adriamycin cytoxin, and taxol

Well I have been learning a lot, and sometimes scaring myself a lot. I start my treatments on the 25th of August, and so my interest in these drugs is understandable.
I have had some responses to my first topic regarding this specific group of drugs that I thought very positive. Especially the ones that say not everyone reacts the same. But the ones that I have read that talk about the nightmare reactions scare the bejesus out of me. Heart problems ! I have stents in my arteries, they are going to do a heart scan this week to make sure the heart is strong. I am seeking all I can about this specific treatment. I hope that my positive attitude regarding this treatment is not just a foolish dream. I feel for anyone who has had a bad reaction, but I hope there are more who have had positive reactions to the treatment. I really would like to hear from you. This truly is a great site.
I am so grateful to all of your responses. Again I am stage 2 ductal with 1 node positive out of 11.
I think that I have a positive outlook because of my son's experience. He went into the hospital once a month for 1 week of 24 / 7 treatment with chemo. I don't know the drugs that were used, but he never got sick, just tired, and he had no appetite at all. He only had 5 treatments. I miss him very much.
Thanks again, and blessings to all
Taking chemo....hard work
Living a long life....priceless!
Hugs, was not easy for me, but, a few months later (the breast chemo ended the end of March), I have a new 'do'....(3 colors!!!!!) and I am without any side effects. We can REALLY scare ourselves with reading the descriptions...but I would always ask, because I am one of those gals that would rather be surprised by something NOT happening....'prepared for the worst'....
That said, this is a part of you life that will come to an end, it's just temporary...just remember that....I was stage II, 2 nodes...
As far as your son. I think there should be a rule that says no one should ever have to say goodbye to a child. EVER!!! That said, I send hugs to you, and wish you the easy road with this chemo....stay drinking your water....
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Thanks Kathi, I too am someone who would rather be surprised by it not happening. I really want to get this show on the road. The longer I wait for the 25th the more my mind is working.KathiM said:Taking chemo....hard work
Living a long life....priceless!
Hugs, was not easy for me, but, a few months later (the breast chemo ended the end of March), I have a new 'do'....(3 colors!!!!!) and I am without any side effects. We can REALLY scare ourselves with reading the descriptions...but I would always ask, because I am one of those gals that would rather be surprised by something NOT happening....'prepared for the worst'....
That said, this is a part of you life that will come to an end, it's just temporary...just remember that....I was stage II, 2 nodes...
As far as your son. I think there should be a rule that says no one should ever have to say goodbye to a child. EVER!!! That said, I send hugs to you, and wish you the easy road with this chemo....stay drinking your water....
Hugs, Kathi
I know it will not be a piece of cake. HIS WILL BE DONE.
Toni0 -
Hi Toni,
I am in the midst 6 rounds of dose dense AC followed by 12 wkly hits taxol. It is 2:00 am and can't sleep due to too much sleep today. What you need to know is that there is a long list of side effects and only some of them will apply to you but they will all scare you.
The day of chemo I cannot sleep. It is not until two days after that I am run down (I am putting that lightly). I started to lose my hair my second treatment and had the rest shaved off (why prolong the inevitable) and cried.
I just recieved my 5th treatment of AC and with each one it gets a little more difficult. However, after a few days I am fine and functioning mormally.
Last week I attended a wedding wearing a lime green cowboy hat and a great dress and danced to Love Shack. I looked and felt great! A young woman at the wedding asked to meet me and told me her story about her battle with breast cancer. I gain strengh from the women who have come and survied cancer before me.
So what to take away from my ramblings is this: Women are Strong! Welcome all the support you can muster, don't turn any away. Allow yourself to cry & moan and then move on.
Sassy/Sharalee0 -
Hi Sassy/SharaleeSassyAF said:Hi Toni,
I am in the midst 6 rounds of dose dense AC followed by 12 wkly hits taxol. It is 2:00 am and can't sleep due to too much sleep today. What you need to know is that there is a long list of side effects and only some of them will apply to you but they will all scare you.
The day of chemo I cannot sleep. It is not until two days after that I am run down (I am putting that lightly). I started to lose my hair my second treatment and had the rest shaved off (why prolong the inevitable) and cried.
I just recieved my 5th treatment of AC and with each one it gets a little more difficult. However, after a few days I am fine and functioning mormally.
Last week I attended a wedding wearing a lime green cowboy hat and a great dress and danced to Love Shack. I looked and felt great! A young woman at the wedding asked to meet me and told me her story about her battle with breast cancer. I gain strengh from the women who have come and survied cancer before me.
