What can I eat?

charelaine Member Posts: 36
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I posted this in another topic, but wanted to make sure that people have a chance to see my question. I have read several different opinions in several different places on what you should eat to prevent cancer. The trouble is, I haven't seen anything that translates into what I should be buying at the store. For example, I have read avoid red meat and sugars, keep your pH balanced. What do you eat to keep your pH balanced? What do you drink, besides water? Can you eat fruit? What about salads? This may seem silly, but any ideas or input would be appreciated.



  • markatger
    markatger Member Posts: 314
    Hi Charlotte,

    There are several books that many on here recomend for guidance on nutrition and other ways to supplement your cancer battle.

    They include :

    Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Patrick Quillin

    How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine by Michael Murray

    These are excellent places to start. Quillan's book includes a chart rating many foods from very good to very bad.

    I myself just made an appointment with a naturopath to help me with nutrition.

    I'm sure others will chime in who are very knowledgable on the subject to provide you with much info and encouragement.

  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Another book I found useful is: What to Eat if You Have Cancer, by Maureen Keane, M.S. and Daniella Chace, M.S.

    It is a guide to adding nutritional therapy to your treatment plan.

    I also found food choices a bit overwhelming when I wanted to adjust my eating habits to a more healthful style.

    Good luck.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hello charlotte,

    I am going to quote from a little book I have:

    Tell Me What To Eat to Help Prevent Colon Cancer by Elaine Magee M.P.H., R.D.

    The American Institute of Cancer Research estimates that as many as 75% of colon cancer cases are preventable by diet.

    Only 5-10% of all colon cancer is considered hereditary.

    For overall cancer prevention these are generally the foods to choose:

    1. Cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables.
    Antioxidant -rich plant foods. this group includes foods rich in the carotenoid family or phytochemicals, vit C, vit E, and selenium, which help reduce damage to tissues from oxygen-seeking free radicals. It's the ORANGE, YELLOW, and DARK GREEN vegetables that tend to be a good source of carotneoids. The citrus fruits, berries, and dark green vegetables are high in vit C.

    2. Whole grains are sources of vit E and selenium.

    3. High-fiber foods.

    Overall these are the food habits to lose:

    High levels of food fat
    High levels of alcohol
    Extra calories (empty calories)

    4. GOOD FATS: omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flaxsees, and various plant sources), monounsaturated fats, and omega-9 fatty acids (olive and canola oils and avocado) have no tumor-enhancing effects on the colon.

    BAD FATS: too much omega-6 fatty acids (corn, safflower, sunflower) will increase prostaglandin E2 which acts as a cancer promoter. Also RED MEAT.

    Vegetable consumption has shown the strongest and most consistent association with colon cancer risk reduction. Fruits are not as protective as veggies.

    Excess iron: recent studies have found a link between high levels of iron and colon cancer. Red meats includes high amounts of iron. Too much iron may increase the formation of free radicals.

    Kidney beans are one of the top plant sources of the omega-3 fatty acids (GOOD fats).

    Trade your meat for beans.

    The three saturated fat sources in the typical American diet are cheese, beef, and milk.

    ok emily here.....

    now the pH connection. Run a Google search on pH. Maybe nanuk can help me here since he emailed me a site that has the list of acid/alkaline. Or buy a book. It's worth it.

    I eat somewhat macrobiotically (The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi) which is eating towards the center.

    I also juice organic fresh veggies every day at least 16 oz. In my heyday of detoxing and healing my Stage 3 colon cancer (4 1/2 yrs ago--with NO chemo) I was juicing 3 quarts a day.

    So here's my typical day of eating:

    First thing inthe morning:

    8 oz unsweetened watered down cranberry juice with 1 T flaxseeds.

    8 oz hot water with 1/2 lemon --this helps to flush my liver first thing in the a.m.

    BLueberry smoothie--1 c blueberries, 1 scoop Barleans Greens (corrects pH balance--we're all more acid in the morning), 1 scoop whey powder or brown rice protein powder, 1 T flax oil.

    Lunch: 1/2 can salmon on greens with carrots and scallions, steamed beets, flax oil and lemon squeezed over all of it as a dressing. Maybe a piece of Ezekiel toast maybe a carrot juice on the side.

    Supper: big pile of steamed brocolli with brown rice and 2 chicken legs or like last night I had 1/2 turkey thigh and a big pile of steamed brocoli. And I had juiced in the afternoon for a "snack". then later after dinner I had an apple snack.

    I try to eat some kind of salad every day. On my busy run around days (I have 5 kids and some days am on the go go go) I always carry a bag of almonds with me. Or I'll stop at the coop and have some hummus and rice crackers (not the rice cakes).

    I check my urine pH with strips and make adjustments accordingly.

    I try to have an apple a day and I also get lots of my daily veggies from the juice.

    Kale (or spinach)
    Barleans Greens
    Flax seeds


    Anything green should help keep you alkalized. Check out a green powder at your coop and drink that every morning if you want to work on staying alkaline.

    The best thing you can do is consult a Naturopathic Doctor who is schooled in cancer nutrition. You will be happy you did.

    And none of this is silly at all. It's your life.

