My story

liveformysons Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Testicular Cancer #1
This is my personal journey with TC. I should get my diagnosis on Monday. I will use this post as my online diary. My wife and I are under a significant amount of stress right now and being diagnosed with cancer will only increase that stress. Somehow though i feel in some ways my diagnosis might refocus our family on what is really important, our two boys and our deep love for each other. I have all the confidence that I will make it through. I do worry what the strain will do to my relationship with my wife. I hope by expressing my feelings in some way it will act as therapy. I guess now there are two paths. 1. Walk the cancer survivor path or 2. Fall down the cancer victim path. I choose #1


  • unibal
    unibal Member Posts: 25
    i think you made the right choice. I had TC to, pop into the chat room sometime and maybe youll catch me
  • abartender
    abartender Member Posts: 25
    My name is mark and like you,i felt my choice's were to fight and kick its **** or fold my hand.
    Please go to and get all the information on tc you can , knowledge is a powerful tool in this fight, and can help you feel more comfortable in the choices in the treatment, or treatments you may have to choose from. E- mail sally reid at laf and she will shurely help you threw the ruff spots, while your there ask her to send you lance armstongs "its not about the bike" and "every second counts" they both helped me understand the journey i was about to go on and what to expect. I just got my 3rd year clean of the Big C last week, a lot has transpired since my diag and i've learned so much and am learning more as the time passes. Family , friends, knowledge and Faith are the best way of kicking the the Big C out of our lives & looking back i wouldn't change a thing.
    God Bless and be with you and your Family and watch over and bless you in your choices you have to make, I know 1st hand they are not, and will not be easy, but have Faith and Be stong no matter what comes your way, you have to.
    Always your Brother in the Fight !!!
    Mark a.k.a abartender
  • fomee
    fomee Member Posts: 2
    Hey Man
    Hang in there.
    I'm a 31 yo Pakistani.
    I was diagnose with TC on Jan 1, 2001 ... I was 26 at that time.
    Living in a third world country cud have made things difficult, yet the Shaukat Khanum Hospital has turned out to be a blessing for the cancer patients in Pakistan.
    Nevertheless, underwent chemo and surgeries and was marked ASYMPTOMATIC in June 2001.
    Since then, everything OK..
    Got married a year later.
    Now I got three kids ... a flourishing career and the status of being ASYMPTOMATIC.
    No doubt the tense situation might make u feel anxious, but ... hang in there.... it worked for me.

    Have Fun.