So what to take away from my ramblings is this: Women are Strong! Welcome all the support you can muster, don't turn any away. Allow yourself to cry & moan and then move on.
Thanks so much for your response. I needed that. I am staying positive, and will accept what happens, but I am going for the positive side. I am having my head shaved next Monday, before the treatment starts. I have some friends coming over, I will have a bottle of Asti to celebrate the start of the 1st day of my new life, and when it is over I will have these same friends and a bottle of Asti to celebrate again.
Blessings to you
Toni0 -
hi Toni!I had the same drugs that u are going to haave. I had the worse reaction to taxol...BUt after I found out the side effect it was easier to handle..I guess I was NOt prepared for that one. I had a great attitude thru out my hoopla..and it helps alot! yes..drink that water..
may you have little side effects.
Prayers and (((hugs)))
Cindie0 -
Hi Cindie,pansylover said:hi Toni!I had the same drugs that u are going to haave. I had the worse reaction to taxol...BUt after I found out the side effect it was easier to handle..I guess I was NOt prepared for that one. I had a great attitude thru out my hoopla..and it helps alot! yes..drink that water..
may you have little side effects.
Prayers and (((hugs)))
Thanks for your input. I am feeling pretty positive. I truly appreciate any input. I think that knowing there will, or should I say can be side effects, but that they pass makes me feel much better. I want to work as much as I can thru this, and I believe I will be able to. Mind over matter, and HIS WILL BE DONE.
Hi, going thru reoccurence. Did ACT in 04. Had mastectomy,hysterectomy and all lymph nodes removed on 6/6/06. Yes ACT is very toxic. I had all the side effects but there who had no effects at all. Be positive! If you have an xisting heart condition talk to onc for alternatives. I'm doing MFL chemo which was orinally used 4 colorectal ca because the ACT did a no. on my heart/body. But If you can handle it, do it. Declare war on the Cancer! I tell those who ask that "they say I have cancer" and "since God is in control of everything, the chemo is just a formality". Keep the faith and GOD bless. Stay strong ylg1 (aka Yvette)0
Hi Yvette,ylgriffin1 said:Hi, going thru reoccurence. Did ACT in 04. Had mastectomy,hysterectomy and all lymph nodes removed on 6/6/06. Yes ACT is very toxic. I had all the side effects but there who had no effects at all. Be positive! If you have an xisting heart condition talk to onc for alternatives. I'm doing MFL chemo which was orinally used 4 colorectal ca because the ACT did a no. on my heart/body. But If you can handle it, do it. Declare war on the Cancer! I tell those who ask that "they say I have cancer" and "since God is in control of everything, the chemo is just a formality". Keep the faith and GOD bless. Stay strong ylg1 (aka Yvette)
Thank you for your reply. I know that I might or might not have the side effects. I know that it is poison they put in our bodies, but I also believe that nothing can happen without the Lord's permission. I ACCEPT HIS WILL. I hope that you will be on the road to a quick recovery. I wish you Blessings
Toni0 -
HEllo to you from a three-year survivor,
ACT was my drug treatment after having a mastectomy. I had every side effect there was but I survived. Tell your doctor about every side effect because there is so much they can do for you. Drink lots of water. I reacted badly to Taxotere and was changed to Taxol at the end due to severe peripheral neuropathy. That was the worst only because it lasted so long. Try to keep a sense of humor and don't let the "what ifs" scare you too much. As soon as I started losing my hair, I had my friend shave my head. She used dog clippers, and we laughed about it. I loved wearing hats, but hated wigs. The doctors will keep a close eye on your heart while you are doing the adriamycin drug. My family, church and friends prayed continuously for me and I was blessed with HIS healing hand. God Bless You as you begin this journey to healing.0 -
Hello 3 year survivor. Those words give me great hope. I am a bit concerned about side effects since drugs really do a number on me. I took a drug called naproxen for 3 days for back pain the doctor thought was arthritis, and it started tinnitus that has never gone away. That was 7 years ago. I have had reactions to other drugs. But, I am going to stay positive and believe in HIS HELPING HAND. I know they are poisons, and I know that the doctors are there for me, but I also believe that HE will only allow what he feels is best for me. If that means side effects then so be it. I really hope not since I really plan to stay working. It is something I don't want to give up just yet.Mosis50 said:HEllo to you from a three-year survivor,
ACT was my drug treatment after having a mastectomy. I had every side effect there was but I survived. Tell your doctor about every side effect because there is so much they can do for you. Drink lots of water. I reacted badly to Taxotere and was changed to Taxol at the end due to severe peripheral neuropathy. That was the worst only because it lasted so long. Try to keep a sense of humor and don't let the "what ifs" scare you too much. As soon as I started losing my hair, I had my friend shave my head. She used dog clippers, and we laughed about it. I loved wearing hats, but hated wigs. The doctors will keep a close eye on your heart while you are doing the adriamycin drug. My family, church and friends prayed continuously for me and I was blessed with HIS healing hand. God Bless You as you begin this journey to healing.
