Monkey says HI!

Mona6518 Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
It's been a while since I've posted so you may not remember me (and that's okay seeing as I have 'chemo brain' and can't remember stuff myself sometimes).

I was diagnosed in late Dec 2005, had surgery early Jan 2006 (talk about starting off the year in an interesting manner huh?). I am a TII NO (tumor did not breech the colon wall and all lymph nodes were clear).

The Oncs originally recommended no chemo but (with my family history of various cancers), I pushed strongly for it and got them to change that recommendation. They started me on Xeloda and I'm currently on #7 of 8 total treatments.

Adjusting to life after surgery was... well... fustrating. It really bugged me to take it easy and go slow... but I forced myself to do it and now, I'm glad I did. I went back to work (part time) six weeks after I was released and am now back to working (mostly) full time. I say mostly since I do have some weeks that I get tired easily and I just go home earlier on those days. But for the most part, I'm working at least 32-36 hours a week.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with my experience so far (well... as happy as you can be knowing that you're fighting cancer). But the one thing that bugs me the most? It's the fact that my surgery scar isn't straight... it runs a bit diagonal from my belly down. Now how silly is that?

Anyhow, I keep trying to get back here and keep up with everyone... but I've just been so focused on getting my life back to some sort of normal, so I haven't (bad monkey).
I am happy to admit, at least three (3) folks have gotten their colonoscopies earlier than they were planning to after speaking to me :) WooHoo.

K.. Monkey has to go wake up the grumpy husband now to get started on today's adventures :)

Much hugs, kisses, and etc to everyone of you (survivor or caregiver).


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Hey, Monkey! What a great story! Just what I like to read...someone who has learned the lesson to take it easy, recover slowly!!!!!!!!
    Hey, my scar isn't straight either...and it loops around my belly button, and then makes a SECOND belly button...maybe I'll get both pierced and put a chain between (hehehehehehehe)!
    I LOVE reading good news posts like yours! Please keep in touch!
    Hugs, Kathi
    P.S. chemo WHAT was that again...I can't remember.....hehehehehehe
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good to hear from you, Monkey. It sounds like you are doing really well.

    Re: the scar. Gotta say, mine is pretty straight. But, before you get jealous, like Kathi's it kind of makes a second belly button look somewhere in the middle! Real attractive! So, I'd take not straight over the second navel look! (Meanwhile we all know the scars don't really matter, right?)

    Take care,
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Monkey!

    I just wanted to say your post made me smile. Like the others and you my scar is not straight either. Was kind of upset the first time I saw it but it looks better then my gallbladder scar. So many scars on my poor body. Guess they are like war scars right guys??? Take care.

  • JoyceCanada
    JoyceCanada Member Posts: 134

    Hi Monkey!

    I just wanted to say your post made me smile. Like the others and you my scar is not straight either. Was kind of upset the first time I saw it but it looks better then my gallbladder scar. So many scars on my poor body. Guess they are like war scars right guys??? Take care.


    My scar goes across my tummy - my Granddaughter aged 5 says it looks like a "happy face".
  • ladybug52
    ladybug52 Member Posts: 41
    Hi: My scar goes from my above my belly button down is not straight and have a second belly button too. My oncologist said no chemo needed but my grandmother had breast cancer and my sister has ovarian cancer, should i push for some, they say that it was in stage one my cancer.
    good luck,
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Hola, Mona!

    Glad to hear you're doing so well! Keep it up. And tell hubby not to be so grumpy - it could ALWAYS be worse!

    Keep in touch.

    - SB