Just had port put in...OUCH!

tennislover Member Posts: 64
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello all. I just had my port put in so I can start chemo on Monday but I have to say that it hurt a heck of a lot more than I counted on! They did tell me that since I am so small that I will have a lot of bruising but I swear this hurt more than my incisions from my surgery. Also, I was awake the whole time. They had given me meds to sedate me but I was wide awake the whole time. Anyone with similar experience? I am hoping that the pain from the port will go away very soon, I feel like a baby but I know I have a high tollerance for pain so it is strange that this hurts so much! Any advice or similar experiences?


  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    Uh, what's a port? I got chemo injections through a tap into a vein in my wrist, which (the tap) stayed in place for four days. Something like that? Mine didn't hurt to install at all, though.
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Mine KILLED! I was so glad that I was able to wait a week before chemo started. My surgeon is such a nice guy; but my port really did throw me for a loop. The good thing is that it is long ever. Hang tight and know that there will be things which we think will be a piece of cake and still go 'haywire'. My port caused me problems all through chemo as it rubbed on my seat belt driving...and that hurt a lot. But, again, it is over. Hang in there and try some pain meds -- over the counter or by calling your doc -- to get some relief. So sorry that it was s big pain for you too -- Maura
  • JADot
    JADot Member Posts: 709 Member
    Yup, for me the port hurted more than the incision as well. My surgeon put me under completely so that was slightly better. Try an ice pack to dull the pain a bit. Other than that you just have to grin and bear it. You can try Tylenol etc. I just toughed it out. It did get getter after a few days, mind you it was quite a few days.

    Wish I had better experience to share. Best of luck to you and hope you feel better soon!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Is this the one that looks like you have a bottle cap under your skin????
    I have that one, but, like Ying, was under when they inserted it. WOW! AWAKE!!!! YIKES!!!!! You BRAVE soul!!!!!

    That said, mine was implanted for my (as it turned out) first cancer treatment (rectal). It then stuck around for the breast cancer treatment, and my bowel obstruction surgery where they fed me thru it...it is a WONDERFUL thing...no needles in the arm, no 'searching' for a vein to destroy with chemo...

    Mine has been in for 18 months and counting, and even tho it DOES get in the way occasionally like with my seat belt, it is a godsend!

    The pain will pass, this is under the skin, so your skin has been stretched to make room...it's saying 'Hey! Wait a minute! Give me a chance to grow!'.
    People that get liposuction have the same pain...skin pain...Tylenol and, if that doesn't work, ask for something stronger.

    Make sure to keep it clean, and report quickly any signs of redness or swelling.

    Overall, I give my port 10 thumbs up!!!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    Give it a few days and a couple of pain pills and you'll be just fine.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    I don't remember much pain but was out at the time. Have had it 15 mos. It is a bother sometime but I am grateful for it when I get the chemo. My onc says it has to stay in for two yrs past my last treatment. The clock just started over so it's another two yrs. Try cold packs, pain meds, whatever will get you through this first period.
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member

    I know how you feel. I had a blood clot from my first port (put in under sedation which knocked me out) and they had to take it out and put in a new one. Like you the second time I was not put under and awake the whole time. I will NEVER do that again. The pain during the proceedure was bad. I actually waited a month the first time before starting chemo. My port hurt the whole month. Not bad but more irritating. One Onc told me they can start the next day. Of course he would say that because the port (and pain) are not his. LOL. HUGS and know that it will get better. Also a good thing to have is EMLA cream to put on the port area 2 hours before chemo. This deadens the area and the IV is less painful. Ask your onc for a RX. Good luck and tell us how you are doing.

  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    OUCH!!!! DAMN!!!! Yes, it did hurt but for only a day or so. I was in la la land as they installed it so I don't remember much. The pain will get better!! I had mine put in and had chemo 3 hours later with the port. Terri
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    I've had 3 ports, the first one hurt, the second one hurt a little but stuck out so much I wanted to try to find a 3 cup bra!! The 3rd one was a charm - no pain, no sticking out too far, doesn't hurt at all on access. I forget that it is there.

    I think the surgeon makes the difference - I had 3 different ones each time.

    It should begin to feel better. Get some lambs wool pads for the seat beal shoulder harness, it helped me.

  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm sorry you had so much pain. My oncologist ordered a Groshong catheter and I was put completely to sleep. Mine never caused me any pain.

    I hope your chemo goes well and you have minimal side effects.


  • Susanbm
    Susanbm Member Posts: 61
    I was completely under for my port and experienced no pain whatsoever. It took me a few weeks to get used to having the "bottle cap" under my skin. Watch out for any type of swelling and aching in your arm--I developed a blood clot 2 months after port insertion and had to have take coumadin until I finished my chemo and the port was removed. Definitely apply the ELM cream about a hour before you have your chemo. There will be no pain. Good luck on your chemo regimen and remember to take one day at a time!