Hey Semi-Colons!

2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hey y'all!

I am so outta the loop on here that I am sure most of you won't even know me! But if any of my old buddies are still posting I send a big Semi-Colon hug!!

I am on my friend's computer and I only have a minute, but I just had to pop on here to say HEY!

I hope you all are well. I pray for you every day.

Anyway, I thought y'all would get a kick out of this: I am juicing my dog. The not funny thing is that she has a big cancerous tumor in her mouth and for a whopping $2000 I could have her jaw removed. So, no surprise here, I have started juicing for her, giving her green powder, flax seed and flax oil, and adding shark cartiledge (anti-angiogenesis)which she eagerly laps up. My son is giving her a macrobiotic diet along with the juicing. Why not? It's worth a try and at her advanced age (14) I am not willing (or able) to plop down two grand for the surgery. My vet just gave me the look when I told her I was gonna start juicing her! haha

On an aside, I will be putting on my third juicing workshop at our local coop because it is being requested. I am psyched!! I don't get paid enough (who does), but I am gaining experience doing my gig in front of people. I get a lot of mileage with scouty's story.

Anyway my fellow compatriots, just feel the love vibes I am sending your way, and I look forward to rejoining the cancer commune here soon......

nanuk--we NEED to talk!!!!

peace, emily


  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    Hey Emily!
    You probably won't get to read this, but...
    Great to hear from you. I've missed you!
    Sorry to hear about your dog, but he's got the most knowledgeable person by his side. I'm glad, that at the age of 14 he doesn't have to go thru the pain of surgery.
    Hope the rest of your summer goes well!
  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Well, a hiddy ho to you neighbor! ( show?anyone?anyone?)

    I just e-mailed you my friend.

    So sorry about your dog. But, I'll bet he is getting the best care around!!

    LOve to you,

  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Good to hear you are doing so well!!! Let us know how your dog is doing. I'm a "semi-juicer". The chemo makes me so sick that I can't down anything, let along something thick and green. Anyway, I'm still plugging along. One more treatment until I head back to MD Anderson for more scans.

    My best to you and I hope you are able to check with a computer more often.

    Good luck with your new juicing class. I'm proud of our new star.


  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Emily,

    Just wanted send some good thoughts with lot's of love to you and your family. Just so you know I'm starting my Champion up again this Saturday. It's been a hard summer . . .

    Take Care

    Baby LIsa
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Hah! I found you lurking amongst the long and short colons. I'm going under the knife wed. They are to try and bleed the little buggars out of me and flush with carrot juice and wheat grass juice.
    Having a lumbar laminectomy..look that one up in your funk and waggonals. Where have you been? Bud