do u really think they are doing enough ?

wake up in the morning and
1 Pray and give thanks to God
2 Meditate
3 Vizualization, vitamins (transfer factor,antioxidants,garlic, aloe vera,starwberry, raspberry, fiber, antidepresant pills, etc etc etc
4 Go sell some houses
5 More meditation and vizualization while driving clients around
6 More praying
7 repeat # 3
8 keep working/pray
9 keep meditations
10 repeat # 3
11 go to bed and have my husband to reiki on me
12 give thanks to God
and the same...
How come after ALL these years theres no cure ?Do you really thing they are doing all they can ?
Am I been selfish ? They can go to the moon...create computers , Ipods, Navigators ( they are great though), but we are still fighting for this beast....I just thing its getting worst...more and more young people are getting cancer and we dont even know why ???
They found polips on my 21 years old daugther...people on thier 30's are getting breast cancer every day....this has to stop....either they find out what causing it or they find a cure.....NOW !!!
Sorry...just one of those days....
Lets do something about it....go to Washington...somewhere !!!!!
Ok..I'm done for now...thanks for listening....
God bless you all
Hi Alta,
I think everyone has a day like you are having. I try to look on the bright side. They have a new vaccination for cancer. Didn't watch it on the news last night but heard about it. I think there are so many cancers out there and so many reasons why we can get it that it is a hard beast to track down. I am trying to help my kids and get them to eat better to stop cancer in it's tracks. I'm doing the same for me to make sure it goes away for good. It does suck that they can't find a cure and so many people are getting it. I think we see more people getting it because it is also not a "taboo" to talk about it any more. I agree we need to push for things but maybe one step at a time. Get more people to realize it isn't a death sentence and we need more research. Have you ever gone to a Relay? That will help you see how everyone is trying to raise money to kill the beast for good. Take care.
Lisa0 -
Maybe im going to sound bitter but I do believe that they can do more than they are doing. I believe that alot of pharmacuticals and Drs are making alot of money on all the research and there is more out there to help that they dont say. Its a crule world out there and alot of crooked people. People get paid of everyday. Light bills go up, heat bills go up and no one does anything about it. Becauase the people that can do something about it are probably getting paid off by the electric companies so they dont help out. Its a sad world we live in when people care more about money then the people. Sorry but with the war, electric, heat, gas prices all going up this world is making me crazy.0
Hi alta29,
Since I have no fear sounding like a crackpot I'll just come right out and say it:
It's kinda like a "duh factor". Of course "they" are not going to find a cure. Can you even start to think what that would mean? Think about all the lucrative businesses out there that would fold. No Siree Bob. This "War On Cancer" is as bogus as musiclover thinks the Eat Right for Your Type diet is! haha
It's no War. Not at all. They want us to believe they are making great gains and lots of progress so they throw us a bone every so often.
Go to and read their archived articles on this very thing. Dr. Moss was a researcher with Memorial Sloan-Kettering and he can tell you about conver-ups and how the spin is put out there on new drugs. It's so much bahooey.
I'm not bitter about it because I have not engaged in it (having done all alternatives and didn't buy into their drug regimens), but it sure pisses me off for all of you who are suffering at their hands. THAT'S what pisses ME off!!!!
Doctors take an oath to do no harm and daily I read about all the horrible affects of chemo and what your bodies are going through.
Even if my cancer comes back I will NEVER regret that I did not do the chemo and that I chose a route that did not include lining the pockets of the EVIL pharmaceuticals. Thankfully I believe in a just God and the greedy will get their just rewards.
ok well, I better get off my soapbox now and go play outside in this beautiful sunshine!
peace, emily who would rather juice a carrot than pop a pill.0 -
Emily,2bhealed said:Hi alta29,
Since I have no fear sounding like a crackpot I'll just come right out and say it:
It's kinda like a "duh factor". Of course "they" are not going to find a cure. Can you even start to think what that would mean? Think about all the lucrative businesses out there that would fold. No Siree Bob. This "War On Cancer" is as bogus as musiclover thinks the Eat Right for Your Type diet is! haha
It's no War. Not at all. They want us to believe they are making great gains and lots of progress so they throw us a bone every so often.
Go to and read their archived articles on this very thing. Dr. Moss was a researcher with Memorial Sloan-Kettering and he can tell you about conver-ups and how the spin is put out there on new drugs. It's so much bahooey.
I'm not bitter about it because I have not engaged in it (having done all alternatives and didn't buy into their drug regimens), but it sure pisses me off for all of you who are suffering at their hands. THAT'S what pisses ME off!!!!
Doctors take an oath to do no harm and daily I read about all the horrible affects of chemo and what your bodies are going through.
