Eeek! My surgery is on Thursday... THIS Thursday!

Patrusha Member Posts: 487
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My doc called this morning to tell me the surgeon on my case had a cancellation and I was an ideal candidate to take the slot. Eager to get this out of the way I said sure, sent out my email to alert co-workers of my absence until further notice, and went to the hospital for my scheduled CT scans. That was fun. Next time I have a hankering for berry-flavored motor oil I'll just head down there and ask them for a pint! LOL!!!'

Anyway, I meet with the surgeon on Wednesday at which time she should have the biopsies from the colonoscopy last week and today's scans. Hopefully we'll have an idea then of what she thinks I am dealing with here. Then again, my regular doc says don't freak until the surgery is done and the pathology lab chimes in, so.....

What experience did others have? Did you find out soon after surgery what was up or was it days waiting for pathology to get back to you?

I'm getting out my soft little pillow that I used for my hysterectomy a few years back... pretty sure I'm going to need it. :(

On a good note, my MIL had a successful quadruple bypass surgery today and I am heading across the state to see her tomorrow. I wanted to wait until she was back home and settled before I had my surgery, but then this open early appointment came up. She'd kill me if I put it off, anyway... I know she'll be well cared for by other family members. I am just hoping nothing goes wrong, ya know, and I'll be stuck in the hospital or at home.

We'll have to get her a laptop so we can chat online! I think it will be awhile before she has the strength to sit at her desk. God love her.


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  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    I'll be thinking of you this Thursday. You'll do just fine. My biopsy was done at the colonoscopy and the cancer was diagnosed. The surgery determined my stage at the time which was stage III.

    I'm with you, get it over with and get on with whatever the next adventure brings.

    Let us know how you are doing. I know you'll probably be AWOL for a few days. Know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    Wishing you all the best for the surgery and speedy recovery.

    God Bless, Eleonora
  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    I found out from my surgeon the day after surgery, which was a resection of the lower part of my rectum. Cancer through the colon wall, but none detected outside the colon. I got the impression that there was a pathologist's report in the midst of my surgery, but I'm not sure about that.

    This is my first post here. I thought I might usefully point out that these things can be pretty routine. My surgeon said my case was routine, and later my radiation oncologist said the same. Cut out the cancer last Dec. 2005, 6 weeks radiation and chemotherapy in Jan. and Feb., which was no more than inconvenient. After that, some soreness and diarrhea (from the radiation I guess), and in a month I was back to normal. So far as I and the tests can tell, anyhow.

    Here's hoping your case is routine enough to bore your doctors.

  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    It will be good to get it past. The scans will help stage you but the real staging will be done during the surgery. Yes, the pillow will come in handy.
    Good luck and have a speedy, and uneventful recovery.
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Patrusha -

    Once they get you on the table, they can get a good visual on what is going on inside you, they can take some lymph nodes and test them. After surgery, they will stage you and figure out the next steps.

    Of, course, after surgery, you will be a full-fledged SemiColon! Sending you good vibes and lots of positive energy. Keeping both you and your MIL in my prayers.


    - SpongeBob
  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    Good luck with your surgery. Remember to walk, walk, and walk some more. It takes a few days to get the final pathology report.

    As far as the pet scan goes, I had one initially for a baseline. My doc wanted one in case any thing popped up later, they would have something to compare to. Luckily things only lit up where my rectal cancer was.

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Sending you all best wishes for your surgery. I agree with Moesimo that walking after the surgery can be very helpful. Also (and I say this to everyone going into major surgery), make sure you get good pain relief. The pillow is a good idea! I sure used one. You probably know all this already from your previous surgery. For me, it took several days to get the full pathology report (I'm sure that varies from hospital to hospital). But they were able to give me a very good idea right after the surgery. They have a very good luck-around while they are in there! I think you are very wise to take this early slot.
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    good luck with surgery. pathology comes back in a few days after the surgery. use the pain meds. in my thoughts and prayers.
    be well
    all the best
    never give up never
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    My surgery date got moved up also, and I was really glad to have the wait shortened. Best of luck to you.
    My pathology reports came back in a few days, while I was still in the hospital, showing 1 positive node, which was my ticket to chemo. The node was not apparant on CT scan, nor did my surgeon feel that any looked involved. I did not have a PET scan. Don't freak even with the path reports; you will get through this, no matter what the results. Stay strong and focused.
    Pay good attention to pain control; I had an epidural in addition to general, and experienced no pain post op! and was walking with it in just fine. You know the drill from your previous surgery....hang in there, keep walking and rest when you need to and you'll be up and at 'em in no time.
    All the best, Judy
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Hey, gives you less time to think about it...MINE wasn't supposed to happen at all after all tests showed NED...then on a Thursday my surgeons' nurse called...seemed the doc was at a conference, held a mini-tumor board with his buddies from MD Anderson, Mayo, and the like...all decided it would be 'safer' to go ahead with the resection on TUESDAY....
    I didn't even have ANY of my pre-surgical stuff done...everything had to be ordered STAT....
    BUT everything turned out great, here's sending the same to you, my dear!!!
    Great news on your MIL....
    Hugs, Kathi
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Patursha,

