all the best to you - Maura And here is something printed IN Western, scientific literature...Exercise hugely impacts (positively) our immune system. I don't know about you, but it does help my attitude...Take care!!!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hi mary!

    Have you read Dr. Andrew Weil's book yet? Spontaneous Healing? It's WELL worth it. It was very encouraging and affirming for me when going the alternate route.

    If you read Dr. Ralph Moss's book, Questioning Chemotherapy you will find out that chemo was once considered took years and a lot-- A LOT --of $$$ to change public opinion, but they did and here we are today....questioning ancient medicine and embracing "science" that is economically motivated by billions of dollars. Looking at it from the other side as I do, chemo is barbaric. I pray for a day when we look back in horror much like we do to blood letting and not washing hands before surgery kind of stuff....and we'll wonder how "they" got away with it.....


    that is not to say that there are not alternative charlatans out there fleecing the desparate and hopeless.....but there are two sides to every coin, yes? It's just which side you want to put your trust in....

    To me, healing and building up rather than poisoning and tearing down made more sense.

    And my choice has kept me free from experiencing all the horrors and sicknesses that chemo has to offer. Science had no bearing with was all experiences of sister (dead), my aunt (dead), my grandfather (dead) that propelled me into embracing alternatives with a vengeance.

    keep going honey. You sound like you're doing great and right on track!

    peace, emily who , for the record, loves her oncologist and surgeon :-)
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    I don't understand why you don't think the reasonings behind supplements and some of the alternatives is not scientific. It's all about natural and God provided vitamins, minerals and herbs that provide your body with substancial nourishment with no side effects and as Emily says, allowing it to heal itself. If that stuff isn't important and scientific why do have the newly revised food pyramid? It is NOT about man made synthetic drugs that all have nasty side effects and gross profits.

    As far as your hair and what Maura says about folic acid (she is right on). Are you taking a heavy duty B complex vitamin? The ones that you can only get from licensed practicioners (Naturopaths, etc) are loaded with the B vitamins including folic acid. You can buy them off the shelf but they aren't as loaded. Look up what B vitamins do for the cells of our bodies. They are the building blocks. If you should have premature greying of your hair, they will take care of it. I just stop by my docs office and buy her supplements without an appt. or extra charges now.

    It took about a year for my hair to really be back and even better then before I got sick. I actually got it cut really short because it was so "french fried" and as it was growing out, that is when people really began to tell me how healthy I looked.

    Lisa P.