    I don't drink anything other than filtered water, organic fresh veggie juices, herbal tea.

    No diet pops (they're poison) or reg pop (cancer feeding food)

    No coffee (highly acid)

    No alcohol (sugar again)(and acid)

    So what you should buy at the store:

    ORGANIC colorful veggies--especially green.
    ORGANIC colorful fruits (berries and apples)
    ORGANIC WHOLE grains (don't let the commercial whole grain claim fool you--it's full of high fructose corn syrup and Splenda)

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily

    ps. Quillin's book is highly recommended for this issue. There are specific books on pH also.
  • JADot
    JADot Member Posts: 709 Member
    2bhealed said:

    hello charlotte,

    I am going to quote from a little book I have:

    Tell Me What To Eat to Help Prevent Colon Cancer by Elaine Magee M.P.H., R.D.

    The American Institute of Cancer Research estimates that as many as 75% of colon cancer cases are preventable by diet.

    Only 5-10% of all colon cancer is considered hereditary.

    For overall cancer prevention these are generally the foods to choose:

    1. Cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables.
    Antioxidant -rich plant foods. this group includes foods rich in the carotenoid family or phytochemicals, vit C, vit E, and selenium, which help reduce damage to tissues from oxygen-seeking free radicals. It's the ORANGE, YELLOW, and DARK GREEN vegetables that tend to be a good source of carotneoids. The citrus fruits, berries, and dark green vegetables are high in vit C.

    2. Whole grains are sources of vit E and selenium.

    3. High-fiber foods.

    Overall these are the food habits to lose:

    High levels of food fat
    High levels of alcohol
    Extra calories (empty calories)

    4. GOOD FATS: omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flaxsees, and various plant sources), monounsaturated fats, and omega-9 fatty acids (olive and canola oils and avocado) have no tumor-enhancing effects on the colon.

    BAD FATS: too much omega-6 fatty acids (corn, safflower, sunflower) will increase prostaglandin E2 which acts as a cancer promoter. Also RED MEAT.

    Vegetable consumption has shown the strongest and most consistent association with colon cancer risk reduction. Fruits are not as protective as veggies.

    Excess iron: recent studies have found a link between high levels of iron and colon cancer. Red meats includes high amounts of iron. Too much iron may increase the formation of free radicals.

    Kidney beans are one of the top plant sources of the omega-3 fatty acids (GOOD fats).

    Trade your meat for beans.

    The three saturated fat sources in the typical American diet are cheese, beef, and milk.

    ok emily here.....

    now the pH connection. Run a Google search on pH. Maybe nanuk can help me here since he emailed me a site that has the list of acid/alkaline. Or buy a book. It's worth it.

    I eat somewhat macrobiotically (The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi) which is eating towards the center.

    I also juice organic fresh veggies every day at least 16 oz. In my heyday of detoxing and healing my Stage 3 colon cancer (4 1/2 yrs ago--with NO chemo) I was juicing 3 quarts a day.

    So here's my typical day of eating:

    First thing inthe morning:

    8 oz unsweetened watered down cranberry juice with 1 T flaxseeds.

    8 oz hot water with 1/2 lemon --this helps to flush my liver first thing in the a.m.

    BLueberry smoothie--1 c blueberries, 1 scoop Barleans Greens (corrects pH balance--we're all more acid in the morning), 1 scoop whey powder or brown rice protein powder, 1 T flax oil.

    Lunch: 1/2 can salmon on greens with carrots and scallions, steamed beets, flax oil and lemon squeezed over all of it as a dressing. Maybe a piece of Ezekiel toast maybe a carrot juice on the side.

    Supper: big pile of steamed brocolli with brown rice and 2 chicken legs or like last night I had 1/2 turkey thigh and a big pile of steamed brocoli. And I had juiced in the afternoon for a "snack". then later after dinner I had an apple snack.

    I try to eat some kind of salad every day. On my busy run around days (I have 5 kids and some days am on the go go go) I always carry a bag of almonds with me. Or I'll stop at the coop and have some hummus and rice crackers (not the rice cakes).

    I check my urine pH with strips and make adjustments accordingly.

    I try to have an apple a day and I also get lots of my daily veggies from the juice.

    Kale (or spinach)
    Barleans Greens
    Flax seeds


    Anything green should help keep you alkalized. Check out a green powder at your coop and drink that every morning if you want to work on staying alkaline.

    The best thing you can do is consult a Naturopathic Doctor who is schooled in cancer nutrition. You will be happy you did.

    And none of this is silly at all. It's your life.

    I don't drink anything other than filtered water, organic fresh veggie juices, herbal tea.

    No diet pops (they're poison) or reg pop (cancer feeding food)

    No coffee (highly acid)

    No alcohol (sugar again)(and acid)

    So what you should buy at the store:

    ORGANIC colorful veggies--especially green.
    ORGANIC colorful fruits (berries and apples)
    ORGANIC WHOLE grains (don't let the commercial whole grain claim fool you--it's full of high fructose corn syrup and Splenda)

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily

    ps. Quillin's book is highly recommended for this issue. There are specific books on pH also.

    Amen! Emily said it all!