Does it seem to take longer to Recover from colds...

Susan956 Member Posts: 510
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wondering if I am nuts. For the first time in my life I have gotten Broncitus in the Summer. I have gotten it a couple of times before, but always in the Winter. It has taken two courses of antibiotics (Z-Pak & Levaquin Pak) to kill it and it is still hanging around in my lungs 2 weeks later. I finished my last Chemo in Nov & Radiation in Feb... but continued Herceptin(which caused some temporary heart problems) until 5 weeks ago. So the question is... Does it seem to take longer when you get sick to seem to get over it that it did before you guys bumped in to our beast? Just curious if this is just me or if this is just something that comes with the territory?

Take Care... God Bless....



  • LesleyH
    LesleyH Member Posts: 370
    I think you are probably right, Susan. I am normally never sick, but now I feel so fragile. I do take immune stimulants because I feel that I just don't build immunity like I used to. I have constant sore throats. I think our immune system gets such a beating that it takes years to recover. Are you getting enough rest? I think we need a little more after chemo. Be kind to yourself. Let your chores sllliiiiiiide.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I agree with Lesley...our poor bodies have been pushed to the limit...and we (me especially) seem to want 'normal' back soooo desperately that we forget we have had a form of major illness...
    Give yourself time...but yes, the playing field has changed for me...I have to be more careful about avoiding germs...
    Hugs, Kathi
  • JKAlley
    JKAlley Member Posts: 84
    KathiM said:

    I agree with Lesley...our poor bodies have been pushed to the limit...and we (me especially) seem to want 'normal' back soooo desperately that we forget we have had a form of major illness...
    Give yourself time...but yes, the playing field has changed for me...I have to be more careful about avoiding germs...
    Hugs, Kathi

    I agree with Kathi and Lesley, your body has been through so much, it just doesn't always fully recover. I'm 3 years out, 9 months of chemo, rads, and did the herceptin route as well, and I still think I just don't recover like I used to. I also find I am more suseptable (HA sp? - I catch things easier) to crud than I ever used to be. Part of it could be I'm getting older - note the oldER, not old - but I do think my immune system just isn't what it used to be. I'm just glad I'm here to complain about it. Enjoy your days, Judy
  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    Thanks everyone. It is nice to know that someone listens when we are feeling bad. I went and got an Echocardiagram done today. It was good news. Herceptin had caused my heart ejection to go down to 39 (normal is 55 to 60). Today after 5 weeks off of Herceptin it had recovered to 50. So almost 1/2 back to where it should be. Just knowing that it is getting better will make me feel a little better. Hopefully after another week the Bonchitis will get better and I will be back to normal.... YAHHH....

    Take Care all.. God Bless...

  • Susan, my dear, I hate to say it but, EVERYTHING is harder for awhile after chemo and rads. You get sick easier, you get well slower. Your body has been to hell and back, not to mention your emotions and your spirit, all of which effect your immune system.
    I would suggest:(1) Get EVERYTHING checked out immediately. (Sounds like you are on top of that)
    (2) Get everything checked AGAIN if it doesn't clear up after 2 rounds of anti-biotics.
    (3) And be GOOD to yourself....more rest time, a good diet, refuse stuff that stresses you out (let someone else handle it), and GO GET A've earned it!
    God bless.
  • sassysally
    sassysally Member Posts: 150
    It does take longer, and radiation does a number on your lungs. Pneumonia is a given. Plan on getting it more often, even with the pneumonia shot. Just be more careful as you are more suseptible to things.