Even if my cancer comes back I will NEVER regret that I did not do the chemo and that I chose a route that did not include lining the pockets of the EVIL pharmaceuticals. Thankfully I believe in a just God and the greedy will get their just rewards.
ok well, I better get off my soapbox now and go play outside in this beautiful sunshine!
peace, emily who would rather juice a carrot than pop a pill.
AMEN!!!0 -
Indeed money makes the world go round as they say. Think about the environment as a case in point. Any environmental "problem" that you can think of comes down to money....and NO, "they" do not care about the ramifications to the "common man". It is called democracy, sadly and there is nothing at all patriotic about it! OK, well that is how I feel on my more cynical days. However, I have to believe that there are good people out there who are fighting and striving to find cures and who honestly want to help people. With that being said, there are no less than 10,000 new chemicals being used in household products now than there were in 1900 and endless combinations of those 10,000+ which are tested individually for product safety, not in combination!
The only thing I feel we can do, other than getting on the bandwagon about protecting our MOTHER EARTH, is to spread the word to others about being tested EARLIER! I for one also spared my best friends sister from my fate. She was only 26 when she had blood in her stools and I urged her to go in for a colonoscopy. Knowing what happened to me, she did and was found to have pre-cancerous polyps! The next year at her colonoscopy she was found to have more polyps! No doubt she would have been diagnosed w/ cancer had she not gotten them out, which she never would have done at the age of 26 had she not known!
Alta, your daily routine sounds like a good one anyway, regardless of CRC!
-Susan.0 -
Are they doing enough? Well, that's a loaded question.
The short answer is - no, same as more can be done to cure all kinds of nasty diseases. I'd like to think that no beautiful innocent children will ever be plagued with childhood leukemia ever ever again. Even more existtential than that, I wish every child in the world has clean water and not go to bed hungry.
But, not enough is just reality. Unless of course if you're an oil company and you need government subsidies to the tune of 6b last year. But I do digress. There are so many competing interests vying for a limited amount of resources - intelligence, money, time etc. The US government did put a lot of money into cancer research, but years later, the War on Cancer turned up very little tangible results. What improved survival rate over the years turned out to be early detection and vigilence.
My mother is a univ. professor in genetics. Most of her students, the brightest and the most caring, are currently in cancer research at NIH and many other prestigious places around the world. From their standpoint, they are doing something about it everyday. That said, cancer is not a single disease but a class of diseases - it's a hard nut to crack. So the optimist in me says a lot of smart people working on it will result in something positive. The scared cancer survivor in me desperately hope and wish that more can be done so there's less suffering in the world. So what gives?
Going back to early detection - not only in increses survival rate, it decreases treatment cost. So I think until a breakthrough happens, early detection is our best ally. This is why I ask all of us to get off our chairs right now and give 10 cheers to KathiM for the work that she's doing - to lobby insurance companies to pay for early screening. 10 cheers for KathiM - the lady with the peach fuzz, spare balls and a world of enthusiam and positve energy. And, while we are up, go and tell everyone to go and tested! Help spread the word - it's the same as help to spread the cure.
The fact that they found polyps in your 21-year old probably just save her from surgery and chemo 10 years later. So there - you're an angel of a parent to have gotten her into the test.
Will there ever be a day where there is no cancer? I don't think so. I think cancer is just a part of life - when cells go bad. But ya know what, even with today's technology, early cancers are very treatable. And every body who has a polys nipped is a life saved.
Nouf rambling from me - I am going to go off and yell colonoscopy at at least 6 people today!
Ying0 -
The fact that there are more and more cases of cancer today and especially among young people is not entirely surprising to me. For these reasons:
1. Our environment - air that we breathe in, decreasing ozone layers, extermination of trees and forests, multitude of cars on roads every day, pollution, hazardous waste, etc, etc.
2. Water we drink - full of chemicals. I would not drink any single drop of tap water. I put it through Brita filter. But I am sure that some chemicals still get into my water.
3. Food that we eat - pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and chemicals that they inject into animals for speedy growth, etc. I envy people who can go on organic vegetables and grains alone. I can not because of my hypoglycemia and I need animal protein and I have to eat every 4 hours. And I can not afford to buy organic meat.
4. Food habits of majority of population - obesity problem, eating junk food, eating tremendous amounts of sugar, etc.
5. Chemicals everywhere.
6. Tremendous amount of stress in our daily lives and inability of many to deal with it.
7. Alcohol and smoking addiction.
8. Multitude of people in this country are suffering from depression and other mental disorders. As the result they take some form of drugs. The depression alone can lead to cancer. And psychotropic drugs in my opinion are very dangerous.
