Post Mastectomy INSOMNIA help!

texas972 Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My mother had a mastectomy done almost a month ago and since then has not been sleeping well at all. She has tried several sleeping pills and anxiety meds but to now avail. I am very worried for her because she is delaying her full recovery by not getting enough rest.

Has anyone else had the same problem post surgery or know of any solutions? PLEASE HELP.

God Bless.


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  • LesleyH
    LesleyH Member Posts: 370
    I think this is a universal problem after the shock of a cancer diagnosis. I watched a lot of late night TV. I don't do sleeping pills or sedatives. What I found helped me (still helps) is I go to bed at 10PM every night. If necessary I take 3 mg of Melatonin (from the health store - not a prescription) about half an hour before bedtime. I take it about 2-3 times a week. Then I put on eyeshades that block out all light. And good night.


  • pansylover
    pansylover Member Posts: 80
    When I had/do have trouble sleeping I use the cd from BELLERUTH NAPARSTEK..www.healthy is guided imagery -no drugs...I swear by it..try it out.....cindie ga
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Have mom cut the caffine at 4pm...also, try sleeping with a pillow under her chest, on her side...worked for me during my recovery...
    Hugs, Kathi
  • texas972
    texas972 Member Posts: 5
    LesleyH said:

    I think this is a universal problem after the shock of a cancer diagnosis. I watched a lot of late night TV. I don't do sleeping pills or sedatives. What I found helped me (still helps) is I go to bed at 10PM every night. If necessary I take 3 mg of Melatonin (from the health store - not a prescription) about half an hour before bedtime. I take it about 2-3 times a week. Then I put on eyeshades that block out all light. And good night.



    hi lesley, sorry for the late reply, but thank you for your quick one. From the sound of your email, seems like you have gone thru what my mother is now going thru and in a way, that is comforting to know. I just showed her your message and surprisingly she actually had bought Mellodyn (meltonin supplement) but had not opened the bottle yet. She is trying it tonight. If you don't mind could you please tell me...did you take many prescriptions for anxiety/insomnia after your surgery and during the recovery process? My mother has taken almost everything they have to promote sleep and decrease anxiety but she is still having major problems with sleep. She is starting to feel depressed and is going to see a psychiatrist. I am trying to help her out by setting up an appt for her to a sleep disorder center. Does this at all sound familiar to you? if so is there any extra words of advice or experience that you could share so I could see to it that she reads and takes the advice?

    Thanks so much again. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, how is the recovery for you? I hope my email finds you in good and healthy terms! Thanks again, Thomas.
  • texas972
    texas972 Member Posts: 5
    KathiM said:

    Have mom cut the caffine at 4pm...also, try sleeping with a pillow under her chest, on her side...worked for me during my recovery...
    Hugs, Kathi

    Thanks kathi for the quick reply. Sorry for my late one. I just showed my mom the replies and I want to thank you again for the support. How is your recovery btw? I hope this mssg finds you in happy and healthy times.

    Neways, I was wondering if you had any other personal experiences or advice to tell my mom because she has not been able to sleep well. She is worried it might be anxiety but also tells me she thinks it might be from the surgery itself, as in the long term side effects from anesthesia or some other body effect of such a traumatic surgery. She has tried almost every med there is for anti anxiety and insomnia but to no avail. If you could help us out, we'd really aprpeciate it.

    In the mean time we are going to see if we can schedule an appt to the sleep center and psychiatrist as she is feeling a little depressed now. Let me know . Thanks again Kathy!
  • texas972
    texas972 Member Posts: 5

    When I had/do have trouble sleeping I use the cd from BELLERUTH NAPARSTEK..www.healthy is guided imagery -no drugs...I swear by it..try it out.....cindie ga

    Thanks Cindie for the kwik reply and sorry for my late one. Thanks for the advice and help. My mom still cant sleep well though even after trying so many meds. Do you have any other personal experiences or advice ? Thanks again. By the way, how is the recovery ? I hope this mssg finds you in happy and healthy terms.


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