
Kitty3571 Member Posts: 48
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello all,
I've been reading a lot on this site about people getting osteoporosis - Exactly what kind of meds are causing this to happen or does it just come with having cancer? Sounds like a dumb question but I don't know anything about it. I'm concerned of course - I had BC surgery in February, 2006, had 3 treatments of A&C with one more to go, starting Taxol/Herceptin in June, then rads for who knows how long?!?!? Any suggestions on what I should be taking as calcium supplements and or vitamins at this stage? I'm 39 and am in pretty good health - oh yeah, except for the "C" - ha,ha
Thanks to all for this awesome site which I've already found to be very helpful. Kitty


  • LesleyH
    LesleyH Member Posts: 370
    Hi Kitty,

    Best wishes for the rest of your treatment. I hope you are doing well.

    I saw an RD and I found her suggestions very helpful. She suggested that I take a Calcium + Vitamin D supplement after my treatment ended. (I take Better Bones with Calcium from the Vitamin Cottage. It has magnesium and vitamin D3 - the good vitamin D). I was told to take nothing but a multivitamin during treatment. I do exercise regularly and so far am holding onto my bones.


  • tlmac
    tlmac Member Posts: 272 Member
    Hi Kitty, Osteoporosis isn't uncommon as we age. Menopause brings about a reduction in estrogen production which thins the density of our bones. Chemotherapy can bring the onset of menopause early for some women. Add to that, the aromatase inhibitor drugs like Arimidex and Femara which block the adrenal gland from converting androgen to a weak estrogen, even after the ovaries have stopped producing (for postmenopausal women whose cancer was ER+). This is the combination that brought on my osteoporosis. Luckily, my gynecologist sent me for a DEXA scan (to check bone density) as soon as I started taking Arimidex in May 2003, following all cancer treatments, and then prescribed Fosamax. This I take weekly, in addition to 1200mg Calcium + D daily. My osteoporosis is now in reversal. Calcium, alone, can't do that. You are still pretty young but you should discuss your concerns with your gynecologist. He/she can check your bone density, following treatment, and advise. Good luck with the rest of your treatment.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I was osteopenic (thin bones) before I started my cancer journey. I then had a total hysterectomy, which removed most of my estrogen...and viola! Osteoporosis! I will begin either Fosomax or Boniva, and have already upped my calcium intake (which won't reverse the condition, but will stop it from getting worse). Ask your doc about a Dexa scan...doesn't hurt, and then you will have knowledge to start a plan of action.
    Oh yeah, and I am 50 years young...just the time this stuff starts even WITHOUT the big 'C'
    Hugs, Kathi
  • cammie
    cammie Member Posts: 102
    Kitty - you touched on the very subject that I have been researching on my own. I was only 37 when I was dianoised with cancer. I too now had osteoporosis. My T score is so bad that the Drs. say that I had osteoporosis prior to the breast cancer. I believe that the very reason that I had such a large tumor was that my body was trying to get more estrogen to help to fix the osteoporosis. You know are body does try to heal itself. By producing large amounts of estrogen that helped my tumor grow. Being on Tamoxifin will be the best for osteoporosis, because it is a drug for osteoporosis as well as Cancer. I also am having Pamidrinite Infussions every 3 months to help with it as well. I believe that if we started to get bone dentisty tests for osteoporosis along with a mammograms, anyone that had osteoporosis would be at a higher risk for the breast cancer. Someone should really do studies on that. Cammie
  • Elizabeth247
    Elizabeth247 Member Posts: 1
    LesleyH said:

    Hi Kitty,

    Best wishes for the rest of your treatment. I hope you are doing well.

    I saw an RD and I found her suggestions very helpful. She suggested that I take a Calcium + Vitamin D supplement after my treatment ended. (I take Better Bones with Calcium from the Vitamin Cottage. It has magnesium and vitamin D3 - the good vitamin D). I was told to take nothing but a multivitamin during treatment. I do exercise regularly and so far am holding onto my bones.



    My doctor recommended I take magnesium and calcium together because the magnesium helps carry the calcium to the bones. I have been using Jigsaw Health's calcium and magnesium, and they are working great for me! I think the website is jigsawhealth.com
    Hope this helps,
  • Kitty3571
    Kitty3571 Member Posts: 48
    Thanks to everyone for the very helpful information. I really appreciate the responses. God bless, take care! Kitty