Reply to Kathi

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Not at all Kathi...please let them know straight out that this disease, just like other cancers, does not discriminate, especially not based on age. Most people here, including my Bert, need never, ever have had this disease if proper screening (the gold standard colonoscopies) had been performed. Come on folks, we all know our bodies pretty much better than any doctor does and for them to tell us and TREAT us for other symptoms simple because we haven't reached that magic number of 50 for the colonoscopy is rediculous. This is true for everyone and most especially for those who have family history, as was Bert's case. When they removed his tumor back in 2003, estimated growth time was 5 to 6 years, so he got it in his early 40's. Right about right cause his dad died at 57 of right sided colon cancer. And that's why Michael, our son, will have his colonoscopy next year. It shouldn't have to come to that.

I get so angry about this every single time. Sorry folks...just needed to get it off my chest....AGAIN!!!

Monika :o)


  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Monika,

    I agree whole heartedly. My surgeon said that because I was dx at 42, my kids need to have the colonoscopy at 30 yrs old. They are young yet but I am going to make sure they get it then. I'm working on my sister getting a colonoscopy too. And my husband since his mother has chrones disease. I want to make sure everyone is ok after my scare. I never thought it was cancer. Maybe diverticulitis or colitus. I was shocked as much as my GI dr when they found the tumor. I'm also talking it up at work hoping that it will get others to make sure they get colonoscopies. Want others to learn from my mistakes since right now I can't do a "do over". :)

    Take care.

  • crazylady
    crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
    My children have been told to have colonoscopies when they are 30 due to my diagnosis at 46 and family history. My oldest is 27. When she brought it up to her physician recently he told her it was unecessary and could wait until age 35, that he would not refer her at 30 and that the insurance wouldn't cover it. Lukily she has some time to find another doctor and work on this, but how rediculous! It makes me extremely angry!
  • Btrcup
    Btrcup Member Posts: 286
    My husband was dx at the age of 42. The docs said the tumor had been growing for approx. 10 years. My children will both start getting colonoscopies in their early 30's. The more I "talk" to people on these boards, the more I believe screening should begin at age 40...not 50.

  • deneenb
    deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member
    I just got the results of the colonoscopy I had last week. Less than 2 years ago I had one and they found a hyperplastic?? polyp which is the kind that will never turn into cancer. This year they found 2 adenomas which are the type that turn into cancer. I am 41 years old. My dad was 59 when he was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer in 2004. If my Dad didn't have cancer I never would have had any colonoscopies until at least age 50. With 2 adenomas in there at 41 I probably would have been diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer at age 50. Because of my recent results my kids should start getting screened at 30, however, my 21 year old daughter has been having problems that they keep chalking up to "IBS". I am going with her to the next visit and demanding a colonoscopy now. Knowing what I know now I refuse to wait when I see problems brewing already.

    Best Wishes,
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    deneenb said:

    I just got the results of the colonoscopy I had last week. Less than 2 years ago I had one and they found a hyperplastic?? polyp which is the kind that will never turn into cancer. This year they found 2 adenomas which are the type that turn into cancer. I am 41 years old. My dad was 59 when he was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer in 2004. If my Dad didn't have cancer I never would have had any colonoscopies until at least age 50. With 2 adenomas in there at 41 I probably would have been diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer at age 50. Because of my recent results my kids should start getting screened at 30, however, my 21 year old daughter has been having problems that they keep chalking up to "IBS". I am going with her to the next visit and demanding a colonoscopy now. Knowing what I know now I refuse to wait when I see problems brewing already.

    Best Wishes,

    Fully agree with you all here. The stupid part about all this is the "enormous" cost saving on prevention rather than waiting for the inevitable HUGE treatment costs. How many lives could be saved. Senseless stupidity by our law both our countries.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Thanks for all of your posts!
    I had a phone conference today about the 18th, and I told them there that 50 is just way too late (these were ACS people). Another caller/representative said much the same...
    This has become my own personal cause. It is sooo rediculous, since with timely and proper screening (even a fecal blood test) most of the instances (sadly, not all) of CRC could be eliminated thru removal of polyps BEFORE they become cancer!
    Thanks again,
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    KathiM said:

    Thanks for all of your posts!
    I had a phone conference today about the 18th, and I told them there that 50 is just way too late (these were ACS people). Another caller/representative said much the same...
    This has become my own personal cause. It is sooo rediculous, since with timely and proper screening (even a fecal blood test) most of the instances (sadly, not all) of CRC could be eliminated thru removal of polyps BEFORE they become cancer!
    Thanks again,

    Haven't read the original post yet, but I'm going to agree that the general scoping age needs to be lowered and if there are "symptoms" a scope just needs to be performed.

    I was 26/27 when I was diagnosed at Stage III. I was 23 maybe 24 the first time I went to the doctor with any problems. If I had INSISTED on a scope I would have been diagnosed at maybe Stage I or Stage II as I think it was already cancerous... but there was NO reason it had to get to Stage III.

    We should start a petition to lower the age limit as how many of us are under 50 at dx...
  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    I agree with everyone else. I was so mad to find out in the begining that the starting age for colonoscopies were 50. Like I stated mine started at 46 and probably had been there for 10 years already. I was stage 3 when it was found. I think it should be done earlier then 50.