Blessing to you and continued good health
Toni0 -
Hi Toni,toninasky said:Hi Yvette,
Thank you for your reply. I know that I might or might not have the side effects. I know that it is poison they put in our bodies, but I also believe that nothing can happen without the Lord's permission. I ACCEPT HIS WILL. I hope that you will be on the road to a quick recovery. I wish you Blessings
No problem. I think it's my destiny to share with the world the glory of Jesus Christ and all we can do with HIM in our life. When I think about all I've been thru. I actually screamed, "when is this going to end." I told my mom, "I'm not scared of my life ending,... it's the middle part that bothers me and how much suffering is involved". But the truth is the unpleasantries don't last forever and you will come out the other side a new person who is stronger and cancer free. You try the ACT, see how you handle it. If it's too strong make the onc change your treatment. And yeah, it's poison but it kills the ca enemy within. And, thanks I'm getting there. I have 4 more months of treatment. It's not as toxic as ACT but it's no picnic. Ask your onc about MFL and other treatments that are less toxic. Hang in there! You can make it thru! This is only temporary. God Bless You! p.s. you don't have to reply. Remember, reading the emails, so many of us got your back in prayer.
Stay Strong in HIM and All things are possible.
Yvette0 -
Hi Toni,toninasky said:Hi Yvette,
Thank you for your reply. I know that I might or might not have the side effects. I know that it is poison they put in our bodies, but I also believe that nothing can happen without the Lord's permission. I ACCEPT HIS WILL. I hope that you will be on the road to a quick recovery. I wish you Blessings
No problem. I think it's my destiny to share with the world the glory of Jesus Christ and all we can do with HIM in our life. When I think about all I've been thru. I actually screamed, "when is this going to end." I told my mom, "I'm not scared of my life ending,... it's the middle part that bothers me and how much suffering is involved". But the truth is the unpleasantries don't last forever and you will come out the other side a new person who is stronger and cancer free. You try the ACT, see how you handle it. If it's too strong make the onc change your treatment. And yeah, it's poison but it kills the ca enemy within. And, thanks I'm getting there. I have 4 more months of treatment. It's not as toxic as ACT but it's no picnic. Ask your onc about MFL and other treatments that are less toxic. Hang in there! You can make it thru! This is only temporary. God Bless You! p.s. you don't have to reply. Remember, reading the emails, so many of us got your back in prayer.
Stay Strong in HIM and All things are possible.
Yvette0 -
Hi Toni.
I also just went through ACT. 4 AC and 4 Taxol. My last one will be on August 31st. I read all the side effects first and scared myself too.
I have worked through the whole thing, I have just taken off every two weeks on a Thursday for a treatment and the day after to go back for my Neulasta shot and rest. Other than that there was one day I left work. I'm not saying it's easy, but it can be done. Drink your water, take your tylenol or painkiller when you need to and get some Magic Swizzle for mouth sores. YOU CAN DO IT!
ireneincordova0 -
AMEN !ylgriffin1 said:Hi Toni,
No problem. I think it's my destiny to share with the world the glory of Jesus Christ and all we can do with HIM in our life. When I think about all I've been thru. I actually screamed, "when is this going to end." I told my mom, "I'm not scared of my life ending,... it's the middle part that bothers me and how much suffering is involved". But the truth is the unpleasantries don't last forever and you will come out the other side a new person who is stronger and cancer free. You try the ACT, see how you handle it. If it's too strong make the onc change your treatment. And yeah, it's poison but it kills the ca enemy within. And, thanks I'm getting there. I have 4 more months of treatment. It's not as toxic as ACT but it's no picnic. Ask your onc about MFL and other treatments that are less toxic. Hang in there! You can make it thru! This is only temporary. God Bless You! p.s. you don't have to reply. Remember, reading the emails, so many of us got your back in prayer.
Stay Strong in HIM and All things are possible.
