Andrea's Picture

deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Everyone,

I was heartbroken to hear about Andrea's passing. I thought if anyone was going to beat this it was her. It's so sad and tragic. I was reading the guestbook at this link that Lisa Rose provided and if you click on her name at the top of the page it brings you to her obituary where there is a picture of her. She looked as sweet and sincere as she always sounded in her posts. She was a very pretty girl.

Best Wishes To All,


  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I have often wondered what had become of Andrea. For those of you who do not remember she was very active on this board until around December. It is very humbling to know that this disease can affect someone so young. It could so easily be any one of us in her position. I was diagnosed at a young age as well, 31, however, I suppose that I actually had "the polyp" at the age of 21 since it takes so long for a polyp to form and turn cancerous. I will certainly be thinking of Andrea and holding vigil tomorrow morning. May she find the solace in heaven that she did not have in life. I can safely say that her strength was an inspiration to us all!
    What a shame,
    Susan H.