
pink05 Member Posts: 550
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

I'm a little worried about the new chemo drug (avastin) that my dad's onc will be starting him on today. I've just been reading about some negative side effects associated with the drug. I know that it increases chances of blood clots and strokes in addition to bowel perforation. I'm mainly concerned because my dad is 76 and has a history of hypertension. His onc increased dad's blood pressure meds, but I'm just worried that my dad could still have either a blood clot or stroke while on the avastin. I have expressed these concerns to the onc and told him that I don't want my dad to have serious complications from the chemo regimin he is on. He just said that some patients do die from chemo, but the benefits do outweigh the risks and that he has patients in their 90s taking avastin. He also said that we don't have to add the avastin if we don't want to. Dad did very well with 1st treatment of folfox. I'm just worried about his increased chances of the stroke or clots. Maybe I am just overreacting, but I would feel so horrible if anything happened, however, I also feel like we should be doing everything we can to fight this. My father depends on me to help make the decisions with him (He has a somewhat a difficult time understanding english, especially all the medical terminology). He would rather not be on all these meds, but said he's doing it for his family and trusts that we know what is best for him. It is so difficult for me because I often second guess the decisions we have been making so far. I'd appreciate any comments or advice.

God bless,


  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Hi there, Lee - You are not being too concerned; I welcome your questioning attitude. Avastin is hard stuff and the side effects can be incredibly serious. I was offered the drug in a clinical trial for stage III patients, but I turned it down with no regrets. Genentech/Roche have pulled any new entried to clinical trials for stage III patients due to serious side effects - mortality. Do seek a second or thirtd opinion which takes your dad's complete health history into account. I am sure there are many on the site who will tell you that avastin is a breeze, but I think going down the road of more info is required here. Take care and I hope you do not mind my frankness...I am protective of people being somewhat viewed as guinea pigs for research ; yes, I think that chemo can help, but there is always a price. Just suggesting that you become very informed. All the best to you - Maura
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    there are side effects to avastin; Dr. Ralph Moss
    has just come out with a report on Avastin. he is a former researcher with Sloan Kettering who has gone independent with research on conventional and alternative cancer treatments. The Avastin info can be accessed at Cancer Decisions [subscribe@cancerdecisions.com]
    I am taking Avastin and Erbitux, and have not had any life-threatening side effects to date.
    I did order the report, although I feel that Moss is taking advantage of the cancer community by charging 10.00 for one article. (he used to provide the information free) I also have had problems accessing the site to download the article, so I can't comment on the article at this time. I guess you have to weigh the possible side effects with quality of life and longevity VS
    not taking the drug and prognosis.
    You don't mention your dad's diagnosis/stage, and that could also influence your decision. I assume that he is stage 4 if taking folfox, but that may not be the case; bottom line is that you can only give him as much information as possible, and the decision and consequences are his.. best wishes,
  • Susanbm
    Susanbm Member Posts: 61
    Hello Lee, I have been on Avastin as part of a clinical trial since 4/05. I have Stage III cc. My chemo was 5-FU,Levoucourin & Oxaliplatin and Avastin every 2 weeks for six months. I did develop a blood clot in my arm but it was determined that it was my port that cause the clot, not the avastin. (I met 3 other people last year that also had clots from their ports.) I had no specific side effects while I took the chemo with the avastin but taking the avastin alone has caused me quite a bit of bone and joint pain. From asking the patients at my cancer treatment center, most of them have had no side effects. They are mostly Stage IV and the FDA approved Avastin for Stage IV a couple of years ago. It is my understanding that the clinical trial that was stopped included the combination of Avastin/Xelox and Folfox. It is the Avastin/Xelox combination that appears to have caused the deaths. I also had high blood pressure prior to beginning my chemo. I did have to adjust my bp meds but have had no problems. I am also taking a blood thinner since my blood clot. I must mention that I am much younger than your father(46) which can be a big contributing factor. When I first was offered the trial, I was very nervous about starting it because of all of the proposed side effects. But after researching all of the side effects of just the chemotheraphy, I came to the conclusion for me that the benefits outweighed the risks. And, I knew I had the option of stopping any time I wanted to do so. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father.
  • Dale423
    Dale423 Member Posts: 8
    CAMaura said:

    Hi there, Lee - You are not being too concerned; I welcome your questioning attitude. Avastin is hard stuff and the side effects can be incredibly serious. I was offered the drug in a clinical trial for stage III patients, but I turned it down with no regrets. Genentech/Roche have pulled any new entried to clinical trials for stage III patients due to serious side effects - mortality. Do seek a second or thirtd opinion which takes your dad's complete health history into account. I am sure there are many on the site who will tell you that avastin is a breeze, but I think going down the road of more info is required here. Take care and I hope you do not mind my frankness...I am protective of people being somewhat viewed as guinea pigs for research ; yes, I think that chemo can help, but there is always a price. Just suggesting that you become very informed. All the best to you - Maura


    Are you sure about your information regarding your statement that Genentech/Roche has stopped any new entries into Stage III trials?

    I was recently (March 10, 2006) offered entry into the FolFox6 + Avastin trial and accepted. I have not yet been randomized. Your comments cause me great concern. I've talked to three oncologists regarding side effects of Avastin and all three are relatively positive. Hasn't Avastin been used on Stage IV for quite awhile?

  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Lee -

    If I recall, your Dad is Stage IV? If so, Avastin is probably part of his best hope. Yes it is a serious drug. No doubt about that. But when you balance out all the risks vs benefits, it is probably the way to go.

    I took it for 6 cycles and it caused no problems - not even any minor side effects. My overall response to chemo has been excellent - you can never tell what drug does what, but my onc is pretty sure that Avastin was a major part of the success story.

    Wishing you and your Dad well.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I did Avatin when it was first approved (March 04) and the only side effect I had was that my tumors shrunk like crazy. I had a harder time with the FOLFOX and the Oxyplatin and the neuorpathy. Everyone is different. I had to be off of the Avastin for about a month or so before they would operate because they were afraid my blood would be too thin