kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Dot...in answer to your question about our stop-over in San Fran. We "return" via SF on 2nd May(that is if we don't extend...that is a possibility) We have a 13 hour stop-over in SF. As for doing any sightseeing etc., well, I guess it depends on if things are running to schedule. I have been told that airline holdups, etc. can stuff things up. Also to leave the airport would mean having to go thru security all over again and also the airport is about 25 miles I think from the city. We would not want to get caught/held up in traffic etc. and miss our flight. We are supposed to be at check-in about 3 hours before take-off, so I am told. The trouble is, having never flown before we are pretty much uncertain of anything. Having said that it would still be great to meet you...even if only in the airport lounge.
We will basically take things as they come and wait n see how things go once there. Maybe it would be worthwhile for you to keep in touch with us via emails to Kerry or via this site. I am sure we will work something out as the time gets closer.
cheers, Ross and Jen


  • JADot
    JADot Member Posts: 709 Member
    Hi Ross and Jen:

    Welcome to America - soon!

    Suppose it takes you 1 hour to get out (it won't) and 3 hours to get back in, there are still 9 hours left. I can have you safely back in the airport in that time, after having sampled some clam chowder in a sour-dough bread bowl, had your photos taken at the Golden Gate Bridge and shopped for a few trinkets in China town. Worry not! As to traffic - there's a train connection between the airport and the City, so no worries there either. That said, yes, let's stay in touch and work things out later. By then you will see that flying is a cinch and that under the current security rules, your plane with your luggage will wait for you :) Ain't it grand?

    Enjoy your visit, I look forward to meeting you guys!

  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    JADot said:

    Hi Ross and Jen:

    Welcome to America - soon!

    Suppose it takes you 1 hour to get out (it won't) and 3 hours to get back in, there are still 9 hours left. I can have you safely back in the airport in that time, after having sampled some clam chowder in a sour-dough bread bowl, had your photos taken at the Golden Gate Bridge and shopped for a few trinkets in China town. Worry not! As to traffic - there's a train connection between the airport and the City, so no worries there either. That said, yes, let's stay in touch and work things out later. By then you will see that flying is a cinch and that under the current security rules, your plane with your luggage will wait for you :) Ain't it grand?

    Enjoy your visit, I look forward to meeting you guys!


    Hey Ying....will send you some more info later....meanwhile check your priv. messages.
    Oh...and btw...I don't wanna get too personal but your name has asian connotations to it?Now don't go taking this tha wrong way. Jen and I are not racist in ANY way. I am just curious 'cos our last 2 doctors were from south east asia...one a male and the last a female. Unfortunately they have left the district to practice in the city which is a real pity 'cos they were wonderfull doctors to us both.
    Now of course my hypothesis(big word eh?) could be wrong. The other thought I had was that you are "ying" (On a human level, yin symbolizes femininity and inertia) and your hubby is "yang" (On a human level, yang represents masculinity and the positive side of our emotions.)(which suffice to say are the also the wind and water elements...if I am correct of course)
    Dokey okey...nuph from me...I might be leading you up tha garden path here.
    We would love for someone to "navigate" us around SF. I would probably get us lost if I didn't take a compass....lol!
    cheers, Ross n Jen
  • JADot
    JADot Member Posts: 709 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Hey Ying....will send you some more info later....meanwhile check your priv. messages.
    Oh...and btw...I don't wanna get too personal but your name has asian connotations to it?Now don't go taking this tha wrong way. Jen and I are not racist in ANY way. I am just curious 'cos our last 2 doctors were from south east asia...one a male and the last a female. Unfortunately they have left the district to practice in the city which is a real pity 'cos they were wonderfull doctors to us both.
    Now of course my hypothesis(big word eh?) could be wrong. The other thought I had was that you are "ying" (On a human level, yin symbolizes femininity and inertia) and your hubby is "yang" (On a human level, yang represents masculinity and the positive side of our emotions.)(which suffice to say are the also the wind and water elements...if I am correct of course)
    Dokey okey...nuph from me...I might be leading you up tha garden path here.
    We would love for someone to "navigate" us around SF. I would probably get us lost if I didn't take a compass....lol!
    cheers, Ross n Jen

    Hi Ross and Jen:

    Your first guess was right on. I am Chinese. Or I should say that I am a naturalized American citizen. I love that word "naturalized" coz it sounds like some procedure they do at the ASPCA :)

  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    JADot said:

    Hi Ross and Jen:

    Your first guess was right on. I am Chinese. Or I should say that I am a naturalized American citizen. I love that word "naturalized" coz it sounds like some procedure they do at the ASPCA :)


    Hi Ying...cool...if and when we meet we can maybe talk about natural therapy, chinese style, chinese food(love that sort of food) and of course OZ.
    I am born ozzie but the brits tend to refer to us as "born again convicts......lol"
    The only thing we don't have here is the old ball and chain...metinks my "transported to australia....for the term of his natural life, ancestors" probably melted them down to make rabbit traps...he!he!
    Whats ASPCA?
    Be well, be safe gal....Ross n Jen