Calling all alternative eating guru's....

tkd3g Member Posts: 767
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
OK, I need to eat more fruits and veggies, cut back on proteins, drink more water, take my supplements and eat my fiber and flaxseed.

So tell me, how do you get out of the house? Graphic here: Between the flatuence and frequent ( make that almost non-stop) bathroom trips, I am afraid to go out. ( might be just as well for the public :) )

I even told my colorectal guy I was REALLY worried that I might have a reoccurence. The gas and frequent ...poohs, mimic my CA symptoms.

Lucky for me it wasn't.

But seriously, does the body correct itself? Will I get past this stage? I never had this problem before while eating so healthy. THen again, I had a rectum and a couple more feet of colon.

Any suggestions?

Barb ( whose daughter said of a recent slip of gaseous wind..."It's ok mom, I'm used to it.")



  • drmrgirl47
    drmrgirl47 Member Posts: 129
    Hi Barb,
    I guess I have the same problem. I used to eat healthier. I am now 2 years NED and I have not been the same. I do not have a rectum either. Sometimes I go to the bathroom 19-20 times a day. I think I average approximately 6-8. Sometimes 3 (that's a good day). I really can't eat fruits, veggies, fiber. But I do anyway and I am always in the bathroom. If I have to go out, I take Lomotil and I do have to watch what I eat at times. I eat like a horse and eat whatever I like, knowing that some foods will be worse than others. I guess I have just become accustomed to this way of life. I cannot work as I do suffer from that damn flatulance and excessive bms. So believe me, I know how you feel. But I feel like I lead a pretty normal life otherwise. I am pretty active and don't let this problem stop me from too many things. My doctor says it takes a long time for the body and colon to become a normal rectum and mine is doing okay. It was much worse last year. He said in 10 years the colon will completely be trained as a rectum! Anyway, in answer to your question, everyone is different as you know, and yes things do get better and you will get past this stage. Like my husband says, "what's the alternative!" My suggestions are: If you do have to go out, be wary of your diet; I found that meat, onions, and certain breads and cereals are real killers in the gas department..Also I take 2 lomotil 1/2 hour before I eat or sometimes after to stop the bms. It works okay for me. OH, and I also have Nu-Lev. It is like Lomotil only it works faster (put under the tongue) but doesn't last as long. Feel free to email me if you like. I have a question for you. Do your bm's come in flurries? Like, mine will start after dinner and I will go every 20 minutes for around 2 hours and then it stops and I am fine. If I take the Lomotil I can stop this and go about my business. Good luck, Annette
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Elaine/Barb -

    I'm certainly no alternative eating guru (unless you consider the celery in a Bloody Mary or the olive in a martini alternative eating...

    Anyway, what about Beano and/or probiotic yogurt?

    Isn't parsley supposed to help quell the rumble from below?

    Just some random thoughts from a no guru...

  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Barb,

    Here is another thought. How about a "greens" supplement so you don't have to eat some many "real" veggies? Do you have a juicer? That helps get the nutrients without giving the runs I think. And like was said below, if it gets too bad, I take immodium. I have to watch that because I don't want to be back the other way. Take care!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hey girlfriend!

    So a bit gassy are we??

    HAve you tried probiotics? Maybe a little tweaking of the intestinal flora will help?

    Sorry I wish I could help you more but nice to know you are not an @$$#0!e.

    Remember my joke about that all colon cancer survivors are such nice people?......

    peace, emily who's a 3-4 pooh-per-day gal