I'm so confused

steelerfan Member Posts: 26 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am so glad for everyone's suggestions. I am going to see my GI doctor next week and I have some new questions to ask. He is the one who told me to eat yogurt every day. He said it is good for your colon. He told my sister-in-law the same thing after her colonoscopy (she didn't have cancer). I do use the lactose free milk--only a little when I have cereal. I don't drink milk--never did. And the dietician I was working with was the one who suggested bananas and also yogurt. It really is a game of trial and error between my diet and also my medications. I am certainly going to research more about the glycemic index--I have heard about it but don't know how it works. One way or another, I am determined to get control of my life back. Thanks again for all of the information. I appreciate it!!


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Yogurt is great....it ALSO helps with yeast infections...BUT, sigh, if your body (like mine) can't handle it....
    I, too, ate yogurt frequently for all of it's positive health benes....then never could figure out why I had such gas and runs.
    I was in Holland at Christmas, eating my FAV desert, something called quark....it's a yummy, yummy blended yogurt thingy that then I add ginger to (ginger, btw, is a FAB aid to digestion when you eat heavy...the Dutch and the people of India have used it forever). I digress, anyway, within a half hour, I had cramps and mucho gas...FINALLY made the connection...
    NOW I am eating lactose-free ice cream, cheese, milk and NO PROB (we girls MUST keep our calcium up...I am also osteoporotic from my 2 fights with the beast).
    Also, there is a pill called lactaid...anyway, many of we ladies are actually allergic to lactose...I shared with my friends, and 2 others were in my 'sample'....and they never have (hopefully never WILL) faced the beast!

    You are correct, trial and error...and success....is your best bet!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member

    Another thing that you can use instead of yogurt is Acidofolis (sp?) It does the same thing. My sister does this instead of yogurt. She hates yogurt. It does help the healthy bacteria in your bowels that chemo and diarehea tends to kill. This way you don't have to worry about the lactose intolerance. How about soy milk too? I use the vanilla. I do this because milk has lots of sugar in it. Soy milk is less sugar. Good luck and take care.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    There is also kefir and probiotic supplements (like acidophilous and yes, Lisa it is hard to spell without spellcheck) that provide the wonderful healthy bacteria for the gut that you are looking for.

    Google both and you can check them out. I do both and neither bother me. I can tolerate dairy some but not too often and it has to be from cows that are "healthy", not shot up with growth hormones and feed antibiotics and other crap.

    Lisa P.