Rectal bleeding from hemorrhoid 1mo being off Xeloda

Rosesoph Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all:

My father (Stage 3 colon cancer and 3 out of 16 Lymph Nodes positive for metastatic adenocarcinoma) was working outside this past Sat sitting on grass painting the fence. He experienced some rectal bleeding from a hemorrhoid when he came in.
He says it stopped bleeding right away.
This really worries me. He had some rectal bleeding when he first started the Xeloda and
He's due to see the oncologist in another month for most likely another follow up CT scan. He just finished his last cycle of Xeloda on 3/6/06. He had colon surgery 9/05.

I'm wondering if he should go in to see his internal med doc about this or wait till he sees the oncologist the first week of May.

Any advice ?


  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Rosesoph,

    Maybe it is just me but I would say he needs to contact someone about it. My reactions now is not to let things go. This is why I am in my situation now with the colon cancer. Hugs and good luck.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Tough call,

    It's a 50/50 chance kind of thing. I myself know emphatically when one of my roids is bleeding. Don't make me go into details, just trust me when I say I KNOW. Your dad could be the same.

    Lisa P.
  • 4law
    4law Member Posts: 110 what put most of us here! Have him see his doctor right away -- let his doctor decide if it's important or not. Why take any chances? At the very least, he should call. Good luck and let's hope it is not anything serious.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    4law said: what put most of us here! Have him see his doctor right away -- let his doctor decide if it's important or not. Why take any chances? At the very least, he should call. Good luck and let's hope it is not anything serious.

    Yup, I agree. I make a joke about "Canceritis", but still I ask about EVERYTHING. The day after I bled, I was seeing my GP, I believe it made the difference between stage II (which I was) and stage III!
  • joanneire
    joanneire Member Posts: 75 Member
    KathiM said:

    Yup, I agree. I make a joke about "Canceritis", but still I ask about EVERYTHING. The day after I bled, I was seeing my GP, I believe it made the difference between stage II (which I was) and stage III!

    My boyfriend has had been on Xeloda and has had bleeding- 2 scopes and nothing sinister. Still better to get in checked. He said the bleeding was quite different to the initial bleeding pre colon cancer diagnosis.