    I'll be thinking of you on Thursday. You will do fine. I loved your berry-flavored motor oil comment. I have had an array of delicious treats and have yet to decide on my preference.

    I received my pathology report on the second day after my surgery...stage 3. My fellow friends gave you such great suggestions that I have only one to add. Ask your surgeon about chewing gum after surgery. It has been reported that this helps speed up your digestive system to start working again.

    I hope your MIL heals well and so do you.


  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good luck, Patusha.

    Unlike many others here (I am sure it varies by doctor and hospital), I received my pathology results immediately following surgery. When I had my colonsocopy, my GI doc had told me to not even consider the possibility that that pathology would not come back negative. He knew he was looking at cancer when he viewed that tumor!

    Prior to surgery I had a CT scan which suggested a possible liver met. So during colon surgery my liver was explored. The area on CT looked normal, but my surgeon saw something on the other liver lobe, biopsied it, and put a rush on the biopsy so that he had results by the time surgery was complete. Pretty nice of him, actually. When I came out of recovery, my husband told me there was a met to the liver and then my surgeon confirmed for me the next morning. At least I did not have to wait.

    Please make sure you get the right pain meds. I had an epidural placed also, so you can post-surgery use a patient assisted pump to deliver Fentanyl (a narcotic) as needed (you can't overdose, by the way). It really helped. The bad thing was that my hospital took the pump away when it beeped and then it took 1 hr to get a new bag - by then I was in huge pain - complained the 2nd day and I was visited by Anesthesia (and they were hugely angry). The next day my nurse literally ran down 5 flights of stairs to get the drug refil so that I would not have to go without. That was one of my early lessons in having to be your own advocate.

    So, good luck with surgery - and DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP!

    Take care,
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member

    Good luck, Patusha.

    Unlike many others here (I am sure it varies by doctor and hospital), I received my pathology results immediately following surgery. When I had my colonsocopy, my GI doc had told me to not even consider the possibility that that pathology would not come back negative. He knew he was looking at cancer when he viewed that tumor!

    Prior to surgery I had a CT scan which suggested a possible liver met. So during colon surgery my liver was explored. The area on CT looked normal, but my surgeon saw something on the other liver lobe, biopsied it, and put a rush on the biopsy so that he had results by the time surgery was complete. Pretty nice of him, actually. When I came out of recovery, my husband told me there was a met to the liver and then my surgeon confirmed for me the next morning. At least I did not have to wait.

    Please make sure you get the right pain meds. I had an epidural placed also, so you can post-surgery use a patient assisted pump to deliver Fentanyl (a narcotic) as needed (you can't overdose, by the way). It really helped. The bad thing was that my hospital took the pump away when it beeped and then it took 1 hr to get a new bag - by then I was in huge pain - complained the 2nd day and I was visited by Anesthesia (and they were hugely angry). The next day my nurse literally ran down 5 flights of stairs to get the drug refil so that I would not have to go without. That was one of my early lessons in having to be your own advocate.

    So, good luck with surgery - and DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP!

    Take care,

    Hi Patrusha. I had some complications after surgery so was in "la la land" for about 48 hours. As soon as I became "sane" again(although many think I have still lost tha plot) my surgeon came in and told me he got the 3 tumours out with plenty of extra colon to get good margins. He told me then that no nodes were involved and staged me at 2. Then he smiled and said..."'ol fella...yu'll be fine!"
    My surgeon sure had a sense of humour!
    And so will be fine Patrusha! Best of luck from oz, Ross n Jen
  • jenalynet
    jenalynet Member Posts: 361 Member
    Wishing you all the best for your surgery, sending you good thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery..Audrey
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Patrusha,

    Good news you are getting this over. Like the others be your own advocate with pain and anything else. Don't wait to say anything or until the pain is real bad. I had a morphine pump that helped the first two days. The third day I just had tylenol. The pain wasn't bad at all. Good Luck and Good vibes your way.



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