9. Other numerous drugs being prescribed to people. This is all chemistry. And I believe that chemistry is poison.
10. Multutude of people are suffering from allergies which I strongly believe are result of polluted environment.
11. Cancer does not happen if there is no big reason. Besides the known fact of inheritance, immune systems failing, I believe that toxins must be playing big part in why cancer happens.
12. My personal religious vews on this world and what I believe Bible says will happen - I see this is happening.
I am 43 now. I was brought up and raised in Europe, came here 14 years ago. When I was growing up I have never heard of children getting allergy. However, when I was in my late 20's I heard many cases of allergy. I still did not hear of so many cases of cancer among young people until recently, I mean last few years. By few I mean like around 5-7.
And, of course, I agree with everyone above about this being money making business for medical and pharmaceutical industry.
And, of course, I believe in early prevention.
But I also believe in the saying "If you do your best, God will do the rest". So, I believe it would be a good idea to follow the healthy life style.0 -
Perhaps, if it were 1900, all things being equal, I suppose we would have all died of "colic" by now. However, I have to wonder if we lived in another era (pre industrial revolution), if the "spontaneous mutations" which have happened to many of us would have occured. True, we do have alot to be thankful for. I am glad that knowledge about the foods we eat is increasing! I only wish that I knew as a child what I know now. I also would like to see mainstream doctors come back around to treating the whole patient, rather than just treating the symptoms.jams67 said:Remember that the average span of life a 100 years ago was 45. We may not have perfect health care, but we've come a long way. jams
Susan.0 -
Hi Alta -
You raise some good issues. I can be as radical as they come, but I also know that 30 years ago they mostly just just "opened you up", said "nothing can be done" and that was it.
So, there has been some progress.
Has there been enough progress? No. And given all the tech progress that has been made, it does make you wonder. But, cancer is many diseases, not just one. So, more difficult to fight this beast. There will probably never be "A cure" for "cancer".
I am not pleased by the progress made by the "War on Cancer", but as a Stage IV CRC patient, I am also pretty sure that 20 years ago (or even 10) I would not be alive today. So, there is progress.
I share your cynical view of pharmaceutical companies and other researchers, but I have to say that since my diagnosis I have met some fine medical doctors and researchers. And, thus, I don't believe it is all bad - there are smart folks out there doing research to try and help us.
I just hope they can help in my lifetime. And, I remain skeptical, but also know that I have met dedicated researchers who want nothing more than a "cure" for us.
Tough issues to think about.
Betsy0 -
I have those kind of grumpy days too as I ponder the exact same questions you are asking. My best answer hurts, but it the only truth I think is out there.
They (the entire medical industry)are doing exactly what we are telling them to do. We vote every time we spend the money and time taking their legal drugs and allowing for less then stellar treatment options after 30 plus years and billions and billions of $$$$$$ spent on the "war on cancer" Nixon declared in 1974.
We are too easy to predict; we eat anything sold to us if it is easy, quick food like "stuff" that taste good, we eat it every day, especially if it keeps our kids happy and quiet. (we don't care if they are obese, happy is good enough). My family and I eat and do as we please because we know "they" will come up with a magic pill/pills one day soon to fix all the ills we have done to ourselves.
We are not responsible or accountable for our own health, it is someone elses responsiblity to make us feel better and take care of us. That is what insurance is for. But don't talk to me about the rising costs of health care. That is not our fault, all those illegal immigrants are causing the dramatic increases yearly.
We are not willing to change anything we are doing to or for ourselves, so just hurry up and give us that magic pill and we will hope like hell it works.
We don't expect prevention, we just want early detection and a cure, no matter the impact to us personally, physically, emotionally, or financially.
My point is the medical industry is giving us exactly what we ask for....a chance....nothing more. As long as we justify and accept what they are giving us, why should they change? I personally pray and work towards the hope that no one has to go thru what I have the last 3 years.
Lisa P.0 -
Yes, you are a bit grumpy...but you have just as much right to that as I do to laughter.
Humans have a tendency to look for someone or something to blame. With a few exceptions (like lung cancer in smokers), cancer has no overall group to blame. Blatent misdiagnosis is another exception, and that is MY big grip.
And, yes, as a matter of fact, I AM going to WASHINGTON in September. DO YOU participate in things like grassroots advocacy programs...C3 or ACS CAN or even RELAYS?
If you look at the straight stats, there are more people in the world, which leads to more people dx with cancer and other ills. Pure percentages actually show that cancer has DECREASED on the empirical numbers for the first time. Period.
As far as 'they', there would be more money in having cancer be a chronic disease like herpes or other static illnesses. NO money would need to be spent on research, so the bottom line would be much better.