Thanks for the prayers. Friday is D Day, and I feel confident in the Lord.0 -
AMEN !ylgriffin1 said:Hi Toni,
No problem. I think it's my destiny to share with the world the glory of Jesus Christ and all we can do with HIM in our life. When I think about all I've been thru. I actually screamed, "when is this going to end." I told my mom, "I'm not scared of my life ending,... it's the middle part that bothers me and how much suffering is involved". But the truth is the unpleasantries don't last forever and you will come out the other side a new person who is stronger and cancer free. You try the ACT, see how you handle it. If it's too strong make the onc change your treatment. And yeah, it's poison but it kills the ca enemy within. And, thanks I'm getting there. I have 4 more months of treatment. It's not as toxic as ACT but it's no picnic. Ask your onc about MFL and other treatments that are less toxic. Hang in there! You can make it thru! This is only temporary. God Bless You! p.s. you don't have to reply. Remember, reading the emails, so many of us got your back in prayer.
Stay Strong in HIM and All things are possible.
Thanks for the prayers. Friday is D Day, and I feel confident in the Lord.0 -
Hi Irene,ireneingeorgia said:Hi Toni.
I also just went through ACT. 4 AC and 4 Taxol. My last one will be on August 31st. I read all the side effects first and scared myself too.
I have worked through the whole thing, I have just taken off every two weeks on a Thursday for a treatment and the day after to go back for my Neulasta shot and rest. Other than that there was one day I left work. I'm not saying it's easy, but it can be done. Drink your water, take your tylenol or painkiller when you need to and get some Magic Swizzle for mouth sores. YOU CAN DO IT!
Thanks for your input. I hope I will be as lucky. HIS WILL BE DONE ! I will use all of the suggestions. Thank you again, and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR LAST TREATMENT.
Toni0 -
Hi, I am a 2 time breast cancer survivor, I like to say I have a match set now. My husband is in the Air Force so we move often. I had one cancer in Denver, one in Omaha. Glad to hear they are doing the heart scan, it seems pretty good. I had one where they let my husband sit and watch the monitor, he thought it was cool. My first cancer I had only A/C, extremely high dose, scared the heck out me the way I felt, but I did okay. The day of treatments were tough, and many hours afterwards. However thanks to good communication with my doctor and oncology nurses the sides effects weren't too bad. Milkshakes felt very good going down once I got my appetite back. Watch out for smells, they can make you nauseous. My second cancer I had A/C and then Taxol. The A/C was more managable and administered differently, side effects weren't bad, Taxol didn't really make me nauseous, but my body ached. As all of us can attest each cancer is unique to itself, everyone reacts differently. Keep the line of communication open, there are no stuped questions, and you should NEVER suffer needlessly. Hair loss, not a fashion statement, recommend cutting your hair short, it makes it easier, and hats are fun. I had my kids color a white hat each with their artwork. I was colorful, people thought the hats were great. I didn't like wigs because when I looked in the mirror I felt it wasn't me.
Remember it's okay to feel any way you want, this is about you. Take care of yourself, everything else will take of itself one way or another. Rest when you can, housework will always be there later. Take care, good luck, god bless.0 -
Hi Tigger,Tigger35 said:Hi, I am a 2 time breast cancer survivor, I like to say I have a match set now. My husband is in the Air Force so we move often. I had one cancer in Denver, one in Omaha. Glad to hear they are doing the heart scan, it seems pretty good. I had one where they let my husband sit and watch the monitor, he thought it was cool. My first cancer I had only A/C, extremely high dose, scared the heck out me the way I felt, but I did okay. The day of treatments were tough, and many hours afterwards. However thanks to good communication with my doctor and oncology nurses the sides effects weren't too bad. Milkshakes felt very good going down once I got my appetite back. Watch out for smells, they can make you nauseous. My second cancer I had A/C and then Taxol. The A/C was more managable and administered differently, side effects weren't bad, Taxol didn't really make me nauseous, but my body ached. As all of us can attest each cancer is unique to itself, everyone reacts differently. Keep the line of communication open, there are no stuped questions, and you should NEVER suffer needlessly. Hair loss, not a fashion statement, recommend cutting your hair short, it makes it easier, and hats are fun. I had my kids color a white hat each with their artwork. I was colorful, people thought the hats were great. I didn't like wigs because when I looked in the mirror I felt it wasn't me.
Remember it's okay to feel any way you want, this is about you. Take care of yourself, everything else will take of itself one way or another. Rest when you can, housework will always be there later. Take care, good luck, god bless.
Thanks so much for the hints and tips. I truly do appreciate them.
Tomorrow is D Day
Blessings to you
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