Even more depressed...

pink05 Member Posts: 550
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your words of support this weekend. You guys are great. I really don't know what I would do without you.

Well, now I'm even more depressed. I talked to my dad's onc today and he told me that my dad won't be able to have the radio frequency procedure done because the tumor is resting on a vein in the liver. I am so devastated. I was so happy when we first found out that the tumor shrank so much. Now I am really sad. I thought that the RFA procedure might put my dad in remission. Now the onc said we have to take it on a step by step basis. Of all places for a tumor to be, why did it have to be on a vein? I heard that the liver is filled with veins so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I just don't think my dad will get cured of this disease and it sounds like the onc doesn't think so either. I guess I shouldn't have expected much since he is stage IV. It's just that I have read so many success stories from so many of you out there. I think the difference is that some of you were able to have liver resections, but my dad can't have that done, so I think that makes it more difficult to get rid of this tumor. Sorry to blabber on. I haven't felt this down in a while.

I'm also scared because my dad lost a lot of weight this week and the onc said that chemo alone does not make you lose weight. My dad has a huge appetite no diarrhea, and says he feels fine, so why is he losing weight? The onc wants me to watch this closely. What if it is caused by a tumor? Anyway, the onc wants my dad to use a supplement like ensure or boost and to eat lots of fatty foods with lots of calories. I don't know if eating lots of fatty foods is such a good idea. To all of you nutritional experts out there...can you recommend a good way for my dad to gain weight without consuming lots of sugar and fat? Maybe a healthy protein shake? Please help!!!!

Thank you all for listening. Sorry I sound so negative, but it hasn't been a good day and I'm not feeling very optimistic.

God bless you all,



  • mindy10
    mindy10 Member Posts: 182 Member
    Hi Lee, I Wouldnt be so concerned about the weight thing. My dad lost alot of weight on chemo to and he drank ensure and it helped. How much weight did he actually lose? My fathers dr said chemo doesnt make you lose weight but each time he went on chemo he lost weight. Mindy
  • offutt9
    offutt9 Member Posts: 88
    Hi!! Lee!!! I am sorry about your dad. I don't write much on this site because I have primary liver cancer. I do however read this site and these people are wonderful!!! They are very caring and knowledgeable. My cancer is rare, its called angiosarcoma of the liver. Its in the blood vessels of my liver, not in my liver... I have had 2 RFA's done and am now needing another. I cannot have resection , nor a transplant. RFA has saved my life,(of course God is the great physician). I don't understand why your dad can't have the RFA. I guess there is something more I don't know, but I wanted you to know about me and my type of cancer. They had no hope for me....I found another doctor who did. Plese just look to God for peace. We may never know the "WHY" but God does and if we lean on him, he will get us all thru. I will be praying for you and your Dad. I know it is hard. I just lost my brother to esophegal cancer with mets to everywhere... But with God, I will make it... and so will you...In Gods Love.... Barbara
  • Jen28
    Jen28 Member Posts: 45

    I'm sorry to hear that your dad's oncologist doesn't think the radio frequency procedure can be done. Has your dad gotten a second opinion? If not, it might open up some new treatment avenues, or if not, give you peace of mind that right now, everything that can be done is being done.

    I'm not sure about the weight thing. I've lost some weight on chemo despite eating like crazy and I've thought that it's because my body is using more energy to rebuild the healthy cells that chemo kills. The Naked Juice brand of protein shakes are high in protein and calories. You can make your own protein shakes with whatever kind of fruit you like, protein powder and soy milk. The protein powder is fairly high in calories. There are also foods that are high in calories and fat, but are still pretty healthy--nuts, avocado, olive oil, etc. You could mix up some nuts and dried fruit for him to snack on, have him add avocado to sandwiches, etc. I'm not sure whether you should worry right now about sugar and fat, though. If your dad's oncologist is really worried about his weight loss, you might consider encouraging him to eat whatever it takes to bring his weight up, and then once his weight is at a healthy level focus more on getting him to eat healthier foods.

    I'm sorry that you're going through such a tough and scary time. It sounds like your dad is really lucky to have you there.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Aw, Lee, how much more do you need to hear? I am SOOO sorry...
    As far as the fat...I lost 30 pounds in 1 1/2 months. I was told to eat ANYTHING that tasted good...Ice cream included (I ate Bryers...at least there is no artificial stuff in it). And I too still lost weight, although more slowly.
    I agree that your dad is very lucky to have you...but please, do watch your OWN health...you would be no good to him if you worried yourself into illness...then you couldn't be around him AT ALL (because chemo can weaken the immune system).
    Sending BIG GOOD vibes to you both.
    Hugs, Kathi
  • cherriann
    cherriann Member Posts: 155 Member
    hi lee,
    i too am having a hard time with weight loss as i was already thin. there are times to worry about the fatty foods but i think at this point they are more concerned with the weight loss. you are in my thoughts and prayers.