Other replies here say it I will stop...
Hugs, Kathi0 -
no I don't think they are doing much, and they are denying anything that doesn't have the blessing of the $ Gods. You doctor won't talk to you about alternatives, stating there is no "science" or studies to prove the new or old protocol; in many cases the doctors can't speak to the patient about alternatives unless the patient asks. Big drugs is as powerful as big oil, and they intend to stay that way. Even ACS is controlled by funds from big drugs-i wouldn,t be suprised to find them lurking here.. Cancure is trying to do something - they have created a forum for study to obtain more information about alternatives-a forum where anyone can contribute experience, data, etc about any new protocol, its success or failure, etc. Go
there and create your own survey..
If they can spend 900 billion on IRAQ, we need to convince them that cancer is a terrorist plot, and
that it originates in the middle east..then watch them throw the dollars at cancer research.
IT's really a lifestyle disease which is destroying our immune systems with "dead" food..but again the govt subsidies would never allow people to stop eating meat, sugar, and junk food..what would the cattle ranchers do? The corn && dairy farmers? You are what you eat, and it is killing you..0 -
I do agree with the 'you are what you eat', Bud...and our fast food, high fat diet is not good for ANYONE's health...nanuk said:no I don't think they are doing much, and they are denying anything that doesn't have the blessing of the $ Gods. You doctor won't talk to you about alternatives, stating there is no "science" or studies to prove the new or old protocol; in many cases the doctors can't speak to the patient about alternatives unless the patient asks. Big drugs is as powerful as big oil, and they intend to stay that way. Even ACS is controlled by funds from big drugs-i wouldn,t be suprised to find them lurking here.. Cancure is trying to do something - they have created a forum for study to obtain more information about alternatives-a forum where anyone can contribute experience, data, etc about any new protocol, its success or failure, etc. Go
there and create your own survey..
If they can spend 900 billion on IRAQ, we need to convince them that cancer is a terrorist plot, and
that it originates in the middle east..then watch them throw the dollars at cancer research.
IT's really a lifestyle disease which is destroying our immune systems with "dead" food..but again the govt subsidies would never allow people to stop eating meat, sugar, and junk food..what would the cattle ranchers do? The corn && dairy farmers? You are what you eat, and it is killing you..
MY philosophy is that if you feel something needs to be changed, PARTICIPATE in the change, don't just complain about it....look what has happened since people got involved with the stop smoking campaign....
The bed you make is the one you lie in....
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Your message evoked strong responses so I would like to give my perspective:
To answer the question "has enough been done?" is, I believe, difficult to answer in a meaningful way. There has been, and continues to be, much effort and resource utilized in trying to develop new treatments for cancer. Unfortunately, not all scientific discoveries lead to new treatments. New discoveries that initially look promising very often do not pan out for reasons of either lack of safety or lack of efficacy (or both) which emerge along the path to bringing new drugs to patients. Drug development is not a matter of building widgets. Human beings are complex biological organisms and there are many factors which influence the interactions between drugs and patients and disease processes. Cancer is equally complex. As scientists learn more detail about what cancer is and how to attack it, novel drugs are being developed. For example, many of the newer "targeted therapies" under development today for cancer are starting to show promise and some of these are now approved for patient use. It was not very long ago that other "promising" new drugs failed to live up to expectations. Each step provides new information to build upon.
Just as drug combinations containing protease inhibitors revolutionized the treatment of HIV disease, some believe medicine is at the cusp of treating cancer in a more meaningful way. Only time will tell if this is the turning point.
Howard0 -
Well Hey!KathiM said:I do agree with the 'you are what you eat', Bud...and our fast food, high fat diet is not good for ANYONE's health...
MY philosophy is that if you feel something needs to be changed, PARTICIPATE in the change, don't just complain about it....look what has happened since people got involved with the stop smoking campaign....
The bed you make is the one you lie in....
Hugs, Kathi
That's EXACTLY why I have spent the good part of the last 4 1/2 years on this forum espousing the benefits of juicing and tossing out all the junk food and educating anyone who wants to listen that CANCER FEEDS ON SUGAR so quit your candy and pop and alcohol and junk!
JUICE!!! and live.
peace, emily0 -
These posts are incredible. How informative!!!! I have my moments of believing there will be no cure. The big question has never been does cancer start? What causes the cells to turn goofy? We still do not know. I really think chemo is such an ancient way to fight this disease. Poison to kill cells. There has got to be a better way. Also, the pharm companies are making soo much money. All of this just makes me confused and mad at the same time. I just pray to God that we find an answer to this horrible beast. The beast has hit many friends of mine. I am sick of seeing the devastation of this disease.0
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